0U stud WR arrested on two felony charges

I hate to hear about this. The thing is the kids are risking blowing a chance that many would love to have in getting to not just have a chance to go to the NFL and make big money but also the opportunity to get an education. A shame.
what the hell's he doing with a gun on campus? yikes.

great that BlowU can release a statement that says that Stoops has no comment. probably checking to see if they have a replacement for him at Big Red Imports.

no wonder he looks 25, he's 18 and a junior in high school. he could be a 21-yr old freshman at Norman and 26 by the time he completes his medical redshirt.


Was Chris Collins not simply a committment when the rape thing happened? Seems like Mack cut that string. I may be wron but thats my memory. 73 is usually fairly rational, but I don't remember he majority of us thinking Ramonce was set up
I don't know if one single person on this site categorically stated that.

I'm sure a few people said something like "Well this doesn't look good, and probably isn't good, but an allegation isn't a conviction, so I'll wait to pass judgment until the courts sort the truth out", but that's a far cry from proclaiming that he was set up.
IIRC Chris Collins had committed to Texas at the time felony charges were filed against him. No LOI had been signed. Mack pulled his offer and he went on to play for Okie Lite while the charges remained pending.
I think Truck's Son is missing the point. Yes, kids will get into trouble and it doesn't matter what school he wants to attend. It's how the school deals with that problem is the.....well..... where lies the problem.

Book it, he will be playing next year in Norman because every really really good football player deserves a second and third chance at the fine University of Oklahoma. No excuses!!!!

I 35,

Believe me, I understand what's going on here. The problem is that we come out looking like complete fools talking **** about a player from another school getting arrested, regardless of the situation.

Not to mention that our coaching staff certainly doesn't have a perfect history of dealing with off the field issues. Terrell Brown, Tyrell Gatewood come to mind. So does me seeing a certain underage LB with history of DUI downtown with a 40 in his hand.

Whatever, I'm not trying to slam our guys. I just think it's stupid for any of us to point fingers at this point, regardless of how OU handles the situation.
He is working on his first 2 college credit hrs in Norman.

We may have a minor history of that but most of the guys dont end up playing on the field for us. I am not saying OU or their coaches had anything to do with this. i do think that he will play next year vs week 1 opponent. Their history is a whole lot more shaddy than ours. its not only a topic on its own, its a website.
Small hit to OU who was looking to bring in some better prospects at the WR position this year. Still leaves them with Miller and Owens though.
Since73 is a rational and reasonable poster. I seem to remember RT having problems right before the '05 Rose Bowl.

I'm all for blasting the ******** from north Gainsville, but let's keep things in perspective.
From this kids show at the US Army All American game, this doesn't really surprise me. He did the ole' put out a few hats and pick one but that's not the real one and threw on the OU hat at the end.
Truck's Son,

I still think you're missing the point. There is an example at every school of a kid just like Josh Jarboe. I don't deny that Texas had a Josh or two. But I also think Mack has always made the punishment fit the crime. We are not ragging on OU because of what Josh has did, but more of what OU will mostlikely do for this kid due to how they handled past situations.

If you think Texas is = to OU when it comes to how Bob and Mack deal with problem athletes then you haven't been paying attention. I assure you that Mack would never allow a kid to wear a Texas Jersey again if he put his best friend in a coma.

We might not even be talking about Josh if OU had a reputation of making the crime fit the punishment. But they don't and we get to have fun with this.


I don't know if you got my pm or not, but all I'm saying is that it doesn't matter what OU does with this kid. They could appoint him student body president and I still wouldn't say a ******* thing. (ok that example is probably a little too extreme)

After our offseason last year, we have zero room to ever, ever, ever talk **** to another program regarding off the field troubles for the next couple of years.

That's just my opinion though, so fire away if you want.
I35, you are absolutely correct. Nice post.

Haven and truckers son, of the incidents last off season, non of those guys ever put on a Texas jersey or even came to practice again.

The difference, as you will see, will be come august 08, Josh will be wearing crimson and white instead of orange(and I don’t mean UT or Osu).
OU is taking this situation very seriously, and Stoops has already announced the young man will not be eligible to start the first game until he attends three counseling sessions and washes six cars at Big Red Sports and Imports.