===== 2010 F1 Season Thread =====

Yup, five minutes from the start (horn just sounded) and it's still coming down but the race will go on, of course. Thing is that with a new course it's going to be slick. So much power at your command and yet it will be finesse that will be needed. That and some luck that somebody does not overdo it and smash you out of the race.
Oh HELL no. Did you catch that about the fear the photographers have out in the boonies for the good vantage points? The rains have brought out the snakes, big time. They are all afraid of being bitten.

In reply to:

I will not comment on the race until everyone has had a chance to see ALL of it, but Stefano Domenicali at Ferrari made a strange comment on their fuel: “As usual, our thanks extend to our commercial and technical partners, starting with Philip Morris, the Santander Bank and Shell, the latter bringing us a new fuel here which also helped”.

Fuel compounds are one of the most guarded secrets in F1. It would be interesting to know what type of compound Shell developed. We do know the current Shell with nitrogen formula is a direct result of the F1 program. They didn’t know, but must have suspected rain so something was changed. So I cannot wait for the Shell mixture with water resistant additive!
I am not reading any posts above because I am watching it right now but somebody (in case not everybody has watched yet) just got knocked out and took another car out when he spun towards the grass (after hitting wall and losing transmission).

What an interesting race that was full of everything! Accidents, engine and car failures, take outs, spin outs, strategy and weather delays.

Boy oh boy the next two races will be interesting.


So, is Vettel out totally or does he have to continue to rely on older engines? He has used his 8. Alonso too, right? But Felipe is still up and running.

Yipee this is fun.
They aren't out. They can still use previously used engines or use a new one. Nobody takes the 10 grid slot penalty until they actually use the 9th engine.

Ferrari (knock on wood) has been doing a great job of managing & getting the most out of theirs. Alonso has been reusing the strongest of the 8 he's already used and not done blow'd up.

Someone on the Speed board asked the same question as you, except in regard to Webber at The Link .

Some good info there, including a link to the rule and a list of used engines, by driver.
Cool, thanks. I assumed I heard it right that they were using used engines but I guess it depends on what shape those engines are in.

Just a few races ago it looked like Red Bull was untouchable and were to cruise into both championships. Lee Corso: NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND.
Webber had a new engine for Korea so that one is still basically new, and I believe he still has another new one.

Red Bull now has to find two races for Vettal within 7 engines (not much left to the one that failed yesterday).

Biggest news yesterday other than Ferrari, was: (i) Heikki in the Lotus finishing only 1 lap down; and (ii) both HRT's finishing.
Luckily for the fans at the U.S. Gran Prix in Elroy, there are only three poisonous snakes likely to be on the scene.
That Korean race was wild! Alonso and Hamilton did really good jobs in very difficult conditions.
The announcer said something about a 22 mile long traffic jam to get into the track, I hope we don't see that here.
While we face our own challenges here traffic-wise, theirs seem pretty unique.

That track is right outside a good-sized city, but pretty remote from anywhere else, with, I believe, only one highway coming to the area from the rest of Korea. That right there would be a pretty huge problem.

Most of our race-goers will be coming in at ABIA, from the east on 290 and 71, from the north and south on I-35, and some from the south on 183 and west on 71. Our main issue is diffusing all that traffic into different routes to the facility once they get here. Of course, that's the typical issue faced at most places.
Just saw that over at the Speed board.

I remember it striking me as odd that he rolled back across the track like that, as we just really don't see it happen often, but I didn't really think too much about it after that.

Do we even know if MW's brakes were operational after the initial impact?
After the hit on Rosberg it appears that the braking system was compromised. Red Bull has telemetry that would shed some light on the subject, but that will never see the light of day.
Yeah, it probably was compromised after that hit, but the time I'm wondering about is the period from the impact with the wall until the impact with Nico when he was rolling.
Two races to go with everyone now in Brazil. Hamilton and Button both think they still have a chance at the title so are we in for some agressive F1 racing?
I was afraid something like this was going to happen one day: Link
If participant personal safety cannot be assured, I believe the FIA can prohibit a race.

Now this: Link

Don't be surprised if Brazil loses it race until safety of everyone can be assuerd.
Wow, two separate armed robbery attempts with machine guns on F1 team members. I suppose it could happen in any other large city, but this is not good for the Brazilian GP.
So what do you F1 addicts think about the lack of "team orders" on Red Bull yesterday?
They obviously were concentrating on winning the constructor's championship. Maybe a new team is going to be totally dedicated to one goal, not two, and the drivers are going to have to go along with that. That's how it appeared.
Or maybe since both drivers still had a chance at the driver's title, they felt they could not ask one to let the other pass.
Red Bull is obvously banking on something happening to Alonso. No doubt that Weber will win in Abu Dhabi now that the Constructors Championship is set.

However, IMHO Red Bull forgot two things: (i) Alonso has basically a new engine for Abu Dhabi; and (ii) Vettel hates Webber.
I doubt they "forgot" either of those two things. It just did not seem to be a priority for them, which is somewhat curious, or they made a strong promise to treat each driver equally, and they stand by that decision.
They probably didn't forget about Alonso's engine, but I would be surpriesed if they really acknowledged Vettel's distaste for Webber.

All of the money goes with the constructor's championship, but the fame goes with the driver's title. Had they used orders, they would have been assured of both. Now, they have no better than a 50/50 chance to win the title for Webber.
I was surprised red bull didn't order weber past but they have favored vettel all season. I hope it's either weber or Alonso. Not a fan of Lewis or vettel.
I also thought the other red bull team (algusuermi?) was intentionally holding up Alonso after the restart. Wonder if there were some team planning going on there
Lewis is all but out. Something like he has to win and the other three have to finish out of the points. A long shot but a shot.

I fully expect Webber to win the race. In that case, Alonso has to finish second. If Vettel wins, Alonso has to finish thrid (even if Webber finishes second). In other words, Alonso wins if he either wins the race or comes in second. The other three have to depend on one of the others to screw-up. Qualification is going to be intense.

Alonso, Webber and Vettel each has 4 wins this season.

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