2021 Softball Season

Okay. I wonder why the wording wasn't "I'm going to retire from softball and get on with my life"? But she gave us 2 good years, so she's got the right to move on with her life. Bummed.
Absolutely I wish her nothing but the best and happiness in life. She did amazing things for us and there is no love loss whatsoever. She made a decision for what's best for her and I can't do anything but respect that. Although we lost a great hitter and pitcher we still have the pitching and offense to make it to the world series. Jacobsen and O'leary should have big seasons.
Have no inside information, but I also felt like this was coming. Her social media didn’t have UT on it and it seems like she’s very happy with her girlfriend/partner. I think she’s just ready to start her life. Can’t blame her.

just for reference.. this is the type of stuff she liked and retweeted for the past couple of months. There is no doubt in my mind that she may have had personal problems with teammates which Ultimately led to her leaving
The young lady is 23 years old. Can’t blame her for wanting to move on with her life. Just hope she is not leaving with any bad feelings for Texas. Her exit statement clearly said a Longhorns forever and I hate to try and read anything else in her statement. Best of luck Miranda!
Writeup about the Horns:
COLUMN: Where does Texas softball go from here? - Justin's World of Softball
Obviously, they didn't get all the facts correct as they don't watch the team as much as we do. Their mention that Courtney Day was "unproven" was a sign of sloppy reporting.

I was wondering if other teams were reaching out to Elish to ask if she'd like to pitch for them. I wonder though, she would then be a double-transfer....which I guess could happen as we've seen it in softball more than once.

Actually, I'm looking forward to Ryleigh White pitching. In the Orange/White game, if you were watching from the outfield fence and the jerseys didn't have numbers, you'd swear you were looking at a young Miranda Elish.
Writeup about the Horns:
COLUMN: Where does Texas softball go from here? - Justin's World of Softball
Obviously, they didn't get all the facts correct as they don't watch the team as much as we do. Their mention that Courtney Day was "unproven" was a sign of sloppy reporting.

I was wondering if other teams were reaching out to Elish to ask if she'd like to pitch for them. I wonder though, she would then be a double-transfer....which I guess could happen as we've seen it in softball more than once.

Actually, I'm looking forward to Ryleigh White pitching. In the Orange/White game, if you were watching from the outfield fence and the jerseys didn't have numbers, you'd swear you were looking at a young Miranda Elish.
Wow! I just read that article and it was very sloppy & seemed a bit bias against Texas. I think they have Day confused for someone else because they said this would be her first full year when she is technically a sophomore. Day in my opinion will be the breakout star this season. Both in the circle and especially offensively. Yes losing Elish is a pretty big deal but this team still has the pieces to compete with any team in the country. The schedule should be released later today as well.

just for reference.. this is the type of stuff she liked and retweeted for the past couple of months. There is no doubt in my mind that she may have had personal problems with teammates which Ultimately led to her leaving

As a parent I have a different perspective. She did say it was Covid related, but I'm not sure anyone is linking covid to covid restrictions around the program and university. My daughter spent the fall in Colorado in total lockdown mode. The coach had his thumb on the players all day and night watching every move, threatening them if they did anything outside of campus. The stress of the covid lockdowns I believe cause a lot of dissent within the team because her team didn't get along well at all. Some sneaking out breaking restrictions while others complied with restrictions which in turn caused more stress and dissent. Being a long way from home didn't help any at all either. As a result she left the school because she was miserable and will be playing the spring back here in Texas closer to home so if this ends up being the same we can be closer to visit or be there for her.

I believe there are similar situations like this all over the place in all sports. I'm guessing Miranda just got fed up with not being able to live her "normal" softball life she enjoyed in previous years and the problems created by covid was just too much. Trust me, it isn't easy.

I wish her luck and hope she doesn't regret quitting. My daughter wanted to do that and I had to convince her to believe that it will get better.
As a parent I have a different perspective. She did say it was Covid related, but I'm not sure anyone is linking covid to covid restrictions around the program and university. My daughter spent the fall in Colorado in total lockdown mode. The coach had his thumb on the players all day and night watching every move, threatening them if they did anything outside of campus. The stress of the covid lockdowns I believe cause a lot of dissent within the team because her team didn't get along well at all. Some sneaking out breaking restrictions while others complied with restrictions which in turn caused more stress and dissent. Being a long way from home didn't help any at all either. As a result she left the school because she was miserable and will be playing the spring back here in Texas closer to home so if this ends up being the same we can be closer to visit or be there for her.

I believe there are similar situations like this all over the place in all sports. I'm guessing Miranda just got fed up with not being able to live her "normal" softball life she enjoyed in previous years and the problems created by covid was just too much. Trust me, it isn't easy.

I wish her luck and hope she doesn't regret quitting. My daughter wanted to do that and I had to convince her to believe that it will get better.
I get what you're saying and that may be the case in her situation. If that is the case I wish she would have opted out this season then returned in 2022. I wish her nothing but the best and hope she finds happiness and figures out whatever she is dealing with.
Emails just came out with requests for season ticket holders to renew (pay) for the upcoming season. Added to this were a couple of warnings that you may not actually end up getting tickets, depending on various situations. We should be used to that by now.
Emails just came out with requests for season ticket holders to renew (pay) for the upcoming season. Added to this were a couple of warnings that you may not actually end up getting tickets, depending on various situations. We should be used to that by now.
Have they said anything about the schedule. Last Saturday Megan Bartlett said it would be released within the next week and it's been more than a week and no schedule has been announced:brickwall:
I think Texas sports are putting an informal bubble around the team and setting rules on what players can do. Other schools are not as rigorous. These rules are very taxing on a person's psyche. Justin's Softball may have been speculating that she might play for another team. I think it would need to be as a grad student with eligibility. Again, almost every team would want her. Maybe White's aggressive recruiting and large team size made the team less fun. Even the starters do not like coaches riding a lot of players on the bench who have little or no chance of playing.
I think Texas sports are putting an informal bubble around the team and setting rules on what players can do. Other schools are not as rigorous. These rules are very taxing on a person's psyche. Justin's Softball may have been speculating that she might play for another team. I think it would need to be as a grad student with eligibility. Again, almost every team would want her. Maybe White's aggressive recruiting and large team size made the team less fun. Even the starters do not like coaches riding a lot of players on the bench who have little or no chance of playing.
Texas is one of the very few schools with small roster sizes right now. We only have 23 players and would have been 24 with Elish. Louisiana had up to 30 players at one point before transfers happened. If she could not handle what Texas had in place to keep players safe then best of luck to you. Everyone has made just as many if not more sacrifices than she has so if she finds a new home in 2022 then I hope she succeeds and hopefully Texas meets up with her on the field
If she could not handle what Texas had in place to keep players safe then best of luck to you. Everyone has made just as many if not more sacrifices than she has

Until you live through it you can't judge like that. You downplay the restrictions like they are no big deal. Some people can handle them better than others. It really sucks to lose a star like her, but she has to do what's right for her.

I have no idea how tough the restrictions are at Texas, but for my daughter she spent 20+ hours per day in her cinder block dorm room alone....like a freaking prison. When I went to Colorado to visit her she could only come to the dorm door for a few minutes at a time. I wasn't allowed to take her anywhere so we brought her all three meals each day while we were there. The only time allowed out of the dorm you may ask? It was to work out and practice. Who the hell wants to live like that? If Texas is even half that I wouldn't want that to be my final year of softball.
Until you live through it you can't judge like that. You downplay the restrictions like they are no big deal. Some people can handle them better than others. It really sucks to lose a star like her, but she has to do what's right for her.

I have no idea how tough the restrictions are at Texas, but for my daughter she spent 20+ hours per day in her cinder block dorm room alone....like a freaking prison. When I went to Colorado to visit her she could only come to the dorm door for a few minutes at a time. I wasn't allowed to take her anywhere so we brought her all three meals each day while we were there. The only time allowed out of the dorm you may ask? It was to work out and practice. Who the hell wants to live like that? If Texas is even half that I wouldn't want that to be my final year of softball.
That's not the case at Texas whatsoever. I have all of the players on social media and they go out to restaurants, parks, yoga classes etc... they are not confined to just one room all day. The only thing they can't do is have the entire team together in one room, Lauren Burke was just on instagram live having a dance party with teammates that she lives with and some who don't. Burke also was just with her sister who came to visit so the restrictions are not as bad as people are trying to make it seem. If anything they are required to wear a mask when doing these things which is the same for every team in the country. I would think based on what I have seen that Texas is one of the more easy flowing schools in terms of rules. That may change when the season starts but what I have seen so far, hard restrictions are not the case.
That's not the case at Texas whatsoever. I have all of the players on social media and they go out to restaurants, parks, yoga classes etc... they are not confined to just one room all day. The only thing they can't do is have the entire team together in one room, Lauren Burke was just on instagram live having a dance party with teammates that she lives with and some who don't. Burke also was just with her sister who came to visit so the restrictions are not as bad as people are trying to make it seem. If anything they are required to wear a mask when doing these things which is the same for every team in the country. I would think based on what I have seen that Texas is one of the more easy flowing schools in terms of rules. That may change when the season starts but what I have seen so far, hard restrictions are not the case.

Well then....I have no idea. :idk:
Baseball coming out next week. Softball can't go first without big brother, so I'm guessing the same day or one after baseball.

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