2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Was their a plot to kidnap her?

You're safe with me, I am not in a position to make fun of people for typos or not knowing common English

Amway, as the attached article says,
“been subjected to continuous harassment in the form of abusive emails, phone calls, physical and economic threats, and even accusations of treason..."
She got US Marshall protection which indicates credible threats
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You're safe with me, I am not in a position to make fun of people for typos or not knowing common English

Amway, as the attached article says,
“been subjected to continuous harassment in the form of abusive emails, phone calls, physical and economic threats, and even accusations of treason..."
She got US Marshall protection which indicates credible threats
Thanks for not ridiculing me. I just typed "their" properly in an email, by the way. Without your help I may have made myself look foolish.
Here is one of the affidavits about Dominion machines this election
Russell Ramsland works at Allied Security Operations Group Welcome to ASOG!
He lays out a statistical case for the improbability Biden won legitimately. What he does here is a scientific approach similar to way the DNA evidence is used in court -- “There is virtually a zero percent chance that the blood on the scene belonged to anyone other than the defendant”

"My colleagues and I... have studied... the November 3, 2020, election results. Based on the significant anomalies and red flags that we have observed, we believe there is a significant probability that election results have been manipulated..." "There are a stunning 3,276 precincts where the Presidential Votes Cast compared to the Estimated Voters based on Reported Statistics ranges from 84% to 350%... reveals 431,954 excess ballots.. This pattern strongly suggests that the *additive algorithm* was activated."

"Until the tabulated voter turnout reached approximately 83%, Trump was generally winning between 55% and 60% of every turnout point. Then, after the counting was closed at 2:00 am, the situation dramatically reserved itself, starting with a series of impossible spikes."

"The final red flag is perhaps the greatest. In the data are 4 spikes totaling 384, 733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of only 2 hours and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible given the available equipment at the 4 reference locations."

"Wayne County uses Dominion Equipment, where 46 out of 47 precincts/townships display a highly unlikely 96% as the number of votes cast, using the Secretary of State's number of voters in the precint/township; and 25 of those 7 precincts/townships show 100% turnout." "This pattern strongly suggests both the additive algorithm (a feature enhancement referred to as "ranking choice voting algorithm" or "RCV") was activated in the code... as well as batch processing of blank votes... where 74,119 more ballots were cast than the capacity." The *additive algorithm* as shown in the Democracy Suite EMS Results Tally and Reporting User Guide, Chapter 11, Settings 11.2.2. It reads in part, "RCV METHOD: This will select the specific method of tabulating RCV votes to elect a winner."








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Here is one of the affidavits about Dominion machines this election
Russell Ramsland works at Allied Security Operations Group Welcome to ASOG!

"My colleagues and I... have studied... the November 3, 2020, election results. Based on the significant anomalies and red flags that we have observed, we believe there is a significant probability that election results have been manipulated..." "There are a stunning 3,276 precincts where the Presidential Votes Cast compared to the Estimated Voters based on Reported Statistics ranges from 84% to 350%... reveals 431,954 excess ballots.. This pattern strongly suggests that the *additive algorithm* was activated."

"Until the tabulated voter turnout reached approximately 83%, Trump was generally winning between 55% and 60% of every turnout point. Then, after the counting was closed at 2:00 am, the situation dramatically reserved itself, starting with a series of impossible spikes."

"The final red flag is perhaps the greatest. In the data are 4 spikes totaling 384, 733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of only 2 hours and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible given the available equipment at the 4 reference locations."

"Wayne County uses Dominion Equipment, where 46 out of 47 precincts/townships display a highly unlikely 96% as the number of votes cast, using the Secretary of State's number of voters in the precint/township; and 25 of those 7 precincts/townships show 100% turnout." "This pattern strongly suggests both the additive algorithm (a feature enhancement referred to as "ranking choice voting algorithm" or "RCV") was activated in the code... as well as batch processing of blank votes... where 74,119 more ballots were cast than the capacity." The *additive algorithm* as shown in the Democracy Suite EMS Results Tally and Reporting User Guide, Chapter 11, Settings 11.2.2. It reads in part, "RCV METHOD: This will select the specific method of tabulating RCV votes to elect a winner."








Election Results | Clerk

878,102 of 1,406,355. 62% turnout. Population 1,749,000

Wayne County, Michigan - Wikipedia

That data guy missed some easy data points.
Does that Wayne County Clerk count include mail in and absentee?
Looking at the site it looks like it listed precinct on election day only
Maybe I am missing something
I read that. BUT, only 62% of registered voters voted. Not what the Rudy's of the world claim. And, only about half of the population. They claimed more people voted than lived there, at least that was my understanding.
It looks like the site he posted only shows in person voting on election day
Maybe I missed something so I asked
So far no answer
Or answer on how fair he would consider an election where one party was barred from observing
I agree that it was dangerous. I'm guessing the people in danger are cinched up pretty tight now. What is the penalty for voter fraud?

There are over a dozen federal laws that might apply in a federal election with different penalties. Then another layer of state laws

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