100 days, til kickoff!

#9 Malcolm Williams

Raul Allegre
Wanted to make sure this guy got some mention.
Civil Engineer, MBA UT Austin ‘99, ESPN Desportes.
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I always thought Kwame could be football's next Steve Atwater; big, fast, smart, and I bet when he arrived WRs wouldn't forget it.

Of course, Mackovic wasn't going to let anyone with any possible offensive talent get near the defense.
Kwame Cavil
He walked an interesting path during his time on the 40. Recruited as a linebacker from Waco, he switched to wide receiver in 1998, setting a team record with 100 receptions in 1999. He was Mack’s first player to declare early for the draft after the 99 season after being suspended before the 2K Cotton Bowl; a 27-6 mudholing to piggy.
One wonders what if.
I thought he switched to WR in 1997 after a week of training camp or something like that. He was the one bright spot in a dismal year. He never played linebacker.
Before we get to the Shipley pics:
Ricky Churchman

For those who don’t know this story:
Mind you it’s been 40 years and the details are a little hazy, but here goes.
In the 1977 matchup against TCU, the Horns were down a quarterback or two (three actually). Sam Ansley got the start and was pulled from the game to change jerseys and the next guy up was defensive back Ricky Churchman. In his one play career as Texas quarterback, he produced a 40 yard touchdown run by Ham Jones.
One play, instant score. Ham was five yards past the line of scrimmage before the defenders got out of their stance </hyperbole >. I have never understood why we have never used this play again.



There is a 7 in this photo. Also, I love remembering this moment. Taking out all the frustration from all of the previous losses in one play. Still pissed off that ABC cut away from the game before this moment happened.



There is a 7 in this photo. Also, I love remembering this moment. Taking out all the frustration from all of the previous losses in one play. Still pissed off that ABC cut away from the game before this moment happened.
I saw it live. How is it your TV cut away from it and mine didn't?
I saw it live. How is it your TV cut away from it and mine didn't?

I was living in Seattle at the time and John Saunders came on and said they were cutting away to a more competitive game. Never mind that they played every second of blow-u beating the snot out of us in previous years.
Isn’t James Brown #1? His bravado before the B12 champ game against Nebraska is legendary. What a way to finish the kickoff countdown.
I think mc is speaking metaphorically.
To tell the reporter that Texas was going to win when no one gave us a chance is Epic.

That makes JB # 1 to many of us.
The Nebraska game was nice, but as a freshman to take us down the field to score on OU, then come out for the next drive and tell the OU defense, "Are you guys still here, I thought you'd give up and go home by now", was OFS

Tony Jones carving out Arkansas' heart with a spoon.


My uber-professional (?) photo at the Michigan game. But Limas looks good coming off the line. I'll leave to someone else to post that other photo of #4.


Roy Williams. The man, the myth, the legend.
