Elon Musk Stuff

I am programmed to reply that "I am not a bot."
Exactly what a bot would say

Do bots sponsor?
No but I'm hoping you may have some ideas for that

So there are 24 different organizations watching us? For what? To get info on keywords we use to send us ads?
Search engines like Google and Bing index pretty much everything on the web 24/7 so that it can be searched. Some bots are ad-related and collect keywords as you mentioned to better target advertising, which of course does not apply to sponsors.

Can bots post?
No, only registered and logged-in users account can post.

I might be out of bounds here but maybe posting on West Mall should require one to sponsor.
Interesting idea
Whew !!
"No, only registered and logged-in users account can post."
Or am I getting Bots confused with Hal and that anxious computer( Danger Will Robinson Danger) in Lost in Space?
I would hate to be shown up by a puter.
Bad enough when live HFs do it
Or am I getting Bots confused with Hal and that anxious computer( Danger Will Robinson Danger) in Lost in Space?
These bots are harmless. They mostly just traverse the interwebs, gobbling up info about web pages, then return to their bot masters and deliver up what they found.

Then the bot master says "good bot", pats it on the head, and feeds it a live gerbil. Very few people know about that part.
These bots are harmless. They mostly just traverse the interwebs, gobbling up info about web pages, then return to their bot masters and deliver up what they found.

Then the bot master says "good bot", pats it on the head, and feeds it a live gerbil. Very few people know about that part.
I feel sorry for the bot that got Richard Gere's gerbil.
On an early computer system, I programmed a wav file from 2001 A Space Odessey. When my wife hit the wrong key, the PC said, "I'm sorry Dave (I'm David but close enough) but I can't do that." Drove her crazy and gave me hours of amusement, until the ultimatum. Turn that thing off! 42 years and we are still married. I know my place.
On an early computer system, I programmed a wav file from 2001 A Space Odessey. When my wife hit the wrong key, the PC said, "I'm sorry Dave (I'm David but close enough) but I can't do that." Drove her crazy and gave me hours of amusement, until the ultimatum. Turn that thing off! 42 years and we are still married. I know my place.
Knowing she would do that, you should have programmed it to ignore your efforts to stop it... ;)

I still remember having fun with the Apple when they were first hitting the schools...back then, teachers just gave extra work to GT students, and we had to program 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 matrices on the Apple. Setting aside that I took the easy way out and basically reused the same routine on the latter two, I also put in a password that was some combination of keys like a control-alt-symbol...you got three tries and then the system was directed to reboot. For some reason, my teacher got upset with that. On the bright side, we were never again asked to program something as the GT 'extra' assignment...

I simply cannot understand how Twitter can (1) lie about the numbers; (2) provide fake numbers to the SEC; (3) withhold or redact material evidence in discovery and walk away unscathed and unpunished. I refuse to accept that premise. Now I realize that we now live in a third world country with fourth world court system and enforcement, but if Twitter prevails, it would be worth it financially for Ted Cruz to return to the law firm and handle the appeal, particularly with his record at The Supreme Court. If it was the Nineth Circuit, I might agree with you, but no other court is that goofy.

I simply cannot understand how Twitter can (1) lie about the numbers; (2) provide fake numbers to the SEC; (3) withhold or redact material evidence in discovery and walk away unscathed and unpunished. I refuse to accept that premise. Now I realize that we now live in a third world country with fourth world court system and enforcement, but if Twitter prevails, it would be worth it financially for Ted Cruz to return to the law firm and handle the appeal, particularly with his record at The Supreme Court. If it was the Nineth Circuit, I might agree with you, but no other court is that goofy.
Wall Street disagrees. Cruz is too busy cruising pron sites on 9/11. :)
Wall Street disagrees. Cruz is too busy cruising pron sites on 9/11. :)
ALL the LOL's at claiming 'Wall Street' disagrees while ALSO showing multiple links that are NOT sources adept at things financial.

Discovery in this case is going to be fun because Parag and others will show that they were, in fact, lying and committing federal felonies all along. It will not surprise me if Dorsey ultimately gets called for a deposition by Elon...talk about the person who knows where the bodies are buried. There is a reason Jack abandoned ship...and it was NOT just to cash out options while the getting was good.

And since you are SO certain this turd is going back up in price, then do tell us, in round numbers, what strike price you have your call options? There is a reason options activity does not support your claims...
ALL the LOL's at claiming 'Wall Street' disagrees while ALSO showing multiple links that are NOT sources adept at things financial.

Discovery in this case is going to be fun because Parag and others will show that they were, in fact, lying and committing federal felonies all along. It will not surprise me if Dorsey ultimately gets called for a deposition by Elon...talk about the person who knows where the bodies are buried. There is a reason Jack abandoned ship...and it was NOT just to cash out options while the getting was good.

And since you are SO certain this turd is going back up in price, then do tell us, in round numbers, what strike price you have your call options? There is a reason options activity does not support your claims...
I’m not that confident. I just didn’t think Elon would buy twitter. That turned out true. Now I think he will have to pay something north of $1B. Besides, my liquidity is limited as my resources are tied up in manufactured housing, Sudafed, and Busch Lite.
I’m not that confident. I just didn’t think Elon would buy twitter. That turned out true. Now I think he will have to pay something north of $1B. Besides, my liquidity is limited as my resources are tied up in manufactured housing, Sudafed, and Busch Lite.
Well played sir, well played. That’s one of the best posts ever.
Only if the 396 craps out. I’m not in the “cutting out functional parts for fun” income bracket. I’m shooting for this but not so lowered as I’m going to use it a little. 1970 CHEVROLET C10 CUSTOM PICKUP - Barrett-Jackson Auction Company - World's Greatest Collector Car Auctions
That’s a nice looking ride, and I trust you are — or will be — sporting a proper mullet before taking to the okie streets in this thing? Also I think a t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a Marlboro hanging out the face would be de rigueur here.

That’s a nice looking ride, and I trust you are — or will be — sporting a proper mullet before taking to the okie streets in this thing? Also I think a t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a Marlboro hanging out the face would be de rigueur here.

A. That's a Barrett Jackson auction truck. Not mine.
B. Mine is long bed but white/white.
C. I want a more functional look but still smooth like that.
D. Every young Okie wanted that haircut circa 1984.
E. I expect I'll have to go with the jorts, some Reebok's, an eddelbrock t-shirt and a vintage "Beat Texas" hat. :)
I’m not that confident. I just didn’t think Elon would buy twitter. That turned out true. Now I think he will have to pay something north of $1B. Besides, my liquidity is limited as my resources are tied up in manufactured housing, Sudafed, and Busch Lite.
Guess what...if he WAS forced to pay the $1B, he can dump a bunch of shares of $TWTR onto the market. After all, he owns between nine and ten percent of the company, and if he dumps at $33 per share, he STILL sees $2.5B coming his direction.

Ever seen the impact of a share dump? If you think TWTR is in the toilet now, wait until a major shareholder floods the market and doesn't care about whether he gets $20 a share or current valuation...

Oh, and if he sells at a loss, he ALSO benefits from the loss on his taxes.

Elon holds the cards here, especially since much of what he purchased was below the current trading price point.

Remember, you can see his purchase activity in the 13D filing from April... https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001418091/000110465922042863/tm2211757d1_sc13d.htm

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