2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

While some of the things Caroline Biden have done is bad, it's of no import whatsoever. Joe is the one that we need to focus on

Bannon's show on Newsmax tonight had some good stuff on the situation. You get the idea Biden's problems are just beginning. If elected the fraud, bribery and corruption will follow him to his grave

Don't do the crime if you cant do the time. Time's coming
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Polls are no longer about getting it right, any more than the nightly news is about reporting what happened compared to the leftist narrative, or movies / sports about entertainment compared to the leftist cause....

I say, at least in some cases, it's even more sinister. It's an attempt to suppress the vote. "Look here folks, Biden is going to win, he is ahead by 30 points, so why even go vote?" More of which side tends to vote on election day and more of which side tends to vote early?
I say, at least in some cases, it's even more sinister. It's an attempt to suppress the vote. "Look here folks, Biden is going to win, he is ahead by 30 points, so why even go vote?" More of which side tends to vote on election day and more of which side tends to vote early?
I agree with you Joe. I have a gut feeling that election night people will start shitting their pants again (like in 2016) when numbers come in. Dems always vote early and Reps vote on election day. I feel poll numbers are eschewed due to early voting. Trumpers will flood the polls on election day.....thats just my gut feeling.
....Florida's a done deal - hopefully it carries over to a few house races, like getting rid of the execrable Charlie Christ, who lost elections as a Democrat, Republican, and an Independent. Sort of like how Bill Pullman was famous for being killed by a Terminator, an Alien, and a Predator.

Any chance Loomer can win FL-21?
She would not just be beating Lois Frankel, but Hillary, Chelsea, Huma, Comey, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Avenatti, Tim Kaine, Linda Sarsour, Alyssa Milano and Keith Ellison too.
Not to mention Big Tech (or at least Twitter, Facebook, Uber, Lyft, PayPal and GoFundMe - all of which tried to kill her campaign while aiding her opponent)
I agree with you Joe. I have a gut feeling that election night people will start shitting their pants again (like in 2016) when numbers come in. ...

If so, it will make for some more great video mashes
Plus a chance to make some money (as happened for at least a handful of us in here in 2016)
I just see the same people same polls telling me Biden is going to win. Stock market goes up Big one day and they say the market predicts a Biden win???? Do theses people believe what they are saying? Their polls are off by 7 points. Trump takes MI, Wis, Fld, and Ohio.
Any chance Loomer can win FL-21? She would not just be beating Lois Frankel, but Hillary, Chelsea, Huma, Comey, ...
I just see the same people same polls telling me Biden is going to win. Stock market goes up Big one day and they say the market predicts a Biden win???? Do theses people believe what they are saying? Their polls are off by 7 points. Trump takes MI, Wis, Fld, and Ohio.

Nothing personal
I just see the same people same polls telling me Biden is going to win. Stock market goes up Big one day and they say the market predicts a Biden win???? Do theses people believe what they are saying? Their polls are off by 7 points. Trump takes MI, Wis, Fld, and Ohio.
I think the market is reacting more to stimulus talks right now. The election has some to do with the numbers but the stimulus is the big factor IMHO

And I'm still scratching my head on who is going to win here (I live in OH). Its really up in the air I think.
Tim Carney trying to explain Trump Rallies

" .... I took in the beaming faces of the coal miners Doug and Josh in the bleachers to my left, the cheers of truck driver Scott Dilling standing next to me, the laughter of grandmothers, grandfathers, and the envelope-factory workers. Suddenly the moment was something else. Part rock concert, part playoff game, the Trump rally in a tiny airport in a tiny town in Central Pa. — especially in the moments around Trump’s entrance—was exuberant.

“Fortunate Son” was the perfect celebratory song for the crowd. The coal miners, truck drivers, immigrants, blue-collar parents trying to raise a family, the landscapers — yes, mostly white, but also black, Hispanic, and Asian, including immigrants — were belting out with heartfelt sincerity “Some folks are born, silver spoon in hand, Lord, don't they help themselves, y'all…”

Then Marine One landed, and a new song blared out the lyrics

* * * We are the champions, my friends * * *
The Central Pa. crowd sang this song, as a welcoming song of the president. The farmers, coal miners, gun-owners, bikers, have had their share of sand kicked in their face, but for now they feel like they’re winners. And it’s because of Trump ...... The 20-something suburban mom was really 100-percent behind the “grab-em-by-the-p***y” guy? Are none of these people bothered by shifting farmers’ income from market income to subsidy income? What about his bad tweets?

Were these people really just celebrating that their guy—the guy who stands up for coal miners, for the “poorly educated,” for gun-owners—had his hand on the levers of power and was using them to entertain them?

Then I recalled all the other institutions that we might expect to be a-political, or to avoid taking sides in the culture war. Youtube is trying desperately to lead people away from the videos of Biden calling for a ban on fracking. Facebook and Twitter tried to cut off access to New York Post stories on Hunter Biden’s influence peddling. Our federal law enforcement agencies spied on Trump’s 2016 campaign. Our major media have stopped pretending they’re not partisan actors.

Trump’s fly-by was simply a turning of the tables, it seemed, as Queen blared. It was the people who had been crapped on for years by both parties, by the media, and by academia, getting to be the champions.

Was it bizarre that the working-class and rural folks around me would find “their guy” in a golden mansion atop a tower on Fifth Avenue? Sure. But what he says, and whose side he's on is what matters. That's what the Left says every election, right? Whose side are you on?

He’s for our jobs,” Josh the coal miner said after the rally. Biden's against them. There's no reason to get more nuanced. Some people are for us. Some are against us. The people against us use their power to get more power and make us look bad. (Remember Katie Couric's dishonest attack on gun owners?) Trump's for us.

"This was the s**t, man," said Neil, a local in his 20s after the rally. Others agreed. "It was WILD in the parking lot" before the rally, said Gary. People were tailgaiting for hours. ...."
The joy of a Trump rally
Apparently Facebook's Zuckerberg was involved in one of the deals (or proposed deals) between China and the Hunter crew while Joe was VP

Anyone surprised?
The Philly Metro areas holds ~45% of the population of the entire state
WOW i didn't realize it was that large. Well for what its worth the people I have talked to (wifes family and friends) and from what I have heard Trump has Eastern PA and I'm putting $$ on Central PA
WOW i didn't realize it was that large. Well for what its worth the people I have talked to (wifes family and friends) and from what I have heard Trump has Eastern PA and I'm putting $$ on Central PA

Do everything you can to keep those riots going until the election
Your country needs you
Dont let us down

400 likely voters in Pennsylvania
conducted the evening of Oct 25 (by both IVR and live cell phone interviews)
MOE +/- 4.9%
Weighted for age, race, gender, and political affiliation

Trump Takes The Lead In Pennsylvania; +3 Per New Poll - American Greatness

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FL in person early voting now Rs +280,869. Could hit 300,000 today

Update on the FL early in person voting
Now Rs +330,606

This has cut the D overall lead now to 284,384.
They are on pace for a FL turnout of just over 75%. They are supposed to need 84%+ turnout to be competitive.

Here some of the counties for early in person vis-à-vis 2016
Osceola County: D+10 points
2016: D+26

Palm Beach Co. R+.1%
2016: Hills +19%

Alachua Co. D+22 points
2016: D+ 27.5

Leon Co. D+23 points
2016: D+27.5 points
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