2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

in 1969 it would have been close to the horror that was Viet Nam. Trump saved lives yesterday. LBJ sent thousands to their deaths.
It was disrespect but understandable LBJ got booed

Yes, Viet Nam was part of it. But, he was probably there because they were building the LBJ library at that time and that wasn't popular either.
Bernie: Vote for me, you won't spend as much time at the grocery store. All the anxiety you go through trying to decide what brand to buy will be avoided. Simplify your life. One store, one product, one choice.
The economy still is still fragile. The Fed policy is still the same.

GDP doesn't really tell us what we want to know. GDP is the amount of $s spent on stuff including what the government spends. So if the government spends more money GDP goes up, but does that make our economy any better? If so, we should all be for more and more government spending. This includes deficit spending.

Of course when the government deficit spends your $s buy less and less. When the Fed reduces the rate and more $s are injected into the economy. The GDP goes up, but your $s buy less.

It is a bit of a smoke screen. It is all we got at this point, but it is still a bit of a smoke screen.
His extemporaneous speaking has declined significantly over the last few decades. I'm not a linguist but I think his vocabulary has dropped Apparently linguists think that as well. Trump used to be more articulate. What could explain the change?

That's a self-serving narrative. Nothing's wrong with his brain, and his vocabulary hasn't dropped. He's playing a character as part of a broader political strategy. He saw the Democratic Party telling a large group of its voter base in very critical states that they were basically worthless and spent about 20 years insulting them, and he figured out how to exploit that for his own purposes. Part of that process was dumbing down his rhetoric, because that's what those voters want to hear.

Politicians do that kind of thing all the time. As I've mentioned here before, back in 2003 when he was running for Congress, I interviewed Louie Gohmert. Two other college students were involved, but I led the interview. It wasn't fluffy, feel-good BS. I didn't do that crap in candidate interviews, because it's a waste of time. Instead, I confronted him on serious issues and looked at his judicial record in depth, and he was very knowledgeable - much moreso than your average douche running for Congress. However, the people of Northeast Texas don't want somebody like that. They want somebody who acts like a ****-kicker who talks like Jed Clampet, so that's what he does. That might sound silly, but that's where we are as an electorate.

Of course, Democrats do the same thing. Put Hillary Clinton in front of a black audience, and she sounds like her name should be Shaquita.
He might be leading but with his gaffes he'll be easy for Trump to beat one on one. Please vote for Biden.
I’ll be voting Biden in the primary. The theatre of those two going head to head will be hilarious. I think Trump would easily beat him. Plus, believe it or not, he is the centrist of the far left options. If he does beat Trump, lesser of all evils.
I’ll be voting Biden in the primary. The theatre of those two going head to head will be hilarious. I think Trump would easily beat him. Plus, believe it or not, he is the centrist of the far left options. If he does beat Trump, lesser of all evils.

I still say the funniest thing would have been if Trump had switched parties and run as a D, just so he could participate in the televised debates with this field. That might be the funniest thing ever. All those jokes SNL and Jimmy Kimel had at their fingertips but refused to use. Put it on pay-TV, send the profits to pay the debt. Can you imagine the nicknames? -- Juan 'Pingita" Castro, Marianne "Space Cowboy" Williamson

I also still think there is a chance Hillary will get nominated at the convention. Their rules are supposed to prevent this sort of thing from happening these days (conventions used to be more wide open) but, as we see almost every day, Dems dont care about no stinking rules. Plus, their current rules were designed specifically to benefit Clinton, so its hard to see them holding them against her. This is all assuming she can stay upright from now to then, which is a big assumption.
Plus, their current rules were designed specifically to benefit Clinton, so its hard to see them holding them against her. This is all assuming she can stay upright from now to then, which is a big assumption.
Yeah, but at this point, muumuu Hillary wouldn't fall and hurt herself, it would be more of a slow, oozy roll to the ground.
He might be leading but with his gaffes he'll be easy for Trump to beat one on one. Please vote for Biden.
Trump has no opponents from the right, yet. He really needs to only concern himself with Biden, Bernie and Warren on the left. Biden was leading those three at the time of the treason.

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