Riots in Minneapolis

I don't know how much violence by cops against whites or blacks against whites has been suppressed by the media. I just know I grew up in the Deep South and the cops are part of the problem that existed for far too long. I have black friends at work (white collar, highly educated) who have all said they have been racially profiled many times. I take their word for their experience in America.

I do think Colin made a mistake in kneeling during the anthem. Tactically, it forced patriotic people who were also sympathetic to his message to make a choice. It was a bad choice to present. He could have used press conferences or a raised fist during the game. His profile was high enough that it would have garnered attention. Instead he is coming off like the woman soccer player who represents our country but has the nerve to disrespect it.

It just doesn't work. But I believe they are the type who crave attention. Colin used to kiss his biceps. It's in his DNA.

In the end, the cop appears to have committed a very serious crime. Whatever his intent, the man died. That is as gross of negligence as it gets and is more than that in my book. He should not have immunity because of a powerful union. I believe a charge of murder is appropriate.

Ironic eh? Unions... not always correct...
I don't know how much violence by cops against whites or blacks against whites has been suppressed by the media. I just know I grew up in the Deep South and the cops are part of the problem that existed for far too long. I have black friends at work (white collar, highly educated) who have all said they have been racially profiled many times. I take their word for their experience in America.

I do think Colin made a mistake in kneeling during the anthem. Tactically, it forced patriotic people who were also sympathetic to his message to make a choice. It was a bad choice to present. He could have used press conferences or a raised fist during the game. His profile was high enough that it would have garnered attention. Instead he is coming off like the woman soccer player who represents our country but has the nerve to disrespect it.

It just doesn't work. But I believe they are the type who crave attention. Colin used to kiss his biceps. It's in his DNA.

In the end, the cop appears to have committed a very serious crime. Whatever his intent, the man died. That is as gross of negligence as it gets and is more than that in my book. He should not have immunity because of a powerful union. I believe a charge of murder is appropriate.

Ironic eh? Unions... not always correct...

Minnesota is basically run almost exclusively by Democrats like Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison

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It has become Illegal to be white in this country. I would not be considered white by most Americans since my mom is Latino/Italian. However my children are and I feel sorry for them.

Good thing I always liked foreign because my 4 older kids are also Canadian and my two younger kids are also Russian. They have choices. Hopefully this madness will end with Texas getting the hell out of the United States and taking a few red states with them.

I know LH is banging his Racism drum, but not every white cop kills a black kid because he hates black people. Some do it because they have no control. Police departments love to hire former military, however they forget that our military trains killers and doesn't necessarily stress restraint. I have no idea that this cop is former military, but the way he subdued this kid is definitely a military tactic.

This guy deserves his day in court before we let a lynch mob string him up. That is what we have a Constitution for. Oh, I forgot, white people no longer have rights.

BTW shouldn't we be looking at Minnesota demographics than the United States? Minnesota is one of the whitest states in the country.

84% White - Mostly Norwegian, German and Polish decent.
6% African - Didn't use black because the majority of blacks are actually from Africa as immigrants.
5% Asian - Vast majority are Hmong.
3% Other - Vast majority being native American

But don't let facts get in the way of a good lynching.
This isn’t about you or your feelings. It’s about the law. And those we trust to enforce it who murder. In a civil society, the murderer would be charged.

Do you really care about the law? If so, that's great. I didn't know you agreed with Trump on illegal immigration. Let's cut the crap. You don't care about the law being enforced. You care about exploiting the incident for political gain and pretty much nothing else.
Actually I think the system should be that every time a white cop kills a black kid US Bank has to give away all it's money.

Redistribution of wealth to everyone. But of course not the white people, they don't count as they aren't really people.
I would support protesting at the murderers house, as long as there was no property damage or violence. I would support protests at the police station or mayor's office even with a little property damage.

But this is straight theft. Breaking into a business and stealing stuff because a policeman killed someone is just evil.

The murdering policeman should receive justice. All those thieves should receive justice too.
It is also okay to defend a man from mob violence. Justice will come through the law, not Karen with a mask saying the F word or mobs with clubs.
Minnesota is basically run almost exclusively by Democrats like Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison.

I notice so many of these incidents happen in blue states and/or cities. The Dems promise blacks they will get even with those who are oppressing blacks, but they deliver nothing but more and more hurt. I continue to marvel that so many blacks still vote for these race hustlers.

Lol, Yet I know she voted for Hillary.

Liberals only care about murder when it suits their needs. The truth is to them White lives don't matter, neither does law and neither does justice.

However she does have a point about how many cops.

Here in Texas rule of thumb: 1 riot, 1 Ranger.

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