The Lincoln Project savagely reminds America of everything it has lost due to 'Trump's virus'
Trump's virus... that's what they call it. Liberals have nothing. First, it was Russian collusion. Then something with Ukraine. Then blame the virus on him. Buy votes (Benefits for illegals, reparations, expand the welfare state in the name of socialism and mock anyone who questions socialism). And what about that national debt? NOBODY CARES. So the platform is wide open to throwing cash to anyone with a grievance. And the American people are like dogs; put a bowl of food in front of them and they'll eat it. Even if they could get something better on their own.
They have nothing. And their candidate is a corrupt, old white man, while Beto and AOC lurk in hiding.
Trump v America? HOW PATHETIC. The sanctimony is sickening.
I will vote Trump for one reason: LIBERALISM IS OUR ENEMY.
Trump's virus... that's what they call it. Liberals have nothing. First, it was Russian collusion. Then something with Ukraine. Then blame the virus on him. Buy votes (Benefits for illegals, reparations, expand the welfare state in the name of socialism and mock anyone who questions socialism). And what about that national debt? NOBODY CARES. So the platform is wide open to throwing cash to anyone with a grievance. And the American people are like dogs; put a bowl of food in front of them and they'll eat it. Even if they could get something better on their own.
They have nothing. And their candidate is a corrupt, old white man, while Beto and AOC lurk in hiding.
Trump v America? HOW PATHETIC. The sanctimony is sickening.
I will vote Trump for one reason: LIBERALISM IS OUR ENEMY.
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