Malcom's recollection is correct. I actually jotted down some notes on certain things that were said, but I'm out of town right now. I might give more specifics when I get home on Monday if appropriate. It was actually an entertaining conversation at times (Aliyah has an entertaining personality) and quite enlightening in certain respects such as a discussion on how other conference teams act towards our players, her opinion that SEC coaches respect Vic but Big12 coaches do not, and how Haley Jones isn’t the classy player she is played up to be. But I only saw the video because Youtube's algorithm put it in my suggested videos because the click-seeking Youtuber that likely illegally recorded and posted it called it "Vic Schaefer secrets spilled by former and current players", thinking that it would draw bunch of views. The video was an instagram live session that appeared to be hosted by Andrea Espinoza-Hunter, with Aliyah and another former MSU player whose name I can't recall. It occurred sometime in early April. My first thoughts after viewing the video was: (1). there is absolutely no way in hell Aliyah or anyone else in the video consented to it being recorded; (2). it was pretty careless to say some of the things that were said in a non-private forum; and (3). This could be an indication that we weren't going to see Aliyah play for Texas again. In the video, she dogs several of Vic's drills, admits to trying to get out of them (like saying she has to use the restroom), laughs with the other former players about the alleged lack of ingenuity in Vic's offense (but curiously, the Big12 tournament final against Baylor was an example raised by one of the former MSU players, and if memory serves me, we won that game easily - right?), says she tells Blair “girl, I don’t play that”, and if I remember correctly, wasn’t too fond of Vic's frequent religious references and things like having to sign his door every day. YouTube’s rules on video removal allow a video to be taken down if (among other reasons) a person depicted in the video says it was recorded without their consent. Someone apparently got it removed within a few weeks or a month if I remember correctly. The video was up for a few weeks' time minimum. Didn't get a lot of views as I recall (maybe in the couple of 100s or low 1000s), but I'm guessing its existence got back to the staff and they weren’t pleased.