2020 Recruiting - Football

Academically OU is smaller and less elite than UT. But the campus is nice, the support for athletics is big time and it graduates its share of doctors, lawyers and CEOs. I know this is on the internet, but I don't have any idea why we can't be respectful of a worthy competitor.
It is called intercollegiate athletics for a reason. Only the NFL minor leaguers point to their trophy case and ignore the wrecked lives of the discarded athletes who have no future because they have no education. That stupid trophy case does not make them a great university impacting the world for the better. Do you think Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Rice or other elite academic schools really care what is in their athletic trophy case?

No, they do not, and that is why Blow U academics are a bad joke for their athletes and they pass off their athletics because, "Kid, you are going to the NFL, you will be set for life." BS. Texas is playing at a totally different level academically. If you really want the athletic trophy case to be the final arbiter of your school's impact on civilization, go root for your OU, Alabama, Clemson or other NFL minor league franchise because that will never be the primary purpose of the University of Texas.
Every Texas fan on this board knows that, but what Vol said is true - 18-year-old males could care less about history or really what happens when the music stops.
It is called intercollegiate athletics for a reason. Only the NFL minor leaguers point to their trophy case and ignore the wrecked lives of the discarded athletes who have no future because they have no education. That stupid trophy case does not make them a great university impacting the world for the better. Do you think Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Rice or other elite academic schools really care what is in their athletic trophy case?

No, they do not, and that is why Blow U academics are a bad joke for their athletes and they pass off their athletics because, "Kid, you are going to the NFL, you will be set for life." BS. Texas is playing at a totally different level academically. If you really want the athletic trophy case to be the final arbiter of your school's impact on civilization, go root for your OU, Alabama, Clemson or other NFL minor league franchise because that will never be the primary purpose of the University of Texas.

I see the women's basketball board has sadly leaked over to recruiting. Just one button to push.
Indeed, someone from the institutional integrity committee (normally found on the women's basketball or ivory tower board) is lost on the football recruiting board.
I know this is on the internet, but I don't have any idea why we can't be respectful of a worthy competitor.
A worthy competitor in athletics, yes. Academically, they are not even in the parking lot. OU cannot meet the academic standards of the B1G. Out of the SEC, I would be surprised if anyone besides Vanderbilt, Maybe Georgia or Tennessee could qualify. I would have to review their university accreditations.

I was thinking about if I ever had knowingly met anyone who has graduated from an OK University and I could not recall anyone with the possible exception of Tulsa graduate whom I cannot place. I know a lot of people from B1G, Pac12, ACC, Ivy League schools and even B12 schools in Texas, UH, Rice, etc. Oh well.

I think as a large publically financed University, we have to realize that we, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Michigan and most of the B1G, and some of the ACC not named Clemson, are just a few of the Universities that can offer a recruit excellence in both athletics and academics. It is resonating with a lot of our recruits like Bijan, Conner and others. Herman in particular wants the recruit who can view the big picture in life and not just key on success on Saturday or Sunday athletic achievements. He seizes the roll of mentor and its responsibilities.

UT academics and athletics should always offer their participants a better way forward in life and when we start judging each of them solely by what metal they have put in our athletic trophy rooms we denigrate them as individuals. Hopefully, Texas will never sink to that level.
They are indeed recruited to put metal in the trophy case. I don’t like OU, but am pretty sure their academic rigor is far above the academic rigor of the Longhorn scholar program. Don’t confuse the difference of academics between Texas and other universities in regards to recruits.
Perhaps a better comparison would be the academic rigors for metal seeking recruits at the two universities, not the schools at large.
I have a old high school friend, he is a director at Lockheed Martin, He has many Engineers under him, including guys from MIT, Cal Tech, Aggy, and UT. All of them are better Engineers than he is, but he is their boss because he is both an accomplished Engineer but also he knows how to run a business and speak to a BOD. He is a graduate from UTSA.

I don't care where your undergrad degree comes from, the cream will always rise to the top.
I don’t like OU, but am pretty sure their academic rigor is far above the academic rigor of the Longhorn scholar program.

It has been a few decades since I attended UT so I do not know what "the Longhorn scholar program" is. Perhaps you can elucidate?

Please define "academic rigor" at OU. Do they have 89 accredited Ph.D. and MD programs also?

Don’t confuse the difference of academics between Texas and other universities in regards to recruits.
May I suggest to you the recruitment of Hayden Conner? Ever perused the majors on the UT roster?

I wonder at any UT alumna being ashamed of one's accomplishments at UT.
We also have to remember that a lot of these guys are looking for a program that allows them to coast in their academics. Texas simply isn't going to get them all even if we were winning NC's like Clemson.
At least Texas did not waste a spot on someone who did not buy-in but only wanted to ride on the bus. With the depth of talent we have at safety, all but the best will be intimidated.
I wish him good luck.

He slipped some in the latest re-rankings. I think some of the reason for that is they began to view him as a tweener, someone without one true position. Well, OK, maybe so, but -- we have that position for him. Which is why i thought he would end up with us. I thought he would see the same thing.

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Georgia or Tennessee

Laying in a hospital bed laughing at your overwhelming ignorance.

The University of Florida, which blew by us over a decade ago invites you to Gainesville. Comparing UF to the neon UT is as laughable as comparing Third Ward to Texas. That said Vandy, UF & UGa are the academic cream of the SEC.

You also seem to have a serious problem confusing academic excellence with alumni support. I would, however, suggest that you take that subject with the midget in The Tower, since y'all seem to think alike.

Aside from the Ivies, every major college program in America can track donations proportionately football games won - yes, that includes UNC, a public Ivy with very high academic standards that brings in more money on basketball than any other school. (That amount totals 125% of what the big boys bring in on a single football game.)

What does Kansas, Berzerkley, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, et al do for former players? Compare to OU. What is an OU degree worth outside Oklahoma City? Visit Houston and Dallas to see - their two largest alumni chapters. They do take care of their own. The question is without Dr Boren will this continue?

Without Dr Boren, the Bic XII is a rudderless ship and may well fold.
A "like to have" but not a devasting non-get. The Texas Secondary will be fine without him. Maybe he will go to SMU when he discovers Auburn is not his cup of tea.

Apparently he had previously filmed a commitment video to us. Which would explain how all the Texas paysites whiffed so bad on this one. If you recall the "delay" with him, it was so he could get a new video filmed.

One other interesting matter I referenced above, Texas has been on him ~ 2 years. The new Auburn assistant was not hired until the end of February. They did not offer Thompson until March. And that DB coach was at Ole Miss during "the Hugh Freeze era." Hugh Freeze Asks For Forgiveness In First Public Appearance Since Ole Miss Exit
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He slipped some in the latest re-rankings. I think some of the reason for that is they began to view him as a tweener, someone without one true position. Well, OK, maybe so, but -- we have that position for him. Which is why i thought he would end up with us. I thought he would see the same thing.

We usually play at least one, and sometimes more, guys who are hybrid secondary players. Forget about what the program lists them as, and consider: are guys like BJ Foster and Overshown really playing S, NB, or OLB type roles, or multiple roles. It’s hard to say. We also have guys who could be either CB or S, and we often use both on blitzes. So maybe he’s not a true S. So what.

As eluded to above, perhaps with this one, it’s not about the S, it’s about the $. We’re dealing with Auburn folks. They have a long history.
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They did not offer Thompson until March. And that DB coach was at Ole Miss during "the Hugh Freeze era."

Anyone here smell a rat! Freeze used a University cell phone to hire a hooker/stripper. But he also violated some recruiting rules which resulted in him being booted and Ole Miss getting whacked for 3 years. His assistant must have taken notes and did the same thing at Auburn. True or not, eyebrows should raise. Then again maybe the kid actually thought Auburn was a better opportunity to showcase his talents for a future early jump to the league.
Bummer second miss on Safetys that were targets but it is what it is... With the smell of SEC on this one I'm assuming our staff will now punt, not the character our staff is looking for... With the strong possibility Caden and BJ could leave early, we need at least 1 safety in this class, preferably 2...
Maybe shady dealings...maybe not.
Some boards noted father's desire for him to play at Auburn weighed on his decision late.
Could be either, neither...or both!
We're in strong contention for Jerrin Thompson (S Lufkin), and possibly others. I would have liked to get Chris Thompson, Jr. (S Duncanville), but you don't win them all (and if this one involves a bidding war, that's something we don't do).
It is possible that we are in the process of turning another lock for aggy

So this from Justin Wells on Eaton is kind of interesting
He was asked if Texas is just now pushing for Joshua Eaton?
Wells replied that it's the other way around - Eaton is actively reaching out to other schools, including us.
Apparently schools want to see better tape from his senior year.
We also have to remember that a lot of these guys are looking for a program that allows them to coast in their academics. Texas simply isn't going to get them all even if we were winning NC's like Clemson.
Yeah, they have been told they are going straight to the NFL after their 3 years of college purgatory and they are buying it. Really a shame for their future.

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