2024 GOP Primary

Good to see the polls trending toward Trump - hope they're correct. Also hope DJT has some coattails - need to see him bring some down-ballot folks with him. It would be very nice to control both houses of Congress as well as the White House.
Every state has a Trump campaign run program to Get Out the Vote for Trump .45 for 47
The object is to find lazy voters or voters who think their vote doesn't matter and encourage them to vote. VERY grassroots with volunteers doing the grunt work BUT the Trump Campaign providing the data.

Even here in Texas the program is being aggressive. Make the vote too big to rig
One thing I have learned is people have felt isolated by media's relentless put downs

Time to stop them
the media have gone out of their way to label DJT supporters as mostly "white non-college educated". That used to be the demographic the Dem's proudly called "Blue Collar" until blue collar started going for the GOP it bigger numbers.

Weekly Prediction Contest

Sat, Oct 26 • 3:15 PM on SECN

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