Here's from a former Supreme Court clerk.

1. This is kidnapping.
2. It is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
3. It's violent fascism.
Voluntary removal of an informant.
(3/x) (4) the agents in the picture are not “unidentified”. They verbally identified themselves to the subject when they approached him, AND they have identifying insignia on all 4 sides - “Police” in front and back, & Customs Border Protection & DHS on their left & rt shoulders;
I think defending the federal buidling is one thing. This is defending if Mike Leach is your DC and he's drawing up offensive plays. Also, if the Mayor, Police Chief and Governor want you out you need to get out.
this is day 52....what about any of this is "peaceful" to you....??? have you seen all the videos?
Does "Police" count? I think name and badge numbers are common.
(3/x) (4) the agents in the picture are not “unidentified”. They verbally identified themselves to the subject when they approached him, AND they have identifying insignia on all 4 sides - “Police” in front and back, & Customs Border Protection & DHS on their left & rt shoulders;
I said I had now read it twice. What's your point?
the DEMOCRATIC senators, governor, mayor all say that they are "waiting for a peaceful resolution to this ASAP"...we are in day 53...nothing has been done to suggest they are making any strides in that fact, the mayor refused the police to help the federal agents in any way...several agents were attacked...

do you not just see this as political against Trump?

this is EXACTLY what Inslee and Durkan did up here, in Seattle...and FOUR people are not alive because of their ignorance...

what say you?
So this guy Pettibone was with another peaceful friend when an unmarked van pulled up. 4 or 5 men jumped out and ONLY took Pettibone. Strange .
His head was covered and he does not know where he was taken altho he later said it was a fed building. He says they mirandized him and he asked for a lawyer. He says he was released after 90 mins.
He says he does not know who arrested him or why.

The Feds have no record of anyone named Pettibone being detained that night.
So this guy Pettibone was with another peaceful friend when an unmarked van pulled up. 4 or 5 men jumped out and ONLY took Pettibone. Strange .
His head was covered and he does not know where he was taken altho he later said it was a fed building. He says they mirandized him and he asked for a lawyer. He says he was released after 90 mins.
He says he does not know who arrested him or why.

The Feds have no record of anyone named Pettibone being detained that night.
So this guy Pettibone was with another peaceful friend when an unmarked van pulled up. 4 or 5 men jumped out and ONLY took Pettibone. Strange .
His head was covered and he does not know where he was taken altho he later said it was a fed building. He says they mirandized him and he asked for a lawyer. He says he was released after 90 mins.
He says he does not know who arrested him or why.

The Feds have no record of anyone named Pettibone being detained that night.
That's why it might be helpful if they had identifying information on. As it is now they're simple storm troopers.
That's why it might be helpful if they had identifying information on. As it is now they're simple storm troopers.

(3/x) (4) the agents in the picture are not “unidentified”. They verbally identified themselves to the subject when they approached him, AND they have identifying insignia on all 4 sides - “Police” in front and back, & Customs Border Protection & DHS on their left & rt shoulders;

there is a picture of it and when I find it, I will post it...

ouBUBBA...PLEASE, answer my question about the politics that are being played, here by the OREGON and WASHINGTON Democrats.... would you like to have your condo across the street from this where this will be night 54 in-a-row??? what "rights" do you see those people have???? me footage a ONE night in Portland that didn't end with people being harmed, police being harmed or property damaged and looted...JUST ONE!!!
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He's a Texan who likes OU and thinks it's a good idea to have Switzer as his Texas Longhorn message board avatar.

Don't hold your breath.
personally, ouBubba is a typical Democrat....talks about stuff that makes NO SENSE to anyone and throws in a couple of backhanded insults on the way out the door and NEVER answers ONE question...EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m more interested in the financial side of this which is the foundation for these riots. What’s going to happen when inflation sets in? Trump won’t allow the Fed to stop the $600 weekly benefits to the unemployed. We’ve already printed $5.5 Trillion on top and of the $3 Trillion in Fed deficit we had going into 2020. I’m including the $1.5T going before Congress. We should start a debt jubilee like Greece did. But that won’t happen before November. Our deficit could hit $10 Trillion by the election. When Trump gets re-elected and he will. When austerity measures start in November, December, January. That’s when this could become a Civil War. By then I would think the market crash would have started. Most of this financial Armageddon predates Trump. MOST of this is a cyclical financial issue that goes back to Clinton’s second term. Y’all read the fourth turning or skim it. It’s on the thread called how bad is this economy going to get. That is driving all this. Inflation in Texas is closer to 9% in NY, CA it’s higher. If we just keep printing and do nothing else, hyperinflation will set in.
Here's from a former Supreme Court clerk.

1. This is kidnapping.
2. It is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

It depends on the specifics. Your friend is basically accepting not only the word of the guy taken into custody completely at his word but also taking his and the media's characterization of it totally at face value. I don't care if he's a former Supreme Court clerk. It's woefully sloppy to just jump to that conclusion based on the facts and evidence that we know and in light of what we don't know.

3. It's violent fascism

And of course, this isn't a legal explanation at all. It's a political one, and it's a shallow one at that. First, even accepting the guy's word at face value, fascists don't usually arrest people and then release them. When the Gestapo arrested people, they ended up in Dachau or Sachsenhausen. They weren't let out a few minutes or hours later.

Second, why call it fascistic? Of course, communists and authoritarians of all kinds do what fascists do. In fact, China is doing it right now to hundreds of thousands of people who aren't rioting.

Third, was it really violent? Did they beat his *** unprovoked? Did they shoot him? Doesn't look like it.

Fourth, what looks far more fascistic is the actions of Portland officials and the "protestors." We have people destroying private property and inflicting bodily injuries to intimidate and force their will. Kinda sounds like the Nazi party SA. Then we have local officials telling the legitimate police not to enforce the laws against them. Kinda sounds like what Nazi and Nazi-sympathetic government officials did.

Here's the bottom line on the federal officers coming in. If they're defending federal property or arresting people reasonably suspected of damaging or threatening to damage federal property or harming federal employees or doing anything to stop or inhibit federal employees from doing their jobs, they have every right to be there. Those are violations of federal laws, and they can be enforced by federal law enforcement. The mayor and governor have absolutely no justification to complain about it at all. They don't have to limit themselves to staying near the federal property either. They aren't security guards. They're law enforcement officers. They can chase people down just like any other cop.

They don't have to use marked vehicles. These officers probably don't have cop cars. They don't usually need anything like that. They are probably using general government vehicles, or they are on temporary duty assignments using rental vehicles.

They can release people if they choose. If there is reasonable suspicion of the person committing a federal crime, they can confront and detain the person briefly, and choose to release him. That's not a violation of the 4th Amendment.

Of course, there is a line at which this becomes inappropriate, and if you can find evidence of it (not media speculation), I'll condemn it. Where is that line? It is when federal law enforcement officers stop and detain without reasonable suspicion or arrest without probable cause. It is when federal law enforcement start acting outside their jurisdiction. For example, can they go arrest the people who burned down the Portland police union building? No. That's arson committed against non-federal property. It would be a state crime. If the mayor and governor are ok with this sort of thing, they can choose not to enforce their own laws if the people tolerate it as you seem to.

Why don't you see this happening more often? Because it's usually not necessary. Most of the time, local officials don't tell their police to basically shutdown and let angry mobs form and destroy property without recourse. Under normal conditions, someone caught vandalizing a federal building would get caught by a local cop and charged. He might get turned over to federal authorities for prosecution or might get prosecuted at the state level (since it's also a violation of state law), but you wouldn't need federal cops to apprehend him.

However, we're see a reemergence of large scale politically protected criminal activity in some areas. If a crime is being committed for a political reason local officials support, those officials are choosing not to enforce the laws against them. It's a reemergence, because of course, we saw Southern officials do the same thing when they let the Klan commit crimes against blacks with no recourse. They feared the Klan's political power more than they feared the crime itself. When that sort of things happens, you can't have federal law enforcement enforcing state law, but you can have them fill in the gaps of enforcing federal laws that the local police used to assist in enforcing.
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we're see a reemergence of large scale politically protected criminal activity in some areas. It's a reemergence, because of course, we saw Southern officials do the same thing when they let the Klan commit crimes against blacks with no recourse. They feared the Klan's political power more than they feared the crime itself.

Another reason why they call the violent BLM activists the “Klan with a tan”.

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