Yes, the bleeding heart people do give license to the radicals to annoy or try to destroy the “meanies” on the right who don’t want to fund their latest ideas, but what I am saying is that the bleeding heart people, if they really thought about it, don’t want to bring the whole house down. (They just don’t think about it; they are like the immature children in the back seat who just take for granted that the parents in the front seat will make sure the car gets there.) On the other hand, the radicals actually want to pull the whole house down. For them to have any moral content at all, I assume they imagine (yes, “Imagine”) they would create a wonderful new society after that. Of course, that is completely naive, because in the aftermath of a societal breakdown, the most horrible types of governments take over in the chaos.I think there's a lot of truth to this, but I also think there's a unity of contempt at play. I think a lot of well-meaning liberals are deferential to the hard left crazies with bad intentions, because they harbor hostility for those who oppose the hard left crazies. It's what explains why they'll promote gender ideology in the morning and then fetishize Islamic fundamentalism in the afternoon, even though the latter wants all of them stoned to death or decapitated.