'I Feel Duped on Climate Change'

I was actually in Brazil and in the Amazon 6 weeks ago and they are making lots of roads for Brazil and for capitalism, not specifically for this summit. The summit only put this particular 8 mile stretch higher on the list in the short run. The title of the article should have been " I **** you A LOT" rather than "I **** you not".

If you have a problem with roads being built in the Amazon, which I suspect you don't really, then your ire should be focused on capitalism.
Do you ever stop slurping the MSM nonsense and actually try thinking for yourself? The incessant babbling gives reason to believe the answer is no.

He bought a car. Big deal. He isn't forcing you to buy one. That was the prior regime that tried to kill ICE vehicles through a mandate.
He didn't just "buy a car". He ran a friggin car commercial on the White House lawn. And he only ran it as a favor to a very large POLITICAL DONOR. That is the embodiment of SWAMP.
Read the link again and then stop to think
Which group has spent years protesting the horrible things Capitalists are doing to the earth as they so importantly fly their private jets and multi car motorcade to.conferences to spout lies
I hope you are not so full of TDS that you can't see the hypocrisy Capitalists are pointing out
After years of crying for the rainforest they are destroying them

But I think.you understand
It had everything to do with Elon being inside the circle now and his stock taking a dump. Political favors. That's all this was.

POTUS as pitchman. POTUS for sale.

And it violates federal employment ethics rules. It's not "TDS" to have a problem with what he did. Let's put it this way. If Joe Biden had done a photo-op of him buying some service of George Soros's, we would all have had a problem with it.
And it violates federal employment ethics rules. It's not "TDS" to have a problem with what he did. Let's put it this way. If Joe Biden had done a photo-op of him buying some service of George Soros's, we would all have had a problem with it.
Right, because certainly Soros and Musk are of the same ilk.


However, the poster you quoted would have likely been silent on that as well had that happened.

It is TDS because if you can type with a straight face that had Musk not turned republican and given a car to Biden, the media and left would have celebrated it.
And it violates federal employment ethics rules. It's not "TDS" to have a problem with what he did. Let's put it this way. If Joe Biden had done a photo-op of him buying some service of George Soros's, we would all have had a problem with it.
I don’t understand the analogy since Biden was Soros’ paid puppet.
Right, because certainly Soros and Musk are of the same ilk.


However, the poster you quoted would have likely been silent on that as well had that happened.

It is TDS because if you can type with a straight face that had Musk not turned republican and given a car to Biden, the media and left would have celebrated it.

You're right. They would have celebrated it or just ignored it. That's because they have TDS and BDS. I just believe in the rule of law, so I would have a problem with it either way. And the rule doesn't say it's OK to do it if the product or service isn't from a liberal donor, so for the purpose of this issue, it doesn't matter that Musk has a better agenda than Soros does.
You're right. They would have celebrated it or just ignored it. That's because they have TDS and BDS. I just believe in the rule of law, so I would have a problem with it either way. And the rule doesn't say it's OK to do it if the product or service isn't from a liberal donor, so for the purpose of this issue, it doesn't matter that Musk has a better agenda than Soros does.
The level of law breaking and ethics violation from the left is so over the top compared to this that this doesn't even pull my give a **** meter out of the closet.
I know it doesn't. Like Trump says, he could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and not lose voters. He isn't wrong.

Please refresh my memory on Trump saying that. If he did, I'm sure it was a troll, like he often does to get the left's, and some who claim to be on the right, panties in a wad.

Please refresh my memory on Trump saying that. If he did, I'm sure it was a troll, like he often does to get the left's, and some who claim to be on the right, panties in a wad.

He did say it and was making a joke, but like most jokes, there was truth to it. And you're exemplifying it here. You're not denying that he broke ethical guidelines. You're saying you basically don't care, and that's fine. Far more voters on both sides are like you than not. But to say I have TDS because I do have a problem with it when you know I'd have a problem with Biden doing the same is absurd.
He did say it and was making a joke, but like most jokes, there was truth to it. And you're exemplifying it here. You're not denying that he broke ethical guidelines. You're saying you basically don't care, and that's fine. Far more voters on both sides are like you than not. But to say I have TDS because I do have a problem with it when you know I'd have a problem with Biden doing the same is absurd.
I don't know what the ethical guidelines are. I would not approve of breaking those. But, frankly, compared to what the Dems, presidents or otherwise, do on a daily basis makes this look like the absolute nothingburger it is that only get attention because Trump did it.

Absurdly, it is being freaked out over more than Biden having secret files in his garage.

Seriously, who cares? Move on to another beer discussion or something.
I don't know what the ethical guidelines are. I would not approve of breaking those.

Fair enough, and if that's the case, you should disapprove of this. I'm not saying he should be impeached for it, but I am saying it's a bad thing and that political leaders shouldn't be doing it.

But, frankly, compared to what the Dems, presidents or otherwise, do on a daily basis makes this look like the absolute nothingburger it is that only get attention because Trump did it.
Absurdly, it is being freaked out over more than Biden having secret files in his garage.

Agree. Biden did much worse, and I condemn what he did much more.

Seriously, who cares? Move on to another beer discussion or something.

I actually didn't bring it up. BOSDe did. You guys him $hit about it, and I defended him.

But I can move on and talk about beer, hot chicks, or both at the same time. They go together well.
Fair enough, and if that's the case, you should disapprove of this. I'm not saying he should be impeached for it, but I am saying it's a bad thing and that political leaders shouldn't be doing it.

Agree. Biden did much worse, and I condemn what he did much more.

I actually didn't bring it up. BOSDe did. You guys him $hit about it, and I defended him.

But I can move on and talk about beer, hot chicks, or both at the same time. They go together well.
Sorry, I know you didn't bring it up. I don't disagree it shouldn't have probably happened. Again, I only don't give a crap because what I said already about Dems doing 100x worse daily.

Some will say that makes me a hypocrite, but those who would say that I already don't give a crap about.

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