2021 NCAA tournament

So Antonelli just said Maryland will hang 100 on Texas and that Vic won’t sleep tonight. She backed up a bit and then “guaranteed” 80.

FINALLY the Aggies don’t get a game handed to them a third time.
Antonelli also kept hinting at a big UCLA comeback that never materialized. I hope she chokes on her prediction tomorrow night. Predict a high score or a barn burner. That’s fine. But to throw out an actual number and guarantee it? What a moron. We held most teams including Baylor and A&M to below their average.
Gonna be an interesting few days if the Aggies lose. Is this Blair’s last game? If so, it could start a domino effect in coaching decisions real quick.
Yep. That's ONE coaching job, if vacated, that could really shake up things across the coaching world.
Antonelli also kept hinting at a big UCLA comeback that never materialized. I hope she chokes on her prediction tomorrow night. Predict a high score or a barn burner. That’s fine. But to throw out an actual number and guarantee it? What a moron. We held most teams including Baylor and A&M to below their average.
I understand what you're saying, but Baylor nor A&M have the fire power that Maryland has. If Texas can somehow slow Maryland down I think they could hang around if the guard play shows up because you can score against Maryland.
I wonder if they allow you to live in Houston and commute to College Station?

Makes a big difference if Adams lets you build a home at Miramont. Jimbo had to rent to start with. Not sure he has achieved status to build there yet. There is nothing on the West side of Houston to compare to it.
I don’t like the things being said about the matchup because our defense for the most part has held people below they’re average all year. Also I get it can we hold them below they average and score enough points. I would like to think the answer is yes we can because the way the guards have being playing as of yet we have a better chance then what all these fortune tellers are predicting but then again it could go south BUT that’s why you throw the ball up and play 40mins sooooo....hookem
Looking at the schedule of Maryland, Texas is the best defensive team they will have faced up until this point by far. Transition defense will be extremely key because they do push the ball very well. A bunch of charges will be available tonight.

I don't know what it is but I'm more excited than usual for this game. Especially because Texas has so much doubters coming from parties who are supposed to be "neutral". I think we are ready to prove them wrong:hookem:
I would think that Maryland has enough good guards where Schaefer doesn’t employ full court deny pressure. Especially with a short bench. Perhaps periodically to change tempo. However, I think we’ll see pressure man half court like UCLA game. That defense is much more effective when Collier is causing disruption around the basket .....plus rebounding. 14 points in first half to 45 in second half with her sitting. I realize that there are moving parts to that but keeping Collier in the game and not sitting will determine much. I think Collier is more important defensively than offensively......kinda. Really looking forward to the game.
So Beth Mowins and Debbie Antonelli are announcing the last game tonight so I’m afraid they’ll be doing the final game tomorrow? Y’all know how Miss “Shoot til Your Arm Falls Off” is. Get ready to hear all about Maryland all night long. Ugh
Yeah, and one of them, Antonelli I believe, made reference to Maryland putting up 100 against Vic's defense. Could be that Maryland hasn't seen a defense like ours. I sure hope it shows up tonight. If so, could be Maryland getting surprised.
Yeah, and one of them, Antonelli I believe, made reference to Maryland putting up 100 against Vic's defense. Could be that Maryland hasn't seen a defense like ours. I sure hope it shows up tonight. If so, could be Maryland getting surprised.
She also mentioned Vic not sleeping well. I would be willing to bet a coach with multiple natty rings sleeps well at night and he appreciates the extra motivation.
We've got to protect the basket better than that, even if we have to let up some pressure. Vic's pressure defense is great, but not the answer to all situations. Wish we had a zone as an option. This could get embarrassing.
I have never seen such self-bragging by a team before a game as Maryland has done. I know they're good, but this was obnoxious, especially from Bibby.
I think Maryland is in shock, and a lot of other people. I think they thought they would be ahead by 20 at the half. I'm tired of hearing what an unmatched offense they have, gas without brakes or whatever it is. We are hanging in. Vic's defense is impressive. I wish we could get a little hotter with our shooting. (Chevalier looks just like Brooke tonight, with her bun.)

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