So if you think women should be treated respectfully, we need to vote for Donald (bleeding from her whatever) Trump?
That's not it. It's the total hypocrisy of the Left. The vicious attack on Kavanaugh in front of his family, the ABSOLUTE STATEMENTS OF BELIEVE THE VICTIM and the subsequent dodge of Biden's accusations should make a rational human being TOTALLY EMBARRASSED. But they're not embarrassed and it's because they are pathologically ambitious, emotionally impaired and completely corrupt.
Nobody expects you to vote for Trump.
But we do wonder why it is Liberals can so arrogantly ignore their disgusting hypocrisy. And they are. And it is despicable. And I'd trust Trump with America ANY DAY of the week over ANY LIBERAL NO MATTER WHO IT IS.
Concerning America's national interests; the speeches around the world about climate change and the like are a joke. The UN is completely corrupt. China and Russia are our enemy. There is no "working with the world." You don't give in. You play tough all the way. Trump is immune to virtue signaling feel good BS. He is governing from a position of strength. Liberals do not. They are consumed with being "gooder" than you and their embarrassment over the US and hatred of our flag and anthem makes them suspect in my book. They do not deserve total power. They can't be trusted. And we're not talking about lies on the campaign trail WHICH THEY ALL DO. We're talking real circumvention of the Constitution and weakening ourselves in favor of world elites. That is why a Liberal should be opposed vigorously in very town in America.
Their domestic social agenda is so mindlessly egalitarian that they want to apply it to our nation relative to the rest of the world. I say, NEVER. Call me a nationalist. Fine. But it's not like Nazism. It's the recognition that we are the light against Russia and China and being strong is the only way.
In other words, the hypocrisy over Biden's sexual issues is a sure sign as to how Liberals operate as does the selection of Beto and AOC, the acolytes of Sanders and Warren who couldn't even win the Democrat primary against an old white guy, to handle gun control and climate change. The Liberal agenda is in charge.
NO THANKS and that's why the sexual allegations matter.
I plan on voting accordingly.