Post Left Wing looniness here

Trying to put the screws to the Rangers for not being insane. This a classic example of media engaging in political activism. There is no "news" here. Some nuts at AP and WFAA are trying to gin up pressure on the Rangers to fold to the woke mob.

You're going to wear the ribbon!!

I don't think WFAA is getting the replies they wanted...
In case you were thinking about donating to the USO. What would Bob Hope think?
Guess what? That report was funded by government when the government was looking to pay someone to say that exact thing. It was always completely false.

It's one of these things that everybody knew was ******** but pushed it anyway because it fulfilled their underlying political agenda.
Exactly MrD
The success was in the merit of the scientists and engineers, not their race or gender but their excellent use of their minds slide rules and pocket protectors. Wasn't one of the team a black woman?
NASA's greatest successes came when it was dominated by a bunch of dorks with pocket protectors who couldn't have gotten a date to save their lives.

Nerds with pocket protectors (and slide rules, and often Buddy Hollyesque glasses), check.

Almost all of them were married, so most were not looking for dates.

You guys are simply sad by this. However, I am hurt that I don’t have my own flag and month - discrimination against hairy Italians is real!
I'm dismayed by the LGBTQ stuff in this link, but I support the USO and will continue to do so. USO is a great link back home for the services overseas.

It's sad because it is a great organisation. I've given them money and attended their events. However, if they go the way of a lot of organisations (like the Boys Scouts) and let themselves get corrupted by woke politics, then they should be cutoff. I'm all for helping the troops, but I'm not here to celebrate destructive causes like gender ideology even if it's in the context of supporting the military. This recent thing isn't a good sign.
You guys are simply sad by this. However, I am hurt that I don’t have my own flag and month - discrimination against hairy Italians is real!

Try being an Italian who isn't hairy. It's especially tough, because you don't even fit in with Italians.

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