2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Disgraceful. These people are the disgusting part of America. They are not Americans. And Trump is to blame. Cruz, Hawley, Johnson and everyone else that has continued to spew the constant lies are to blame. He told these people to "march to the Capitol" and the far right rally today.....shooting INSIDE the Capitol. Walking onto the Senate floor and looking through desks. Taking over House and Senate offices and taking pictures sitting in office chairs. Puking on our democracy. And of course Trump is sitting in the White House laughing his *** off. He doesn't care about our country. Trumpers are blind if you do not see this.....
I agree it is wrong, just as it was wrong when done by the left. Arrest them and prosecute them. But also prosecute the rioters this summer. The left set the narrative now they can live with it.
My wife turned on Fox News 5-10 minutes ago. Can't count the number of times I have heard the word "chaos". Senile Joe is calling them a mob. Was BLM and Antifa rioters called mobs?

I swear, he can barely speak.
Its funny that yall are saying, "well blm and antifa did it so...."
Does that make it right? Taking over our government is NOT the same as rioting in the streets. Its worse!!! This is treason. This NOT democracy.
Its funny that yall are saying, "well blm and antifa did it so...."
Does that make it right? Taking over our government is NOT the same as rioting in the streets. Its worse!!! This is treason. This NOT democracy.
I was wondering where you have been.

It was wrong, too, for the Colonists to revolt, if you look at it that way.
Not a Capitol, but that Fed building in Portland was under siege for what seemed to be weeks.
Did they enter the building?
Did they take selfies with the cops? Cop should be fired. Post haste.
Did they sit and take pictures at the desks? Dummies are making the prosecutors jobs easy.
Trump terrorists. Lol, guessing it is 1% of the people down there marching went rogue. Media will, of course, make this much worse than the almost constant rioting the last 8 months or so by Biden terrorists.
The tone of the MSM about these protests is so comical. If this was BLM or Antifa then we would be hearing about the courage of these non-violent protestors.
I'm left of center (on this board) but I would have lost my mind in anger had BLM, Antifa or only left of center folks had barged into the US Capitol as a mob ... much less on a day for peaceful transition of power, even if it was to a reprehensible scumbag like Trump.
I'm not down in DC, and based on months of media reporting BLM/Antifa as peaceful protests, I am inclined to believe the "reporting" today is hyperbolic BS.
I'm left of center (on this board) but I would have lost my mind in anger had BLM, Antifa or only left of center folks had barged into the US Capitol as a mob ... much less on a day for peaceful transition of power, even if it was to a reprehensible scumbag like Trump.
Right there with you! But like Trump its someone else's fault. He couldn't even tell the mob to stop in his Twitter video..."go home but the election was rigged"..."go home, they stole it from me and you"
I'm left of center (on this board) but I would have lost my mind in anger had BLM, Antifa or only left of center folks had barged into the US Capitol as a mob ... much less on a day for peaceful transition of power, even if it was to a reprehensible scumbag like Trump.
And the federal courthouse? and the statutes on federal property? Where were you then?

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