Post Left Wing looniness here

Being programmed with liberal nuttiness has its drawbacks.

I rated this funny because of the Indians signing the Declaration of Independence output, but it's actually sad. I'm guessing every AI model pops out some facts like blacks are incarcerated at a higher rate then other races so liberals are losing their minds to change the models.
Trying to put the screws to the Rangers for not being insane. This a classic example of media engaging in political activism. There is no "news" here. Some nuts at AP and WFAA are trying to gin up pressure on the Rangers to fold to the woke mob.

You're going to wear the ribbon!!

Trying to put the screws to the Rangers for not being insane. This a classic example of media engaging in political activism. There is no "news" here. Some nuts at AP and WFAA are trying to gin up pressure on the Rangers to fold to the woke mob.

You're going to wear the ribbon!!

Sports needs to drop the politics and social issues.
Sports needs to drop the politics and social issues.

The Federal bureaucracy won't let them or Black Rock will cut off their access to capital. How else do you think the WNBA can even exist? :e-face-tears:

Seriously, it will take a conscious decision to stop going along with those in power and a willingness to take the risk to oppose them.
Trying to put the screws to the Rangers for not being insane. This a classic example of media engaging in political activism. There is no "news" here. Some nuts at AP and WFAA are trying to gin up pressure on the Rangers to fold to the woke mob.

You're going to wear the ribbon!!

Rangers must be the only ones who realize the largest ticket, concessions, and merchandise buying demographic is not the gay and trans "community" that forces others to celebrate them.

Fine. Have all the pride stuff. But they must allow an equal amount of time to celebrate and shove down everyone's throats being not gay or trans. That won't ever happen, so that is why many people just don't tune in and watch. Sure as hell don't spend a dime on any of it.
I'm looking forward to "55+ year old heterosexual sunburned Irish Catholic wine lover over 6'4" with a belly" night and will buy every bit of merch available dammit!

Segregated pools caused the 2024 Olympic Team to be mostly white? So did segregated football teams cause most of the 2024 NFL to be black?

I bet MLB starts dangling money to the Rangers owners to add a gay night.

But driving over a rainbow chalk design probably results in hate crime charges in Seattle.

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