2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

If Biden felt so strongly about the being able to manipulate voting machines in 2007 wonder why he didn't try to get a bill passed. He and Dems held the majority in both houses.
So in 2007 Biden said, ""How are you gonna keep it from us being able to be in a position where you can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records"
keep US? Who is us.
So Biden could have gotten a bill passed in 2007 but he didn't and then in 2019 he said,
"We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said."
If Biden felt so strongly about the being able to manipulate voting machines in 2007 wonder why he didn't try to get a bill passed. He and Dems held the majority in both houses.

The House passed an election security bill in 2020. The Senate didn't think it important enough to even vote on.
Maybe when we start talking to them like professionals and give a **** about their priorities?
I think the priorities were covered under Trump, see tweet below per example. The professionals who voted against Trump are all the ones who can’t or never worked with a difficult boss. People who leave companies for such reasons often end up worse than if they stuck it out.

I think the priorities were covered under Trump, see tweet below per example. The professionals who voted against Trump are all the ones who can’t or never worked with a difficult boss. People who leave companies for such reasons often end up worse than if they stuck it out.

Biden spent decades in the Senate. Anyone expecting radical change towards far left positions will be deeply disappointed. I think most Democrats wanted a Centrist though which is why he was their choice of candidate.
Maybe when we start talking to them like professionals and give a **** about their priorities?
Professional class has been brainwashed into a virtue signaling mess. The fact that more were fooled into this is something to be mourned, not enabled. Read this:

The Left’s Culture War Rebranding - American Affairs Journal

There’s just one small problem with Tlaib’s counteroffensive: black Americans overwhelmingly oppose defunding the police. According to a Gallup poll taken in July, 81 percent of black Americans oppose a reduction of police presence in their communities, with 20 percent of respondents indicating that they would actually like to see an increase. Defunding the police, it turns out, is the “Latinx” of public policies—an idea concocted and amplified by a largely white, status-signaling professional class and championed by supposed avatars of minority opinion like Tlaib, but with little actual support among the ordinary people upon whom it is foisted.
If that's right, why on earth did they choose Kamala (liberal voting record to the left of Bernie Sanders) to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office?
Note my comment above (or on another thread on Senate and House) about true believers vs lip service moderates. We will find out in due time.
Didn't someone around here predict they would run hard left but then quietly not reverse most of Trump did? They just can't and won't admit his policies and deregulations, etc., were and are good for the country.
Didn't someone around here predict they would run hard left but then quietly not reverse most of Trump did? They just can't and won't admit his policies and deregulations, etc., were and are good for the country.
Oh I will admit most of what he did was very good for the country and even better for me personally. I think he made huge strides in foreign trade, standing up to China and holding our allies accountable. I’m a little uneasy on Putin and Russia but can give a pass there. The economy has been a beast for the last 4 years and I’ve benefited greatly. He was in a tough spot with Covid and not sure how I honestly think he should have handled it differently.

But at the end of the day I think the guy is a morally void Jacka$$. And as a father of daughters to whom I am constantly teaching the golden rule and to not bully others on social media, I just couldn’t look myself in the mirror and say I believed in my heart, our country could stand four more years of his nonsense. Honestly my hope is the GOP uses this 4 years as a major reset and in 2024 we get this country back on track with a some true conservative value and fiscal responsibility that also brings unity.

Call me a brainwashed professional or whatever other flaming comments you want to make but I cast my vote and have no 2nd thoughts about it.
I just couldn’t look myself in the mirror and say I believed in my heart, our country could stand four more years of his nonsense. Honestly my hope is the GOP uses this 4 years as a major reset and in 2024 we get this country back on track with a some true conservative value
How much of his nonsense was made up by the press? How much Russian collusion was real? It was 100% fake. The press burned leaves and old tires around him and said where there is smoke there is fire. How many of the deep state leaks that the press ran with were real? Because of your actions, the press will be even more emboldened when the next Republican presidential candidate is nominated or possibly elected, maybe someone you really like.
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Biden and Harris are such sterling examples to hold up to one's daughters.
F your way to the top, ignore the drugs and depravity of your son while benefiting from near treasonous deals.
Yea support of them speaks so highly of parental caring.
Ignore the actual results that improved the lives of so many minorities, you know the oppressed people parents pretend they are teaching their children to care about
And be faux outraged at Media's portraying one as rude etc while pretending the other is actually normal
Biden and Harris are such sterling examples to hold up to one's daughters.
F your way to the top, ignore the drugs and depravity of your son while benefiting from near treasonous deals.
Yea support of them speaks so highly of parental caring.
Ignore the actual results that improved the lives of so many minorities, you know the oppressed people parents pretend they are teaching their children to care about
And be faux outraged at Media's portraying one as rude etc while pretending the other is actually normal
No pretending here. You make your choices and I'll make mine. My head sleeps just fine on my pillow every night.
Lol I am sure it does. Sad for your kids you pick and choose your version of morality.
But if you can justify selectively choosing then have at it. Kids have a way of seeing things clearly.
Biden spent decades in the Senate. Anyone expecting radical change towards far left positions will be deeply disappointed. I think most Democrats wanted a Centrist though which is why he was their choice of candidate.
Yep. Biden is a corporate ***** who is beholden to the insurance, financial, pharma, hospital, chemical, and other industries. Any change will be minor and incremental. He’s a Bill Clinton with less charisma.

He’s beholden to China as well.
No pretending here. You make your choices and I'll make mine. My head sleeps just fine on my pillow every night.
Your like-minded cronies just passed that crappy covid bill. It’s going down in flames like it should due to Trump. When Biden is president get ready for hundreds of these types of bills. In 2025, it will be “I’m disappointed in Biden, he didn’t seize the opportunity.” Same with Obama: “he didn’t reach across the aisle as I was led to believe”. It was obvious to everyone else from day one. Brainwashed sheep by the media.

Ha! I guess your prediction of being flamed was correct.
Biden's new caps are out
Get em while they're hot

Professional class has been brainwashed into a virtue signaling mess. The fact that more were fooled into this is something to be mourned, not enabled. Read this:

So all those professionals in the suburbs who voted for Mitt Romney have suddenly become police-defunding freaks? That's just not plausible. Are there virtue signaling dumbasses among suburban professionals? Of course. There always have been. Are they the majority or so numerous that the entire demographic is worth telling to **** off as you suggest? No.

We certainly shouldn't give them up so easily. There's a lot to the GOP agenda that they favor. If there wasn't, they wouldn't have been a reliable voting bloc for so long. Maybe we should act like we care about their priorities again. For example, perhaps we should try to be fiscally responsible again and not just when a Democrat is in the White House. What are we doing to get college tuition under control? What are we doing to fix their traffic problems? Will it turn off working class voters to take that stuff seriously? I doubt it.
They were going to get the far-left vote anyway - they didn't need Kamala to win that vote. No way anyone on the far left would vote for the GOP.

I'm no fan of Willie Brown's ex-mistress, but it's pretty clear why they chose her. They chose her to pick someone who would motivate their intersectional, progressive base to turn out. It's the same reason Trump chose Mike Pence - to motivate the conservative base to not only support Trump but to turn out and vote.
They chose Harris to become the first black female President, Biden will not last 4 years in my opinion. Next election they will promote the first black female President.

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