Riots in Minneapolis


I was going to suggest that he read The Constitution, but that wouldn't matter to people like him, not that he could understand it.

What happened in Minneapolis is a travesty, but where were all these protesters when the deceased apparently needed financial help, which may have caused him to resort to forgery as a last resort?

But hey, any excuse for a good riot and destroying property and looting. Civil disobedience is a right provided all citizens, but destruction and theft are not included. Now, throw in murder during the protests, and these animals wonder why police react the way they do.

So now, we have four policemen (one of whom has a dozen complaints for excessive force) fired and facing charges in the death of a man described by his longtime Third Ward friend as "a good guy" and "a gentle giant", while thousands turned into savages, all fed by a totally corrupt media.

I have apologized to both my grandchildren for hell my generation is leaving them.
NBC is prohibiting reporters from using the word “riot” in its coverage of violent outbursts in Minnesota that have occurred in response to the killing of George Floyd.

“While the situation on the ground in Minneapolis is fluid, and there has been violence, it is most accurate at this time to describe what is happening there as ‘protests’–not riots,” NBC host Craig Melvin wrote on Twitter Thursday.
The police did this today. The did it when they murdered. They did it when they failed to acknowledge a crime. The did it by shielding the murderer from justice. **** the police.
Dion needs to provide continuing education for those of us tied to rational thinking to enable us to if not understand, at least learn to try to accept such thinking.

Let me see if I understand the previous post:

I guy I don't know, never met, have no clue about other than his skin color, dies at the hands of four policeman, two of whom have the same skin color, so I call elimination of due process, total destruction of businesses, giving me the right to go STEAL all the free **** I can haul away.

We should start a GoundMe account to buy a oneway ticket to Sudan, north Korea, Iran, or the tyrantical hell hole of LH's choosing.
If you were to write out the criteria of how criminal gangs operate, including omerta and "blood in, blood out," the overlap with law enforcement agencies is near perfect.
This is where I'm at with the looting. Some of them are pure opportunists who don't know or care what's going on, they're just thieves who see an opening. **** them, for sure. Some of them are angry at the system as a whole and think that they are getting back at the system. I don't necessarily agree, but I'm not going to run them through the mud for that mindset, because it's not entirely irrational. Some are truly hurt and grieving and this is how they are coping, and while I don't condone it, I'm not going to make any blanket judgments about their motivations or state of mind.

But again, all of this is preventable if the ******* cops would do their ******* jobs correctly and if their bosses would hold them accountable immediately and not after months of "review."
No blanket judgments for the looters who are angry, but no hesitation to pass down blanket judgments on police officers.

Don't you just love that ****? Lol

The warped mind and "logic" of the self-righteous, self-important, smug woke leftist (especially white leftists) is an astounding thing to behold.
No doubt many of the excessive force complaints came from criminals... and a lot of those folks have credibility problems and don't like the people enforcing laws.
Cops have to deal daily with the kinds of folks with whom I, knock on wood, have little personal interaction.
I'm quite sure not every complaint is justified, but geez, how do you stay on the force after a dozen of them.

They're unionized public employees.

What's somewhat ironic is that many of the same people who are (rightly) horrified that the cop had so many complaints but still had a job are supportive of it being damn near impossible to shitcan a government employee. Advocate dumbass public employee protections, and you're going to get bad results like this from time to time.
It's a free county, but as a practical matter this might be a good time for that cop to take a long camping trip or something about 3 states away from Minnesota.
It's a free county, but as a practical matter this might be a good time for that cop to take a long camping trip or something about 3 states away from Minnesota.

I wouldn't blame him, but this tendency to justify extrajudicial violence just because someone's pissed off is stupid and dangerous.
I'm no expert on police work, but wouldn't/shouldn't something like this have happened:

The senior cop out of the four on the scene slaps the knee-choker on the shoulder and says "Nice work, I've got this," then cuffs the suspect and puts him in the car. The only problem is if the knee-choker is the senior cop out of the four. That would require a junior-in-rank cop to be insubordinate if the senior cop wouldn't get off the guy's neck after some strong urging. Ultimately he should, but requiring a junior cop to disobey orders to do the correct thing is a tough thing to ask.
The police did this today. The did it when they murdered. They did it when they failed to acknowledge a crime. The did it by shielding the murderer from justice. **** the police.

LH, you explained a bit after this comment, but this is completely illogical. The rioters compounded one awful, horrible event with many of their own. Not only are the rioters guilty of property damage, theft, and physical violence of their own, but Target is not the organization that murdered that man. I suspect many of the employees and customers of Target are black or oppose the police murder.

All they have accomplished is wanton destruction. I understand the emotion, anger and frustration, that led to that, but at least aim it at the right place. Go after the police station. Go after the mayor or city council. Go after the nearest police academy. They have defended this jerk. Aim your indignation at them. Not innocent store owners.
A further comment about Target.

When a business gets robbed at all. It causes prices to go up. That hurts poor people most. It also means Target can't afford to hire more people. That hurts poor people too. It is all nonsensical.
They're unionized public employees.

What's somewhat ironic is that many of the same people who are (rightly) horrified that the cop had so many complaints but still had a job are supportive of it being damn near impossible to shitcan a government employee. Advocate dumbass public employee protections, and you're going to get bad results like this from time to time.

You are good at making the case for privatizing police services. Thank you for your service.
The past President of teh St. Paul NAACP was white? Only in Minny.
No, she's black, or at least partially so. She is also making a great point.

Looting, burning, etc. and writing things like "f--k the police" are ignorant responses that make the problem worse, and bring more bias on the people clamoring for relief.

LH claims to want people, especially cops, to follow the law but gives a pass to rioters breaking the law because their state of mind somehow makes breaking the law okay.

I have not heard one single person defend what the cop did because it certainly appears indefensible. However, using LH's excuses, maybe we should reconsider the cops actions because he may be angry at the system and his actions are how he copes with such anger, or he was truly hurt by something and we don't know the state of mind he was in.

LH's arguments are conflicted and incoherent. Such is the mindset of the modern Liberal.
So I have to ask a question.

When **** like this happens if the DNC takes all our guns then how are we to defend our home and families? Do we wait for the cops, oh wait F da police I believe was his words.

So No law and order
No Police
No guns

I know we can all get together and pass a legal joint and get high, eat cheetos and sing Dust in the Wind.

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