2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Redeeming qualities...

Per Noam Chomsky in 1990, every post-war President should have been hung if you applied the Nuremberg standards. Post 1990, he updated his comments to include everyone.

Obama used drones to murder people in an undeclared war. He is a smooth talker who was mentored by a man who said, "G*d Damn America." That's not exactly redeeming. It's vile and hateful. But Obama had the emotional self-control to completely brainwash socially maladjusted losers.

Trump is a real estate developer and his bravado is typical (I've been around them). So what. And his past demonstrated attitude towards women is the same many of the rock stars the Left-wing totalitarians love because those rock stars are "artists" and anarchists who hate Trump. The point being that they don't care about this stuff. They only care that he is in their way.

I'm not impressed at all by anyone who claims Trump was an embarrassment. Especially if it means we're embarrassed to be around Europeans (the founding fathers of white privilege, world wars, Hitler, imperialism and slavery). These same Liberals wanted to hang George Bush, a very dignified man, yet now pretend they hate Trump because of his brash personality and nothing else.


Don't fall for it. They are the one's who are vile and full of hate.

Do you ever wonder why Ghandi or the Dalai Lamai always kept/keep their cool? It's because they are true humanitarians with real hearts. These vile big mouth hate filled left-wing totalitarians are emotionally impaired and were never nice kind people and they never will be.
Rep political analyst and former Trump Data Chief Matt Braynard thinks he can detect voter fraud by comparing absentee ballots and early voters to the Social Security Death Index and the National Change of Address Database. Braynard is president of a company that provides services for voter targeting, polling and fundraising. He has a "GoFundMe page" but thinks they might nuke it (bc, you know, that is how BigTech rolls these days). Still he is already up to ~$170k. He says he has vendors lined up for Social Security and the Change of Address data, and is "Tracking down source data on Early Voters/ABS [absentee ballots]."

That's an interesting sales strategy. Evidently the Trump Campaign isn't willing to pay for his services. Between midnight and noon on Wednesday the Trump Campaign had already sent out 6 fundraising requests to pay for their legal bills.

It should be noted that Biden has also sent out requests for paying legal bills.
Redeeming qualities...

Per Noam Chomsky in 1990, every post-war President should have been hung if you applied the Nuremberg standards. Post 1990, he updated his comments to include everyone.

Obama used drones to murder people in an undeclared war. He is a smooth talker who was mentored by a man who said, "G*d Damn America." That's not exactly redeeming. It's vile and hateful. But Obama had the emotional self-control to completely brainwash socially maladjusted losers.

Trump is a real estate developer and his bravado is typical (I've been around them). So what. And his past demonstrated attitude towards women is the same many of the rock stars the Left-wing totalitarians love because those rock stars are "artists" and anarchists who hate Trump. The point being that they don't care about this stuff. They only care that he is in their way.

I'm not impressed at all by anyone who claims Trump was an embarrassment. Especially if it means we're embarrassed to be around Europeans (the founding fathers of white privilege, world wars, Hitler, imperialism and slavery). These same Liberals wanted to hang George Bush, a very dignified man, yet now pretend they hate Trump because of his brash personality and nothing else.


Don't fall for it. They are the one's who are vile and full of hate.

Do you ever wonder why Ghandi or the Dalai Lamai always kept/keep their cool? It's because they are true humanitarians with real hearts. These vile big mouth hate filled left-wing totalitarians are emotionally impaired and were never nice kind people and they never will be.
Mr. Shapiro is spot on here with his recognition and sentiment.
...and so are you, Bystander.
Absolutely nailed it. I hear alot of talk of peace and love and life and liberty and all that jazz from these folks. Talk...that is all.

"Ye shall know them by their fruits."
That's an interesting sales strategy. Evidently the Trump Campaign isn't willing to pay for his services. Between midnight and noon on Wednesday the Trump Campaign had already sent out 6 fundraising requests to pay for their legal bills.

It should be noted that Biden has also sent out requests for paying legal bills.
6 times?!?
I get a text about every 5 minutes!&%#%!
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See how reasonable we are, fellas?
I've never heard those words from the "other" side.
Guess you guys are never wrong...or haven't seen enough "evidence" yet.
We just want the truth.
Can we all agree to this?

I tagged Garmel as a "winner" for the post. Please stick around longer before you claim "you guys are never wrong". It's irritating when people always point the finger but never the thumb.

If you like I can point out the individuals that never admit they are wrong? They span the liberal and conservative political viewpoints. With a ~10:1 ratio of conservatives/progressives here, you'll find that list heavily populated with conservatives.
I tagged Garmel as a "winner" for the post. Please stick around longer before you claim "you guys are never wrong". It's irritating when people always point the finger but never the thumb.

If you like I can point out the individuals that never admit they are wrong? They span the liberal and conservative political viewpoints. With a ~10:1 ratio of conservatives/progressives here, you'll find that list heavily populated with conservatives.
I've got no problem w this^^^^, SH. Fair enough. Hope I get some thumbs...I guess.
My apologies if you feel I'm being presumptuous. You're correct in that I haven't spent too much time over on WM...just here and there...and form my impressions... not from thin air. I'll give it some time.
And believe me I do know how some "conservatives", too, can be.
I'll try not to be that guy.
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Will Biden's own people now take him out?
25th Amendment?
How long does he have?
Don't be silly. You think he will actually be inaugurated? <sarc for the hard fact based evidence requiring people around here except on things like Russian collusion and anything that comes out of Adam Schiff's mouth>

Its incredible the hyperbole on display. Any reasonable person can find at least few things about Trump policy that benefitted the country. In my mind he absolutely was better for this country than W. And to me its not even close. Yet to the left Trump is Satan incarnate and if you speak one good word about him you're a devil yourself. It truly is madness. 70 million people voted for Trump!
Its incredible the hyperbole on display. Any reasonable person can find at least few things about Trump policy that benefitted the country. In my mind he absolutely was better for this country than W. And to me its not even close. Yet to the left Trump is Satan incarnate and if you speak one good word about him you're a devil yourself. It truly is madness. 70 million people voted for Trump!
I believe he has been the best policy president since Reagan....or maybe Clinton (do I get a "thumb" for saying that?).
That is the shame in it all.
Whose been hurt by his policies?
Whose been helped?
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Trump once said in an interview something like.......you have no idea how much corruption goes on. Some day I’m going to tell you, but I can’t right now.......I wonder if this has anything to do with why many in both parties wanted him out from day one.
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Trump once said in an interview something like.......you have no idea how much corruption goes on. Some day I going to tell you, but I can’t right now.......I wonder if this has anything to do with why many in both parties wanted him out from day one.

I'm certain Trump is aware of corruption. I'd bet dollars to donuts he involved in the corruption. You won't hear what he's involved in though as he only points the finger. Integrity is not his strongest trait.
Wow man, who wears the tin foil hat around here? You are out in la la land.

You might be right if Cohen didn't have audio recordings of Trump discussing the hush money or copies of the checks. It's never good to turn your back on your "fixer".

Ukraine? The evidence is there. We simply have different translations of the evidence.
Cohen tape?


So, one of his lawyers releases a nonsense tape, ignoring privilege, and that is your go-to?

Thankfully, for both our sakes, I am done replying to you.

Troll on...
When you have a tape you have what they call a "recording" of what transpired. In this scenario Trump paid hush money to Stormy Daniels for her not to come forward.
Posting this because it's funny. If y'all haven't scene DK Metcalf tracking down Budda Baker you are missing one of the greatest effort plays in NFL history.

I watched that the other day. It was unbelievable especially because it's probably true that the guy he ran down was no slouch when it comes to running.
When you have a tape you have what they call a "recording" of what transpired. In this scenario Trump paid hush money to Stormy Daniels for her not to come forward.

Of course, it's all not good but let's say for instance that he was being blackmailed. Is that the same as your son gaining a job in a foreign country for $50K a month in an industry he knows nothing about? And then voting for that nice man full of redeeming manner and civility?
These comments and posts are about how the humorless, cancelling, PC, vile, white extremist Liberals are the biggest joke around yet they still get people to take their side.

2020: 'You can’t only reach out to Latinos in the weeks and months before an election and expect their support': Professor

2019: 'Beto' is just a privileged white guy trying to manipulate Latinos

2018: Latinos are waking up to the duplicity of the Democrats

We should have listened

“The white liberals, who have been posing as our friends, have failed us. The white liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man.”

“White liberals are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the black man as our ‘friend’ to get our sympathy, our allegiance and our minds. The white liberal attempts to use us politically against white conservatives, so that anything the black man does is never for his own good, never for his advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal.”

“I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make us think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white liberal. The only way that our problems will be solved is when the black man wakes up, cleans himself up, stands on his own two feet, stops begging the white liberal and takes immediate steps to do for ourselves the things that we have been waiting on the white liberal to do for us.”

“The media’s the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent look guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the mind of the masses.”

“The Democrats are playing you for a political chump and if you vote for them, not only are you a chump, you are a traitor to your race.”

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