Mind reader!
We’ve homeschooled our kids through 4 or 5th grade and then sent them to “regular school”. Around 6 years old, the charm of being at home with them provides a lower return on investment with each passing year (in our experience). Deez basically admits as much in his comment regarding surviving the birthday party.
Honestly I don't think it provides a lower return yet. Obviously when he was a baby, that's when he needed me for his most immediate and basic needs - couldn't eat, couldn't move, couldn't take a dump, and couldn't sleep without my help. That was more of a full time job than any full time job I've ever had. Furthermore, even though he was enjoyable to be with and certainly had many exciting moments, there was no intellectual engagement, because he couldn't talk.
Now he can generally take care of his immediate needs (with a few hiccups mixed in which he occasionally still needs my help). However, he needs my help in other ways. He is in kindergarten and is not homeschooled, but he is still with me a lot and looks to me for learning about things he sees. He is obsessed with math and geography (as I was at his age), and when he's not in school, he needs someone to talk about it with him. It helps him learn. When he's trying to learn how to navigate social situations with other people (kids or adults), he asks me. When he needs help reading or learning new words, he asks me. When he needs someone to help him memorize Bible verses for his church program (called AWANA), he looks to me. I also volunteer for AWANA and help other kids on Wednesday nights. And of course, all of this is intellectually engaging. It's not the same as discussing law and politics at a professional level, but it does engage my intellect.
And I'll admit something about being a lawyer. It isn't always very intellectually engaging. I was constantly talking to supposedly intelligent adults, and though there were some novel cases and issues, it was pretty repetitive. The cases often had pretty similar fact patterns. Much worse, I had to have the same boring arguments and the same pissing matches with the same insurance adjusters and defense lawyers. How many times do I have to haggle and go to court over the admissibility and discoverability of an injured person's immigration status? How many times do I have to go to court because some defense lawyer wants to argue to a judge why he should have records of a dude's prostate exam when he's only claiming a shoulder injury? After kicking the same people's asses 30 or 40 times in a row over stupid **** like that, you'd think they'd give up and come up with new stuff to fight over. They don't. Well, that stops being intellectually stimulating after awhile and starts being an annoying chore. Explaining to Deez, Jr. how to do basic arithmetic, helping him learn John 3:16 and what it means, where Botswana is, or why Germany used to be "bad guys" but is now at least generally "good guys" might be very basic stuff, but it's new to him. Furthermore, it's for an important reason. That makes it a lot more intellectually engaging than having to argue with the same defense lawyers for the 20th time why the herpes sores on my female client's butt crack aren't relevant to her spinal injury just because he's getting low on his billable hours and has to take somebody to court over something.
Will I go back to work in the UK? I might. I'm looking into what it would take to practice law there, and I'm looking into ways to do US work remotely. However, even with Deez, Jr. in school, I stay pretty busy. Routine errands take much more time over here, and Mrs. Deez has had some health issues lately that have required my help quite a bit. I don't have a lot of "sitting around" time, and so long as we're overseas and Mrs. Deez has a good job, I'm always going to prioritize my family over any job I might find.