
I so expected the MSM to be going crazy about those spreaders two or three weeks after season began. Then when they didn’t occur it was crickets but in fairness I haven’t seen much of a counter by a “what is happening here” crowd.
I'm left laughing at the Aaron Rodgers situation...someone pointed out that an unvaxxed Aaron Rodgers has the sniffles and that Press Secretary Psaki is vaxxed and *checks notes* ALSO has the sniffles.

People are seriously drawing the line in the sand because Rodgers lied about something. Meanwhile, completely missing that both of them are fine, highlighting the flawed premise about the vaccinations in the first place...
I'm left laughing at the Aaron Rodgers situation...someone pointed out that an unvaxxed Aaron Rodgers has the sniffles and that Press Secretary Psaki is vaxxed and *checks notes* ALSO has the sniffles.

People are seriously drawing the line in the sand because Rodgers lied about something. Meanwhile, completely missing that both of them are fine, highlighting the flawed premise about the vaccinations in the first place...

We don't know what symptoms Rogers has, do we? Thought maybe this had become more public but can't find any article that details Rogers' current symptoms/status.
We don't know what symptoms Rogers has, do we? Thought maybe this had become more public but can't find any article that details Rogers' current symptoms/status.
If you watch the podcasts he has done, you would see he doesn't have signs of a problem. But I guess the right must have doctored THOSE videos as well :rolleyes:
Whatever the symptoms are, it's not a bother to him apparently

We don't know what symptoms Rogers has, do we? Thought maybe this had become more public but can't find any article that details Rogers' current symptoms/status.

Aaron Rodgers says he's taken ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine since testing positive for COVID-19

"I've been taking monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, zinc, vitamin C, D, and HCQ [hydroxychloroquine]," Rodgers, who is not vaccinated against the virus, told sports analyst Pat McAfee in a live interview on Friday. "I feel pretty incredible."
What I do know is that all those Democrat led states are doing great. They follow The Science(TM). The virus can't do anything against The Science(TM).

All I ask is that the Corporate Media keeps reporting on comparisons between the South and the North for the next few months. The North doesn't have a Summer season but gets an earlier Winter season. A fair comparison will come right before the South's Winter season starts. Any comparison before then is purposeful lies.

It is safe to have your mask off when you tell Lina Quarantina where she can stick her threat levels...
We refer to her a El Comendante!

The 5th circuit made quick work of Depend’s vaccine mandate decree, putting it in the ice box till the case comes up. Can’t see the 5th, probably the most conservative district, suddenly thinking it’s OK after various DOJ babbling about it. Especially if judged by the quality of their 2nd Amendment brief last which, which was like a spoken turd.

So, off to the Supremes it will go - who would have to take the case to overturn a stay by the 5th.
We refer to her a El Comendante!

The 5th circuit made quick work of Depend’s vaccine mandate decree, putting it in the ice box till the case comes up. Can’t see the 5th, probably the most conservative district, suddenly thinking it’s OK after various DOJ babbling about it. Especially if judged by the quality of their 2nd Amendment brief last which, which was like a spoken turd.

So, off to the Supremes it will go - who would have to take the case to overturn a stay by the 5th.
You took the words out my mouth! El Comandante! I remember her first press conference with that dumb *** cartoon gage of threat levels. I thought we might get threat level midnight.
It was only a matter time before a circuit court stopped this. Police powers for public health policy belong to the states and their ELECTED representatives, not agencies who can make up some emergency scenario to enact whatever they want which was basically their argument from OSHA.
The court precedent that the injection bullies are relying on goes back to a 1905 ruling by the Supremes that said it was OK for Mass to impose a 5 dollar fine if people didn’t get a smallpox vaccine (150 bucks in today’s money).

The same court later said forced sterilization for those on welfare was OK too - so maybe their viewpoint on public heath isn’t what we should be following today!
The court precedent that the injection bullies are relying on goes back to a 1905 ruling by the Supremes that said it was OK for Mass to impose a 5 dollar fine if people didn’t get a smallpox vaccine (150 bucks in today’s money).

The same court later said forced sterilization for those on welfare was OK too - so maybe their viewpoint on public heath isn’t what we should be following today!
We have the early 20th century progressives to thank for Eugenics and forced sterilization.

So the question is. When will Pfizer and Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and the FDA be held accountable? It's coming, only a question of when.
The court precedent that the injection bullies are relying on goes back to a 1905 ruling by the Supremes that said it was OK for Mass to impose a 5 dollar fine if people didn’t get a smallpox vaccine (150 bucks in today’s money).

The same court later said forced sterilization for those on welfare was OK too - so maybe their viewpoint on public heath isn’t what we should be following today!

The biggest problem with that case is that it applied to a state. State governments can do things that the federal government cannot.
Consistency would be nice.
Add in drugs to that.
Just like not getting vaxxed is a choice so are those other conditions.
Obesity can be controlled before it gets to the morbid stage so there is choice there too
Obesity often has a genetic component. Drinking and smoking not so much which is why I'm perfectly ok with insurance companies charging more for consumers as "risk factors".

I think this sort of thing hi-lights the difference between conservatives and liberals. Personal responsibility. My Dad was a basically a social Libertarian. He would have legalized drugs. He would not make you wear your seatbelt. BUT, you would pay the price for poor decision making. Which political philosophy embraces this and which one asks no questions concerning the reasons why you are in a jam?

Of course, as all politics are local, when bad things happen, people tend to forget their philosophy and ask for help.

But there has to be a line in the sand somewhere and if we know reckless behavior in the middle of the pandemic results in putting front liners at risk, then what are we supposed to think about that?

To shout freedom of choice while demanding care for mistakes is hard for me to swallow.

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