2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

The tape: Trump-Cohen secret audio tape made public

National Inquirer Admission of guilt.

To claim there was not evidence is laughable. With that said, I doubt he gets charged and even if he does the jury will end like they did for Edwards, a hung jury.

Like bystander, many people don't care that he did something illegal to cover up affairs. This goes for those on the left or right, when the violator is in your party.

It's a street thing. He boinked this woman and she blackmailed him.

He was stupid to pay her. He should have known it would come out. Now it's out, she has the money and everyone is shocked.

I don't like it. Let's only keep the angels in government. I'll agree to that.

And to set the record straight, I was against the Republicans impeaching Clinton over Monica. I knew it was stupid and would bite them in the ***.

But he did lie. And I didn't like how the Left covered for him.
It's a street thing. He boinked this woman and she blackmailed him.

He was stupid to pay her. He should have known it would come out. Now it's out, she has the money and everyone is shocked.

I don't like it. Let's only keep the angels in government. I'll agree to that.

And to set the record straight, I was against the Republicans impeaching Clinton over Monica. I knew it was stupid and would bite them in the ***.

But he did lie. And I didn't like how the Left covered for him.

I've never understood why anyone even considering a life in politics would put themselves in a situation like that. Cunningham in NC is a similar situation. I guess enough of them do it and get away with it (Clinton and Trump) that it's not perceived as career ending.

On the Clinton thing...I was deluded by the "party" when I defended him. Maybe I still am as I don't think 1 lie under oath is as bad as the conspiracy Trump executed to hide it (2 women, $150k, Cohen and the National
I've never understood why anyone even considering a life in politics would put themselves in a situation like that. Cunningham in NC is a similar situation. I guess enough of them do it and get away with it (Clinton and Trump) that it's not perceived as career ending.

I know. Trump knew his own ambitions. As my old boss used to say, "He bought his own BS." He probably thought he could control everything as he was able so many times in his private life.

You can say a lot of things about Republican's but one thing that stands out to me is how tone deaf they are to the fact that whatever they say will be investigated by the blogoshere and whatever they said or did before will be contrasted to what they say or do today and it will be in a very high profile manner. They just don't get it.

It's like the casting couch. Weinstein blew that one up. And in the #metoo era, the movida (South Texas spanish slang for mistress) is not going to be denied. She will come out and be a problem.

Another thing my boss used to say: "The rub is the same, but the view is different." Crude but accurate. And it's also the conquest for men. To see that gorgeous woman submit to you is the game. So you do her and then what do you have?

A dangerous enemy if you don't treat her right.
GA's count will go into next week but Biden is staring to build a buffer. He's now up 4,627 votes.

Anyone know the odds on Biden winning GA before the election?
I know. Trump knew his own ambitions. As my old boss used to say, "He bought his own BS." He probably thought he could control everything as he was able so many times in his private life.

You can say a lot of things about Republican's but one thing that stands out to me is how tone deaf they are to the fact that whatever they say will be investigated by the blogoshere and whatever they said or did before will be contrasted to what they say or do today and it will be in a very high profile manner. They just don't get it.

It's like the casting couch. Weinstein blew that one up. And in the #metoo era, the movida (South Texas spanish slang for mistress) is not going to be denied. She will come out and be a problem.

Another thing my boss used to say: "The rub is the same, but the view is different." Crude but accurate. And it's also the conquest for men. To see that gorgeous woman submit to you is the game. So you do her and then what do you have?

A dangerous enemy if you don't treat her right.

Maybe one needs to face that situation to understand the will power required.
Maybe one needs to face that situation to understand the will power required.

I get it...

Another quote, "A man is as faithful as his options."

You mentioned being possibly sucked in by the party on the Clinton thing. I was not offended by his having an affair. Monica was available. That was her allure. She made it easy for him. His marriage was probably not exactly the best (understatement of the day) and not just because it was Hillary. They were both highly ambitious and didn't exactly have time for one another. So he went below the hard deck, there was no danger and he took the shot. (Top Gun).

My feeling was this: He was reckless. He signed up to manage the country. Stop f'ing around. What if Hillary filed for a divorce. The country would have had that circus to deal with.

My other feeling on this was that the Republican's knew he was lying about a lot of things, but he was Slick Willy and confounded them by always landing on his feet. Finally they found something and they pounced on it. They were infuriated by him. Not necessarily the affair but everything else.
The tape: Trump-Cohen secret audio tape made public

National Inquirer Admission of guilt.

To claim there was not evidence is laughable. With that said, I doubt he gets charged and even if he does the jury will end like they did for Edwards, a hung jury.

Like bystander, many people don't care that he did something illegal to cover up affairs. This goes for those on the left or right, when the violator is in your party.

Okay, I didn't know about the tape. As I said at the most it should be a fine. A lot of lawyers also think it's a private transaction.

"Paying blackmail for activities unrelated to the campaign is simply not a campaign expense," said Bradley Smith, former chair of the Federal Election Commission and law professor at Capital University Law School in Columbus, Ohio. "It is certainly legal for a candidate to pay hush money from other funds — other than campaign funds — even though it may benefit him as a candidate."

Here's why Edwards got off:

"It can, however, prove tricky to separate the personal from the campaign. Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards faced charges that he made sure funds went to a mistress to hide their relationship. But prosecutors were unable to prove that the friends of Edwards who provided the money did so to further his campaign rather than protect his terminally ill wife from hearing such painful news."

Laws aren't clear here between campaigns and private transactions.
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Okay, I didn't know about the tape. As I said at the most it's a fine. A lot of lawyers also think it's a private transaction.

"Paying blackmail for activities unrelated to the campaign is simply not a campaign expense," said Bradley Smith, former chair of the Federal Election Commission and law professor at Capital University Law School in Columbus, Ohio. "It is certainly legal for a candidate to pay hush money from other funds — other than campaign funds — even though it may benefit him as a candidate."

Here's why Edwards got off:

"It can, however, prove tricky to separate the personal from the campaign. Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards faced charges that he made sure funds went to a mistress to hide their relationship. But prosecutors were unable to prove that the friends of Edwards who provided the money did so to further his campaign rather than protect his terminally ill wife from hearing such painful news."

The Trump and Edwards scenario are very similar. Both leveraged a 3rd party to pay a mistress(es) to keep them quiet. If they had simply cut the check themselves it wouldn't have been a big deal legally. Why didn't either cut the check? Because they were trying to hide the paper trail and keep if off the books required for campaign finance disclosure. That's the felony.

To be clear, Edwards used his wife's cancer to pull on the heartstrings of the jury than ended up being split and avoid the felony conviction which would have resulted in jail time, not a fine. He's a despicable human being. Though I don't think highly of Dick Cheney, he still ranks above John Edwards. I'm sure you already know what I think of Trump.
GA's count will go into next week but Biden is staring to build a buffer. He's now up 4,627 votes.

Anyone know the odds on Biden winning GA before the election?
Supposedly military ballots to come. Let’s see how long NC, AZ, NV, and GA can count their votes.
I've never understood why anyone even considering a life in politics would put themselves in a situation like that. Cunningham in NC is a similar situation. I guess enough of them do it and get away with it (Clinton and Trump) that it's not perceived as career ending.

On the Clinton thing...I was deluded by the "party" when I defended him. Maybe I still am as I don't think 1 lie under oath is as bad as the conspiracy Trump executed to hide it (2 women, $150k, Cohen and the National
There is a middle ground, or a split decision. Bill Clinton was and probably is—to a degree beyond the normal—a person who will lie straight faced and guilt free to get what he wants. That should stick on him as a personal judgment. And he probably hurt a lot of people along the way with that character flaw.

Still, his “crime” was not enough to invalidate being validly elected by millions of people for millions of different purposes.

Trump was willing, at least pre-president, to allow women to fawn on him who were impressed with his billions (who were basically offering to have him “grab them by...”), or maybe even pay them?, at least afterward to shut them up. Again a character flaw that probably mostly hurt his various wives more than anyone else.
Not a type of character flaw that should surprise anyone who knew anything about him all these years, and not really politically relevant.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spars with her centrist Democratic colleagues over policy and rhetoric after House Democrats suffer unexpected losses

AOC refusing to back down. She wins in a landslide in a brain-dead district and thinks her way is THE WAY. Biden barely beat the most hated President ever. Why?


Tell me what you will, but the turn-out as someone mentioned was a vote against Trump. The real story is will Biden channel these sick anti-American zealots into our living rooms.

"Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that "almost all" the Democrats who struggled or lost their reelections this week had "awful execution on digital. DURING A PANDEMIC."

What does a pandemic have to do with it? Everyone was online. Big Tech covered for them.

Big irony she TWEETED her objections.
I have no evidence of voter fraud. But I'll tell you this, a weak process is evidence enough to check into it.

And any pollster who acts offended is a joke. That is the left-wing tactic; become offended and try to intimidate people from talking about it.
The tape: Trump-Cohen secret audio tape made public

National Inquirer Admission of guilt.

To claim there was not evidence is laughable. With that said, I doubt he gets charged and even if he does the jury will end like they did for Edwards, a hung jury.

Like bystander, many people don't care that he did something illegal to cover up affairs. This goes for those on the left or right, when the violator is in your party.

From the NI admission of guilt link:

"While there are many parts of campaign finance law — typically the reporting requirements — that only result in administrative fines when violated, there are also parts that have criminal penalties if they are willfully broken. The Tillman Act (which is now part of the Federal Election Campaign Act or FECA) is part of the campaign finance law that carries criminal penalties. :

This only say's there are criminal penalties in the act. Not if Trump is subject to it by his alleged actions.

So I clicked on the link and it doesn't mention one thing about the payoffs. It instead says this:

"While most of campaign finance laws are enforced administratively (when they are bothered to be enforced) by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) with civil fines, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has concurrent criminal jurisdiction over willful violations of the campaign finance laws, including the longstanding prohibitions on federal candidates receiving contributions from foreigners."

It's not on point at all with what we are discussing.
Gosh darn it HIC! Don't you know that this is pure speculative and not even from a reliable source. Now...if it came from some respectable source like CNN, Adam Schiff, or any other Democrat then it's as good as gold.

After all, those people gave us tons of creditable allegations like Russia collusion, Russian disinformation, Russian election interference, and so many other proven facts.

Geesh, amateur.
Gosh darn it HIC! Don't you know that this is pure speculative and not even from a reliable source. Now...if it came from some respectable source like CNN, Adam Schiff, or any other Democrat then it's as good as gold.

After all, those people gave us tons of creditable allegations like Russia collusion, Russian disinformation, Russian election interference, and so many other proven facts.

Geesh, amateur.
Talking out my backside again.
I would like to apologize to everyone for my ranting the other night. It was late and I was fired up. Cooler heads have now prevailed.

Again I apologize to everyone.
Georgia has voluntarily agreed to a recount. I know Trump has asked for a Wisconsin recount. Don’t know what’s going on there. Sounds like Michigan needs one badly. SC ordered Pennsylvania to segregate ballots received after 8PM on Election Day. There’s a lawsuit pending in Nevada. Sounds like this could go on into December or longer.
It smells fishy that mail in votes are overwhelmingly for Biden nationwide. Aren’t there any Republicans who voted mail in? Why doesn’t the mail in vote reflect the in person percentage of Rs and Ds ?
I’m glad Trump isn’t rolling over and conceding like a McCain or a Romney would. He may not win, but maybe the next Presidential election will be more fair and more transparent. It’s important that Americans trust in the process and a lot of us don’t right now.
One thing is certain, we need to fix the general election. DeSantis cleaned up a very dirty system in FL, created a brand new system that was transparent and it worked. Noem also has a transparent plan in S.Dakota and it worked just fine. .... I have seen suggestions that blockchain can play a key role in the future. We have to figure this part out and get it done within the existing Constitutional framework

Credit to the FLOTUS for subliminally projecting my blockchain idea

I’m glad Trump isn’t rolling over and conceding like a McCain or a Romney would. He may not win, but maybe the next Presidential election will be more fair and more transparent. It’s important that Americans trust in the process and a lot of us don’t right now.

Imagine you had a small business, maybe been in your family for generations, and you want to stay open or re-open. You need to stay open, otherwise that family business will close forever and all the related jobs permanently lost.
But Joe Biden and the Dems say no.
What you gonna do?

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