
Well what do you know...seems some of us ARE correct about the concerns...and even a left-leaning Reuters has to admit that Pfizer causes less heart issues, which means that it too IS a cause for concern.

Meanwhile, the US acts as if all is fine as they put this crap in the arms of kids. The federal government said the quiet part out loud when they admitted they have to put it in the arms in order to see the effects on children.

This shot is the thalidomide of the current generation...

Well what do you know...seems some of us ARE correct about the concerns...and even a left-leaning Reuters has to admit that Pfizer causes less heart issues, which means that it too IS a cause for concern.

Meanwhile, the US acts as if all is fine as they put this crap in the arms of kids. The federal government said the quiet part out loud when they admitted they have to put it in the arms in order to see the effects on children.

This shot is the thalidomide of the current generation...

I got my second Moderna shot last Friday, so I'm basically sold on the vaccine for adults. However, I do not understand the drive to put it in children. From everything I've read, the potential side effects of the vaccines are most common and most severe the younger the vaccinated person is, and of course, the health risk of Covid correlates most heavily to age. It makes very little sense to make vaccinating children a big priority.
The only difference between kids and adults
Is weight and growth. And dosage takes care of the weight part.
if there are side effects in kids, there are side effects in adults. Maybe the kids side effects give the Stalinistas Doctors some pause when they see healthy kids go down the tubes.
I wouldn't care one bit about the vaccines one way or another if they weren't being forced on people. The push to get young children vaccinated, but even teenagers is medical abuse at this point.

Then in 6 months this will be rinse, wash, and repeat.
I got my second Moderna shot last Friday, so I'm basically sold on the vaccine for adults. However, I do not understand the drive to put it in children. From everything I've read, the potential side effects of the vaccines are most common and most severe the younger the vaccinated person is, and of course, the health risk of Covid correlates most heavily to age. It makes very little sense to make vaccinating children a big priority.
This was obvious since May or June. I quit harping on it. The whole push of vaccines on adults and child, masking, travel restrictions, lockdowns, and mandates make no sense outside of politics. Dems think it helps them. It did for a while but that ship is sailing. Only in CA, Hawaii, and NYC is where Covid fear still resides.
It's coming!

Suddenly after mons of stats and reports of myocarditis in young adults and teens after vaccination media is dragging out old reports that cannabis causes myocarditis too
@Mr. Deez, is the Fifth Circuit opinion written in a way that makes the OSHA ETS almost impossible to be implemented and voted in favor of by the SCOTUS? Do you think the admin would even try that?
@Mr. Deez, is the Fifth Circuit opinion written in a way that makes the OSHA ETS almost impossible to be implemented and voted in favor of by the SCOTUS? Do you think the admin would even try that?

I read the opinion. It bars OSHA from enforcing the mandate while the litigation is pending and obviously makes it pretty clear where this particular panel of judges would rule when the Fifth Circuit reaches the merits of the case.

However, I don't see anything that would make it harder for SCOTUS to allow the mandate to go through if it wanted to allow that. OSHA could appeal the stay order, and SCOTUS could reverse it. SCOTUS could also ultimately affirm the mandate when the merits are reached. However, it's hard to imagine them doing either one.

This shouldn't be a tough case. Even if you buy into the liberal application of the interstate commerce clause and assume the federal government can impose a nationwide vaccine mandate, this particular mandate is still utterly ridiculous, because Congress didn't authorize it or anything close to it in the legislation that authorized OSHA. If it's allowed to go through as it is, we effectively don't have a legislative branch anymore. Other than perhaps the budget, there would basically be nothing that can't be done by executive agency regulation. The president will basically be a king who serves for only 4 or 8 years rather than a lifetime.

My guess is that you'll have a 6-3 ruling overturning the mandate. Roberts will write a concurring opinion that's a little nicer to the Administration but still ultimately screws them over. Sotomayor doesn't even pretend to believe in the rule of law, so she'll write a very self-righteous dissent about how everybody who doesn't think like she does has blood on their hands. Breyer and Kagan will dissent (because they're partisan Democrats), but they know this thing is horse ****, so their dissent will be more tepid than Sotomayor's.
BROTHEL in Austria provides Covid-19 vaccinations for customers | Daily Mail Online

Offers clients a 30-minute session in the sexual 'sauna club' with the 'lady of their choice' if they get the vaccine at the on-site clinic

Beats a free donut or a lottery ticket that will never pay off.

I wonder if getting 5-10 boosters a month would harm me.

And Austrian hookers are probably better and certainly cleaner than the Temple and Killeen hookers you're accustomed to. Lol.
Temple and Killeen hookers are pretty skanky. At least that's what my friends tell me. :p

I have no knowledge of that, but I had friends in law school who went to Two Minnies in Waco. They told me those were some trashy, messed up skanks. I would assume that hookers in Temple and Killeen would be on a similar level.

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