The Media Industry

Poor Stewy doesn't have the societal standing he had at the Daily Show. Poor guy.

And what a horrible podcast. Jeez. Unhappy. Quarantined in a Pandemic! What a pu$$y.

Stewards is a turd, a blight, a cancer on the media entertainment complex. He, more than anyone slumped cable news shows into their propaganda sing a longs.

His show was the absolute worst, with ambush interviews, and if that didn't work, fake editing, with the always present harp seal audience to mindlessly clap when the light went off. You know the turd must have done about 10 takes of him saying "For Fucks Sake!!!" while dramatically throwing his pencil down on the desk, using the one with the best facial expression and lighting

He also gave birth to the horrid Stevie Colburn, who's show now consists of unfunny monologues, and saying curse words against his enemies.

I was hoping he'd dried up and blown away with the wind - maybe this podcast from his back bedroom with him looking greasy and nasty is just as good.
From Fox
CNN averaged 2.7 million viewers from Jan. 4-10 last year as the network experienced a brief post-election spike but plummeted to only 548,000 average viewers last week, for a stunning year-over-year drop of 80% of its total audience.
From Fox
CNN averaged 2.7 million viewers from Jan. 4-10 last year as the network experienced a brief post-election spike but plummeted to only 548,000 average viewers last week, for a stunning year-over-year drop of 80% of its total audience.
They'll still keep it on the air. Much like the awful Samantha Bee show with dismal ratings, it is how liberals work. Just keep repeating the same b.s. lies over and over. The shows are like Political advertising now. Probably cheaper than buying real ad time in some situations. They do the dirty work of mud slinging politics for the Dem side.
They'll still keep it on the air. Much like the awful Samantha Bee show with dismal ratings, it is how liberals work. Just keep repeating the same b.s. lies over and over. The shows are like Political advertising now. Probably cheaper than buying real ad time in some situations. They do the dirty work of mud slinging politics for the Dem side.
Yep, it's why I don't bother reading stories about how few watch CNN - doesn't matter if they get 8 viewers, it will be kept on as cheap propaganda by the media entertainment complex, and allows access and narrative shaping.
Regarding that worthless hack Samantha Bee, I change the channel when one of her commercials comes on. You think I ever give her actual "show" my eyeballs?

Yeah, I don't understand the appeal. Bee, Colbert, and Noah and all the Daily Show people fall into the same category. It reminds me of Hannah Gadsby - another comedian who's successful with leftist audiences but isn't funny.

A liberal can be funny. For example, in the '90s Chris Rock was hilarious and clearly on the liberal side of the aisle. (Bring the Pain and Bigger and Blacker are true greatness on stage.) But it's damn near impossible for a woke leftist to be funny. The reason why is the self-righteousness and moral superiority. You can't be funny and take yourself that seriously.
Applies to most left wingers on the planet. Seriously, how many of them could laugh at the absurdities inherent in government planning and execution of large scale programs?

None that I know of.
Sad to see that the National Review has over the last few years become a RINO rag.

Do you really think he's wrong? I'm not saying Australia should have a vaccine mandate. However, they've chosen to do that for better or for worse. Whether it's a good idea or not, I don't see why this guy with fame and money should get a pass that others can't get.
Do you really think he's wrong? I'm not saying Australia should have a vaccine mandate. However, they've chosen to do that for better or for worse. Whether it's a good idea or not, I don't see why this guy with fame and money should get a pass that others can't get.
Maybe what Garmel, and he will clarify, I'm sure, was saying is that writing this really does no good. Who cares if this guy did this or not? Normally, the left loves celebrities, but I'm sure in this case, they don't. So, by publishing this, it does nothing to garner good graces or appreciation from the left. Precisely what all the loudmouth RINOs like Graham, well, too long a list, really, always do. Try to curry favor from the left, it seems, by playing nice. It always backfires.

But, what do I know? I'm ignorant and have not critical thinking skills.
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Maybe what Garmel, and he will clarify, I'm sure, was saying is that writing this really does no good. Who cares if this guy did this or not? Normally, the left loves celebrities, but I'm sure in this case, they don't. So, by publishing this, it does nothing to garner good graces or appreciation from the left. Precisely what all the loudmouth RINOs like Graham, well, too long a list, really, always do. Try to curry favor from the left, it seems, by playing nice. It always backfires.

But, what do I know? I'm ignorant and have not critical thinking skills.

It's also possible that he genuinely thinks laws should apply to everybody.

I don't think he's trying to get praise from the Left. Kevin Williamson got hired by the Atlantic because he was critical of Trump. Then their woke staffers found out he was pro-life and wasn't willing to reverse himself, so they bitched until he got ****-canned. To the extent that he ever really cared about gaining favor with the Left, he learned his lesson on that.
It's also possible that he genuinely thinks laws should apply to everybody.

I don't think he's trying to get praise from the Left. Kevin Williamson got hired by the Atlantic because he was critical of Trump. Then their woke staffers found out he was pro-life and wasn't willing to reverse himself, so they bitched until he got ****-canned. To the extent that he ever really cared about gaining favor with the Left, he learned his lesson on that.
I'm not saying laws, and by the way, are they laws, rules, mandates, that article wasn't clear, shouldn't be followed by everyone. The media needs to be consistent. Do they criticize celebrities/athletes when they thumb their noses at laws that most oil the media doesn't like?
I'm not saying laws, and by the way, are they laws, rules, mandates, that article wasn't clear, shouldn't be followed by everyone. The media needs to be consistent. Do they criticize celebrities/athletes when they thumb their noses at laws that most oil the media doesn't like?

The media is ****, but Williamson can't control what they say. He can control what he says.
He should have said nothing and left it to the usual leftist rags. On this we can agree, and there is no argument. Right?


I agree that the media is largely leftist rags and wholly unprincipled. However, I don't agree that a conservative writer should self-censor on a matter of public concern just because the media may come down on the same side for unprincipled reasons. Conservative writers should speak the truth and take principled stands and not care what the media says.
I agree that the media is largely leftist rags and wholly unprincipled. However, I don't agree that a conservative writer should self-censor on a matter of public concern just because the media may come down on the same side for unprincipled reasons.
I said no argument. 'smatta witchu?
And, in all seriousness, how is what some prima donna ******* athlete does a matter of public concern. It sure doesn't concern me, and it shouldn't concern anyone else, either. Sounds like Australia, being the ******** they are, as demonstrated with their stupid rules, is foxing the glitch.
And, in all seriousness, how is what some prima donna ******* athlete does a matter of public concern. It sure doesn't concern me, and it shouldn't concern anyone else, either. Sounds like Australia, being the ******** they are, as demonstrated with their stupid rules, is foxing the glitch.

It's a matter of public concern for the same reason the OJ trial was. The public cares about and pays attention to it.
It's a matter of public concern for the same reason the OJ trial was. The public cares about and pays attention to it.
I hear ya, I guess. I never heard off this guy, and he didn't get accused of double murder. He thumbed his nose <Gasp> at Australia and its dumb rules. Arrogant and assholish? You bet. But now, I must disagree with you. Not the same thing here. People need to get lives if they concern themselves with douchecanoes like this guy.
I hear ya, I guess. I never heard off this guy, and he didn't get accused of double murder. He thumbed his nose <Gasp> at Australia and its dumb rules. Arrogant and assholish? You bet. But now, I must disagree with you. Not the same thing here. People need to get lives if they concern themselves with douchecanoes like this guy.

I don't care about him. I do care about laws being applied evenly. Put it in another context. Do I generally care if Gavin Newsom eats dinner at a fancy restaurant? No. But do I care that he was able to use his position of power to force the rules not to apply to him so that he could eat in a fancy restaurant when others couldn't? Yes.
I don't care about him. I do care about laws being applied evenly. Put it in another context. Do I generally care if Gavin Newsom eats dinner at a fancy restaurant? No. But do I care that he was able to use his position of power to force the rules not to apply to him so that he could eat in a fancy restaurant when others couldn't? Yes.
Again, I don't disagree. He and Newsom are ******** but for different reasons, and one mandates things against the citizens of California and then ignores his own mandates. The athlete is just a dick. But we agree on laws being applied equally.
Maybe what Garmel, and he will clarify, I'm sure, was saying is that writing this really does no good. Who cares if this guy did this or not? Normally, the left loves celebrities, but I'm sure in this case, they don't. So, by publishing this, it does nothing to garner good graces or appreciation from the left. Precisely what all the loudmouth RINOs like Graham, well, too long a list, really, always do. Try to curry favor from the left, it seems, by playing nice. It always backfires.

But, what do I know? I'm ignorant and have not critical thinking skills.

What kind of writer goes out of their way to tell someone to obey laws that shouldn't be on the books in a Western democracy?
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