
I am puzzled about the end game for Dems. It's been a huge nothingburger. I cannot believe that this is all they had. They have marched with purpose straight into a lose-lose scenario.....

I wrote about this when they started their "impeachment inquiry". Here is the relevant part of that post

" ..... So it is a little ironic how the Dems look at Trump versus the way some Republicans look at him, especially the Never-Trumpers. The Dems recognize that Trump is a transformative President. The federal judges are a big part of it but its everything really - fighting the globalists, getting rid of bad trade deals, fighting China, immigration, deconstruction of the administrative state, getting us out of endless wars. The Dems know Trump is going to be in their their lives in a meaningful way not just for the next 5 years, but for the next 10, 20 or 30 years. So what they are really after is to stop the arc of his presidency. They want to affect the 2020 election too, but the main goal is to blunt the direction of Trump presidency. So while the Never-Trumpers may not be smart enough to see the big picture, Pelosi is and she is willing to do anything she can to gut Trump and nullify the results of the 2016 election."

See Impeachment
Apparently Joe Biden just threatened Lindsey Graham about looking into his dealings --

"Lindsey Graham will regret investigating me his whole life"

Even the true believers should be willing to admit, ol Joe seems worried about something

Guliani piled on Biden's threat to Graham -- in case anyone does not know already, Graham is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee which is responsible for the impeachment trial, if there is one

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I can’t wait for the 2020 election. :usa:

The Senate trial, if there is one, will be good too
Hunter Biden
Joe Biden
Adam Schiff
Whoa Nellie Ohr
"the whistleblower"
All under oath before the nation. With good attorneys asking the Qs
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....III. I wish Biden would welcome an investigation into his actions and also pull out of the Presidential race so as to remove it as being an issue going forward. Hell, h's 77 or so now. My mom's 77 and still working part time. ..

But at least he has that huge account in the Caymans to ease into retirement on
You have to admit the irony of this thing has been pretty rich.

The people who are trying to impeach the president (Schiff, the Dems and their parade of "State/NSC witnesses") are the same people who tried to frame him with Russiagate. And failed.

So now they seek to unseat him for asking for help trying to "get to the bottom of" who tried to framed him the first time.

That is some amazing shyte
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I am puzzled about the end game for Dems. It's been a huge nothingburger. I cannot believe that this is all they had. They have marched with purpose straight into a lose-lose scenario.

Either they impeach Trump and it goes to the Senate where the Republicans will then have full control over the trial. Or they choose not to impeach which will result in half of their base losing their minds (after months of riling them up). Also, will confirm Trump's charge that the entire investigation was a partisan hoax with no basis in fact.

I have never agreed with Pelosi on anything in my life, but I always thought she had good political instincts. I'm starting to rethink that opinion.
TDS is a terrible disease.
Further the Dems think if they look deep and long enough, they will find something illegal. It amazes them that Trump isn’t as dirty as they are.
The Senate trial, if there is one, will be good too
Hunter Biden
Joe Biden
Adam Schiff
"the whistleblower"
All under oath before the nation. With good attorneys asking the Qs

if it wasn’t on cable TV, I’d pay top dollar on paid per view to see that. :popcorn:
You have to admit the irony of this thing has been pretty rich.

The people who are trying to impeach the president (Schiff, the Dems and their parade of "State/NSC witnesses") are the same people who tried to frame him with Russiagate. And failed.

So now they seek to unseat him for asking for help trying to "get to the bottom of" who tried to framed him the first time.

That is some amazing shyte
You have to admit the irony of this thing has been pretty rich.

The people who are trying to impeach the president (Schiff, the Dems and their parade of "State/NSC witnesses") are the same people who tried to frame him with Russiagate. And failed.

So now they seek to unseat him for asking for help trying to "get to the bottom of" who tried to framed him the first time.

That is some amazing shyte

What’s amazing is this conduct is accepted by the democrat’s party.
Apparently Joe Biden just threatened Lindsey Graham about looking into his dealings --
"Lindsey Graham will regret investigating me his whole life"
Even the true believers should be willing to admit, ol Joe seems worried about something

Brace yourself for a Truth Alert

The Senate trial, if there is one, will be good too
"the whistleblower"
All under oath before the nation. With good attorneys asking the Qs

Trump wants to meet his whistle-blower
What a rookie mistake
Hillary's whistle-blower would have committed suicide by now
The news about the Ruth does present another possibility for why Dems keep pushing impeachment despite the decided lack of evidence to support such a claim

Maybe they want to be able to argue Trump should not get another SCOTUS appointment while he is being impeached?
Joe Biden = Quid Pro Joe
Kamala Harris = Quid Pro Hoe
Bernie Sanders = Quid Pro give me all your money bro.
Cory Booker = Quid Pro Slow
Elizabeth Warren = Quid Pro Navajo.

I agree with the officer. There's a way for the President to issue an order to the military. Twitter isn't it. And I wouldn't make this move. There were some questionable things in the Gallagher matter, but he was acquitted on the murder charge. He was convicted of posing with a casualty, and my understanding is that he was guilty of that. I don't see any reason to prevent him from being demoted for that. He broke that law, and it's a law that exists for good reason.
I agree with the officer. There's a way for the President to issue an order to the military. Twitter isn't it. And I wouldn't make this move. There were some questionable things in the Gallagher matter, but he was acquitted on the murder charge. He was convicted of posing with a casualty, and my understanding is that he was guilty of that. I don't see any reason to prevent him from being demoted for that. He broke that law, and it's a law that exists for good reason.

Truth Alert:
Sounds like everyone will be better off if they follow through with their threats. Just move along. Thank you for your service.
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Joe Biden = Quid Pro Joe
Kamala Harris = Quid Pro Hoe
Bernie Sanders = Quid Pro give me all your money bro.
Cory Booker = Quid Pro Slow
Elizabeth Warren = Quid Pro Navajo.

Julian Castro = Quid Pro Pendejo
Bill de Blasio = Quid Pro Joe Schmoe
Eric Swalwell = Quid Pro BeanO
Andrew Yang = Squid Pro Quo
Marianne Williamson = Quid Pro .... like totally whoa bro
Amy Klobuchar = Quid Pro Likes Snow
Beto = Quid Pro No Mo
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Thought experiment alert:

Let us assume arguendo two things, just for the moment --
(1) what Trump did with regard to Ukraine and the Biden Family Crime Syndicate was improper/impeachable
(2) the Ukrainians gave Trump incontrovertible evidence that the Bidens committed multiple felonies under US law

What should be done with that evidence against the Bidens?
Julian Castro = Quid Pro Pendejo
Bill de Blasio = Quid Pro Joe Schmoe
Eric Swalwell = Quid Pro Beano
Andrew Yang = Squid Pro Quo
Marianne Williamson = Quid Pro .... like totally whoa bro
Amy Klobuchar = Quid Pro Likes Snow
Beto = Quid Pro No Mo

Hillary Clinton = Quid pro you know then you gotta go. :lmao:

Hillary Clinton = Quid Pro Jeffery Epstein had to go.
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Serious question here. When President Trump pardons the traditional Turkey from being a families Thanksgiving Feast, will the Democrats demand an investigation?
Adam Schiff:

"If the Senate wants to call me as a witness, then they pretty much made the decision not to take this process seriously."

"That's no reason to call me as a witness"


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