Riots in Minneapolis

Anarchy isn't chaos. Defunding the police doesn't mean no security. It means the community organizing, arming and defending itself from crime. Will probably work better than police anyway.
Maybe my sarcasm meter is broken? Even Ron Paul is not so nutty as to support this.
On top of that those protestors might have been throwing rocks at the police cars and that's why they were sprayed. We don't know.
That is possible. But the bigger concern is better policing of areas where there is lots of crime and violence. The police haven't protected the black community from murder. Maybe if we all took more responsibility for our actions and the ones in our neighborhoods things would be better. We can always erect other levels to arbitrate between communities to prevent conflict.

Yes. I think drugs should be legalized for the most part. Do that and much of the violence will go away as the business moves from black market to open market.

More violence? We have violence now. We have looting and riots now. If people don't think their interests are being considered by government, give them a chance to take care of themselves. If not the violence will get much worse.

But I also agree that we can keep today's police systems and continue to tweak them. Trends are positive. Keep the improvements coming. If you do that you won't need to defund police. But freedom means giving people other options.

Look at all the places where the most violence is taking place in this country. The two things you have in every situation is low employment opportunities and low education. Legalized drugs won't fix that, all it does is make another job they can't get and take another job off the street they did do.

Ever notice that black folks in the suburbs weren't the ones rioting, none of my neighbors were out there destroying other peoples businesses. Many of them participated in the protests, but not the riots. They know they have something to lose and why destroy what they have built.

legalized drugs doesn't help the situation, all it does is give us another taxable product. For the poor, it adds to their growing list of problems. It's nothing more than legalized murder.

Think of it this way. we have legal Alcohol and still we riot. We have legal Cigarrets, and still we have riots, we have Legal Pot, and still we riot. What will happen when there is legal Crack, Cocaine, and Heroin. It won't stop the riots.

George Floyd died trying to write bad checks, how many of us live pay check to pay check and have gotten desperate enough to take care of our family that we thought what am I going to do. I'm blessed in that I have kept my job and been able to do it throughout the entire pandemic and even these riots. Not a lot of people can say that.

The fact that these riots started in Minneapolis is funny beyond all belief. I've lived all over this country in my 52 years. San Antonio, Austin, DFW, Houston, San Francisco, Minneapolis, SLC. I've visited many more.

The entire twin cities is like living in "Leave it to Beaver Land". There isn't a bad side of town. There is no 3rd ward, there is no barrio, there is nothing but suburbs like Plano and Round Rock. They have the strictest gun laws, the most social programs, and the most liberal government. Now half that city is gone and won't be coming back.

The most conservative cities had the lowest amounts of rioting, violence and looting. What was the level of rioting in Salt Lake City? An old guy got pushed down by police and then helped back up.

These are also the same cities that tend to have the most opportunities for people economically. They have the least gun laws and the lowest crime rate.

The way I see it, there are three major contributors to the problems in this country.

1. Lack of fathers in the lives of Children.
2. Lack of discipline in the home
3. Lack of religion

These three things lead to a generation that doesn't want to work, has no moral compass, and an attitude of "It's okay as long as you're not caught".

Couple that with little economic opportunity and you have the situation. Kids without the tools to get jobs that are out there, low to no work ethic, zero sense of what is right or wrong, a general sense of this is my opportunity to get free stuff and kick people while they are down.

I hope one of these cities like LA or New York does go with the experiment of no cops. I can't wait to see what happens when you leave the doors to the lions cage wide open. Think of it as social experiment. Wolves, Sheep, no sheep dogs, what could go wrong.
George Floyd died after trying to pass a counterfeit bill. The same George Floyd was on fentanyl and meth. The same George Floyd got out of prison in 2014 after a five year stint for home invasion of a pregnant woman where he literally held a gun to her stomach. This is the face of BLM.
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George Floyd died after trying to pass a counterfeit bill. The same George Floyd was John on fentanyl and meth. The same George Floyd got out of prison in 2014 after a five year stint for home invasion of a pregnant woman where he literally held a gun to her stomach. This is the face of BLM.

BLM should be labelled a terrorist organization like ANTIFA is. Yet, we have people kissing their asses.

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