100 days, til kickoff!

Mark McBath was the starting QB in 1977. Fast, smart, good option and threw the ball well. OU took him out in the first quarter. He came back to have a really great SunBowl game with Ham Jones the next year. Mark proved he could do it in that game and then took off to medical school.

We played Maryland in that Sun Bowl game. Jerry Claiborne won the toss and took the ball facing a 45 mph wind coming off Franklin Mountain

Tim Wilson was two years out of UMd, and Tim was Earl's roommate and best friend. Earl and I bet Tim dinner on that game. They didn't see the first half because they were on an Oilers charter to Pittsburgh. According to the recorded message at my house, "What happened".

Two years later, Earl and I were sitting with Coach Claiborne at Tim and Volanda's wedding reception and he was bemoaning the "West Texas gale" and how he had never experienced anything like it.
No #14 QB Eddie Phillips?

1969-1971 - some said he was the best Wishbone QB ever at UT.

Eddie P was one of the best. But, as for pure skill set of a wishbone QB, I think the best was Marty Akins. I believe even DKR may have said as much.
Eddie P was one of the best. But, as for pure skill set of a wishbone QB, I think the best was Marty Akins. I believe even DKR may have said as much.

For some reason this made me think that James Street = Terry Bradshaw. Results but not the best?
Jack Mildren, James Street, Eddie Phillips, Marty Akins never got shut down to less than 100 yards total offense and only three earned first downs, particularly with RBs like Billy Sims and David Overstreet.

Thomas Lott would not make my top ten wishbone QBs, maybe not top 20.
Jack Mildren, James Street, Eddie Phillips, Marty Akins never got shut down to less than 100 yards total offense and only three earned first downs, particularly with RBs like Billy Sims and David Overstreet.

Thomas Lott would not make my top ten wishbone QBs, maybe not top 20.
I believe the game you're referring to was '79. That would be J.C. Watts.
You are correct, sir. I would, however, submit that JC Watts was a much better wishbone QB than Thomas Lott.

Sure wish he had hung in there and run for President
The very underrated Marvin Kristynik, who QB'd the win over the great Joe Namath and mighty #1 Bama in the 1965 Orange Bowl!

Danny Akers
Arguably his most memorable moment came in the 84 SMU game when he got speared by David Stanley, keeping a drive alive in a tight 13-7 victory. James Lott sealed the win with a stellar series of defensive plays as the clock ticked down.

Gone at 54. Too soon.
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I know it's a couple of days away but I was wondering ahead if we got anybody decent for the #10 photo? You HF wizards start noodling on it...

Dion maybe you could throw out some suggestions from the old UT photo source you have access to?
I know it's a couple of days away but I was wondering ahead if we got anybody decent for the #10 photo? You HF wizards start noodling on it...

Dion maybe you could throw out some suggestions from the old UT photo source you have access to?
I know it's a couple of days away but I was wondering ahead if we got anybody decent for the #10 photo? You HF wizards start noodling on it...

Dion maybe you could throw out some suggestions from the old UT photo source you have access to?

Probably the 2nd most famous #10....