I try to think of it from the AD's perspective. Going into each game, CDC has only two choices: 1) go with Vic as his WBB coach, or 2) find somebody better.
Prior to the game, CDC can not predict the game flow, which players will be hot, or which players may be off (neither can Vic.) Fortunately, CDC doesn't have to. He placed his trust in Vic to lead the program and he supports that coach, yes, even through the lows of the 3-game losing streak in February. He is not expecting undefeated seasons, just yet.
I admit that the sniping wears thin at times. Yes, some of it is constructive, but often it is just plain negative, stemming from the sorrow/disappointment we all feel after a loss. I often wish I could ask the snipers two questions:
1) would you have prefered that CDC replace Vic before the game, since you found fault in our fallible coach? Ironically, there are only two choices available to fans also, 1) support the coach, or 2) lobby CDC to throw the bum out. All of our second guessing will not change history as we review and discuss the game, armed to the teeth with the advantage of 20/20 hindsight.
2) was the game influenced by the players to any degree, or did it hinge solely on coaching decisions and substitution patterns made by the coach? The answer is obvious, it's a little bit of both, but at times in the after-game discussions you would never realize that the players failed to play winning basketball at crucial moments. Or maybe, just maybe, the other guy was better than us on that particular night.
Lastly, I am happy to acknowledge that most of our game, coaching, and roster discussions stem from each person's fundamental desire for the best for our team. May it always be so.