The Media Industry

You aren't wrong on any of this, but a few things blunt my outrage. First, the real magnitude and respect for the physical office was lost when an intern blew the POTUS under the desk. We decided that was pretty much ok even if a felony is committed to hide it, so is this worse or less dignified? I don't think so.

Second, Musk is asserting influence in the open. It's not good optics, but is it ethically worse than other billionaires having their monkey boys asserting their influence through clandestine means to preserve the illusion that such influence doesn't exist?

For example, virtually every policy decision the Biden Administration made was consistent with the Soros family's agenda. Soros may not have been in the office and taking questions from the media, but is there any doubt that he or his monkey boys were asserting influence? Of course they were. We just never saw it.

And finally, if I have to have a billionaire asserting influence, I'd rather it be one using his influence to waste less of my money rather than more.
This sort of what-about-ism is the reason for our deep, deep spiral into incivility and increasingly poor governance. Quit making excuses for our bad behavior by saying "they did it first". I get it. The dems have done some underhanded crap. They have done many, many things to degrade the office, the legislature, the government in general.

So we should be better. We can't be better if we constantly look the other way when our guys do crappy stuff.

Certainly his dress code is not enough to kick him off the team, but we shouldn't just ignore it when our sides' leaders do dumb stuff. We also shouldn't ignore it when our chief leader does incredibly narcissistic, petty and vengeful things like kicking a 2 Star out of her house with 3 hours notice.
To be fair BOSD That 3 Star knew when she got fired 2 weeks before she was supposedly evicted. She KNEW she has to vacate that government housing. PERIOD
Why didn't she? Maybe to create the stir.
This sort of what-about-ism is the reason for our deep, deep spiral into incivility and increasingly poor governance. Quit making excuses for our bad behavior by saying "they did it first". I get it. The dems have done some underhanded crap. They have done many, many things to degrade the office, the legislature, the government in general.

So we should be better. We can't be better if we constantly look the other way when our guys do crappy stuff.

Certainly his dress code is not enough to kick him off the team, but we shouldn't just ignore it when our sides' leaders do dumb stuff. We also shouldn't ignore it when our chief leader does incredibly narcissistic, petty and vengeful things like kicking a 2 Star out of her house with 3 hours notice.

I know, and again, you're right. It's hard though. I'm really starting to lose faith in the idea of standards when it comes to politics, especially on matters of decorum or ethics. Nobody on either side seems to care.
To be fair BOSD That 3 Star knew when she got fired 2 weeks before she was supposedly evicted. She KNEW she has to vacate that government housing. PERIOD
Why didn't she? Maybe to create the stir.
That is how politics is done. NOT HOW THE MILITARY IS DONE. If you want a military that is run by professionals who will submit to the authority of civilians about how to resource and deploy a machine of war then you have to do things the right way. This was 100% political retribution. This was not a disagreement about timing. That political retribution will undermine the trust that military leaders have in civilian leaders. It makes us look (and eventually act) like a 3rd world junta. Institutions matter. DJT screwed the pooch in a big way on this.
The Coast Guard reports to the Secretary of Homeland Security. They are not "military" except under orders from the President.

There is a civilian in charge of the US military by design. If a General disobeys a lawful order by the President or the SecDef their career will be over and will probably be jailed.
So you think she did not know she lost the housing given to the head of CG the day she was fired as head ofd CG?
Common sense alone.
The Coast Guard reports to the Secretary of Homeland Security. They are not "military" except under orders from the President.

There is a civilian in charge of the US military by design. If a General disobeys a lawful order by the President or the SecDef their career will be over and will probably be jailed.
You are 100% wrong. The Coast Guard is military. They do fall under DHS but they are still a branch of the military.

The design of civilian control starts to erode when that civilian control starts to make decisions for purely domestic political retribution rather than safety and security of the nation. In other words, the very act that DJT perpetrated is an act that will erode that control if it becomes a norm of how civilians interact with military leaders. DJT is effectively saying "your political allegiance to me, is more important than your 30 years of service in the uniform"

That is a ****** action for a POTUS.
The design of civilian control starts to erode when that civilian control starts to make decisions for purely domestic political retribution rather than safety and security of the nation.

The military hasn't been used to keep the nation safe in a long time. They have been used to project the ruling class's power over most of the world. Just look at the USAID revelations, much of that was in service of things that were military in nature, but which only aggrandized the ruling class.
You are 100% wrong. The Coast Guard is military. They do fall under DHS but they are still a branch of the military.
I don't see the Coast Guard represented in the military command structure: The Joint Chiefs of Staff consist of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Chief of the National Guard Bureau and the Chief of Space Operations.

They have police powers and can be attached to the Navy.
I don't see the Coast Guard represented in the military command structure: The Joint Chiefs of Staff consist of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Chief of the National Guard Bureau and the Chief of Space Operations.

They have police powers and can be attached to the Navy.
one more salvo and then I'm moving on. The Coast Guard is military.
- Their rank and pay structure is identical to every other branch
- Prior service CG's are considered veterans and entitled to everything the other branches are.
- CG's have received Medal of Honor
- I can transfer from CG to Army and vice versa and receive like credit for years served
- The CG has had a DoD role in EVERY conflict we've ever been in
- The VA regards every CG as a veteran
- There are numerous papers about the fact that they should be placed under Joint Chiefs (which is only a DoD element)
- I have gone to military schools where the occasional CG shows up

Under your logic the National Guard wouldn't be military either because they report to Governor until they are specifically ordered to federal duty.
DoD Website

We need our media to learn a little about Nazi Germany. Though they talk about it a lot, they know frighteningly little about it.

We need our media to learn a little about Nazi Germany. Though they talk about it a lot, they know frighteningly little about it.

Burning books is free speech I guess. It made more sense when they compared removing anti-LGBT books from school libraries to Nazis. Still didn't make sense, but not so farcical.
Burning books is free speech I guess.

They burned books of material that conflicted with Nazism. By no serious measure did Nazi Germany have free speech. Criticizing the regime in public would get one sent to Dachau. The Reich Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment engaged in mass censorship of art, literature, and media and controlled who got hired as journalists. If that's "free speech," I'd like to know what isn't.

It made more sense when they compared removing anti-LGBT books from school libraries to Nazis. Still didn't make sense, but not so farcical.

It was farcical. Deciding that taxpayer-funded school libraries aren't going to feature gay porn children's books isn't Nazi-like. The books aren't banned. The f*cked up authors can still publish them, and the even more f*cked up parents can still buy them for their kids so they can screw up their kids to make themselves feel better. They just can't use taxpayer money to help them do it.

Nazis would never have allowed that crap to be published or sold and would have imprisoned the author and anyone who tried to buy it. By the way, Communists would have too. Even they weren't as perverted and screwed up as modern progressives.
They burned books of material that conflicted with Nazism. By no serious measure did Nazi Germany have free speech. Criticizing the regime in public would get one sent to Dachau. The Reich Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment engaged in mass censorship of art, literature, and media and controlled who got hired as journalists. If that's "free speech," I'd like to know what isn't.

Yeah. Most of what they burned was pornography and communist literature. They didn't believe in individual rights at all. It was fine t do anything to any person as long as it helped the "volk". They probably didn't allow anything liberal either. It would be a nightmare like having the Democrats have total control of the US.
60 Minutes is a disgrace as its "reporter" smiles along and kisses these freedom-haters's a$$es. Shame on them.

And it enrages me when I hear these thugs put on the facade of freedom and democracy. They're doing the dirty work of authoritarians like their Nazi forefathers did.

My first thought was, was Sunday opposite day? However, anyone who purports to be an educated reporter and spews something like that should have been forced to apologize to their audience and then be fired with cause.
By the way, sometimes your week blows, and you look in the fridge for a beer, and the only thing there is a 750 mL of 7.2% Christmas beer. Maybe a bit overkill but definitely worth it.

Not bad for the middle of the day.

By the way, sometimes your week blows, and you look in the fridge for a beer, and the only thing there is a 750 mL of 7.2% Christmas beer. Maybe a bit overkill but definitely worth it.

Not bad for the middle of the day.

French beer? Maybe not first choice. :cool:
French beer? Maybe not first choice. :cool:

I used to think the same way, but French beer is actually underrated. They're so famous for their wine, so we don't think about their beer. However, beer from Northern France is often pretty darn good. Remember that Belgium is pi$$ing distance from France, and they make some of the best beer in the world. It's mostly small breweries that aren't exported to the US, but if you're in the area, give them a chance. They're quite good.

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