2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

They voted for it after saying they wouldn’t:

Detroit's poll books were found to be 72% out of balance in the August primary. Also, in 2016, vote totals for 59% of the Detroit precincts could not be reconciled
(mostly because of finding too many had voted according to explanation from source)

This info on former book audits is readily available to anyone who wants it.
This year Detroit books are speculated to be in worse shape but this has not and cannot be confirmed at this time
The GA GOP Chair says they discovered a 9,600 tabulation error, this in addition to the 5,000 votes magically discovered missing in two counties

Wish I could hit the agree over and over on that comment 03.

I watched several lectures given by Victor Davis Hanson last week and in one he discussed how early in Romes existence it was able to ward off and defeat its enemies even though it wasn't a large power, yet by the end of its run, Rome was sacked by a relatively small force of invaders.

His point was that early on Romans had an intense sense of identity. As the empire grew and expanded this identity slowly dissipated as Roman's far and wide didn't really understand what it meant to be a Roman.

In short, the larger and more diverse Rome got the less secure it became. Fast forward to today and the US is so diverse that its subgroups are now attacking the very identity of what it means to be American. Diversity is being held above everything else. Immigrants aren't assimilating as Americans. Their own culture takes precedence and this is being encouraged. Our history is being used to shame us and our traditions.

Meanwhile, China is 99.9% ethnically homogeneous with a government that controls just about every facet of its citizens lives. The US has willingly let in the Chinese Trojan horse with business and trade and selling its debts. Now China waits while we destroy ourselves from within.

It all makes too much sense. We can still stop it but it looks bleak. And people are more concerned with Trans rights and climate change.
The new Team Biden shirts are out

JF that teacher post makes me groan inside because it could so easily be my daughter, an eighth grade teacher. She (they) has enough to deal with this year, so much is incredible, and then some ah*** throws this at them.
America is only spread thin with "diversity" because of the race hustlers and the so called woke.
I think we see in the faces of all the people atTrump rallies and support events incredible diversion but the common thread is how much they love our country.
If the haters would shut up it would go away
America is only spread thin with "diversity" because of the race hustlers and the so called woke.
I think we see in the faces of all the people atTrump rallies and support events incredible diversion but the common thread is how much they love our country.
If the haters would shut up it would go away

Unfortunately I know too many public school teachers who buy into the wokeness and critical race theory and the rest of that BS. They are teaching our children.
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Check out the Biden vote dump of 143,379 votes at 3:42AM in Wisc, after they stopped the count and sent observers home. They were surprised by how many votes he needed. Apparently they thought no one would notice. Or, if they did notice, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it

The United States used to be the gold standard for the world in free and fair elections. Democrats have turned us into a Banana Republic


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