
You're reading into **** that isn't even there. By definition this is a secret meeting. A secret meeting being run by one of the most corrupt men in Washington.

Do you mean like every other Confidential hearing Congress has? Speaking of legal depositions, can you point me to a handful of public depositions? You know, sessions where the witness is actually being deposed in public. I'm not talking about actual impeachment hearings in the Senate that would most assuredly be public but the depositions.
Please, you know damn well Schiff is a bad actor and he's running this **** behind closed doors. This is Washington's corruption at it's finest and you have no problem with it.

Wait...Schiff is partisan? What clues did you follow to discover that fact? The (D) next to his name? Hint: Anyone with a (D), (R) or (I) next to their name is also biased. It goes with the territory of joining a party.
Wait...Schiff is partisan? What clues did you follow to discover that fact? The (D) next to his name? Hint: Anyone with a (D), (R) or (I) next to their name is also biased. It goes with the territory of joining a party.

We're not talking about just partisan actions. We're talking about a guy who lied during the Russian collusion crapola and he lied during the opening testimony of this inquiry. If this guy was a republican he would have been run off a long time ago.
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Looks like Elijah Cummings has passed away. Perhaps that's why he wasn't put in charge of impeachment inquiry. Apparently he had some bad health problems.

Rest in Peace. I didn't like his politics, but for a modern politician, he was a decent guy.
Looks like Elijah Cummings has passed away. Perhaps that's why he wasn't put in charge of impeachment inquiry. Apparently he had some bad health problems.

Rest in Peace. I didn't like his politics, but for a modern politician, he was a decent guy.

RIP Representative Cummings. The Democrats will miss you. Washington D.C will also miss your ability to have "strange bromances" with conservatives like Mark Meadows, Chaffetz and Issa.

That was my initial thought too @Mr. Deez I read he hasn't appeared in a roll call vote in over a month. He definitely looked much older than 68yrs age, especially in comparison to Trump, Biden, Sanders and Warren who are all older.
I've never said I don't have an anti-Trump bias. We all have biases just like you have a Pro-Trump anti-progessive bias, right? The mere presence of a bias doesn't automatically remove credibility.

no it’s defending something that facts don’t support and posting links with fake news that does. You know that right?

Looks like Elijah Cummings has passed away. Perhaps that's why he wasn't put in charge of impeachment inquiry. Apparently he had some bad health problems.

Rest in Peace. I didn't like his politics, but for a modern politician, he was a decent guy.

All I have to say about Elijah Cummings is I won’t miss his loud anger temper tantrums in committee hearings like the time toward border patrol leaders for not being able to do their job when he would refuse to fund them.
EU Ambassador Sondland is testifying today. This is from the Washington Post's live update feed:

In his opening statement, Sondland told impeachment investigators that Trump urged him to work with his personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani on matters related to Ukraine, including a possible visit by its new president, Volodymyr Zelensky.

Sondland said Trump was skeptical that Ukraine was serious about reforms and anti-corruption efforts, according to a written copy of his statement.

“He directed those of us present at the meeting to talk to Mr. Giuliani, his personal attorney, about his concerns,” Sondland said. “It was apparent to all of us that the key to changing the president’s mind on Ukraine was Mr. Giuliani.”

Sondland said he did not understand “until much later that Mr. Giuliani’s agenda might have also included an effort to prompt the Ukrainians to investigate Vice President Biden or his son or to involve Ukrainians, directly or indirectly, in the president’s 2020 reelection campaign.”

Sondland said that he and others were “disappointed by the President’s direction that we involve Mr. Giuliani.”

“Our view was that the men and women of the State Department, not the President’s personal lawyer, should take responsibility for all aspects of U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine,” he said.

Sondland said he also “strongly believed” that a White House meeting between Trump and Zelensky should have been scheduled “without any preconditions.”

Guiliani the jenga piece that brings down the tower. Trump's wont be able to distance himself from Guiliani after he told everyone to work directly with him. Rick Perry also stated in an interview that Trump told him to work directly with Guiliani on Ukraine.

Giuliani will be a fall guy at some point. His proximity to others should lead to their fall.
no it’s defending something that facts don’t support and posting links with fake news that does. You know that right?

As opposed to your strategy of posting no supporting evidence, stating no facts and simplyba biased opinion? I'll let the more intelligent on this board decide for themselves which debate strategy is more credible.

For you I'll simply offer a Daniel Patrick Moynihan quote: "You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
As opposed to your strategy of posting no supporting evidence, stating no facts and simplyba biased opinion? I'll let the more intelligent on this board decide for themselves which debate strategy is more credible.

For you I'll simply offer a Daniel Patrick Moynihan quote: "You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."

You are just unbelievable. Everything you spew Is never supported by facts. Well somethings one sentence might be but that’s because you take it out of context. You are well known for taking things out of context and then disappear or ignore when you get called out for your dishonesty. I’m not talking about opinions, but actual facts that you will try to defend like the liberal hack you are. Oh that’s right you are not a liberal. :lmao:

let’s keep this real SH, you support the side that has 100% fake news. They lost their credibility even before the 2016 election. They’ve never stop lying (and crying). You continue to jump on everything they say only to look like a whipped puppy running off with their tail tucked every single time. You are currently doing it right now. Oh and did I mention dem politicians also are just as dishonest as the fake news. You support the side that one of their party leaders is Adam Schiff. Is there anything else that needs to be said about that? I bet you are proud.

Also you support the party that has ABSOLUTELY DONE NOTHING for America the past three years and spends 100% of their time trying to impeach a president. He has been incredible with policies great for America and is doing what the country sent him there to do.

There is nobody here on Hornfans that is as dishonest as you are and it’s not even close.
You are just unbelievable. Everything you spew Is never supported by facts. Well somethings one sentence might be but that’s because you take it out of context. You are well known for taking things out of context and then disappear or ignore when you get called out for your dishonesty. I’m not talking about opinions, but actual facts that you will try to defend like the liberal hack you are. Oh that’s right you are not a liberal. :lmao:

let’s keep this real SH, you support the side that has 100% fake news. They lost their credibility even before the 2016 election. They’ve never stop lying (and crying). You continue to jump on everything they say only to look like a whipped puppy running off with their tail tucked every single time. You are currently doing it right now. Oh and did I mention dem politicians also are just as dishonest as the fake news. You support the side that one of their party leaders is Adam Schiff. Is there anything else that needs to be said about that? I bet you are proud.

Also you support the party that has ABSOLUTELY DONE NOTHING for America the past three years and spends 100% of their time trying to impeach a president. He has been incredible with policies great for America and is doing what the country sent him there to do.

There is nobody here on Hornfans that is as dishonest as you are and it’s not even close.

Wow! I couldn't have built an argument as well as you just did to prove my claim. No links (supporting evidence).
CHECK. No facts. CHECK. Only biased opinion. CHECK.

Thank you! Sincerely.

The claim revisited:
As opposed to your strategy of posting no supporting evidence, stating no facts and simply a biased opinion?
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Wow! I couldn't have built an argument as well as you just did to prove my claim. No links (supporting evidence).
CHECK. No facts. CHECK. Only biased opinion. CHECK.

Thank you! Sincerely.

The claim revisited:

I intentionally stopped wasting my time with you the moment you didn’t take Joe Biden’s video as fact. So why would I present facts to you knowing you are only going to dismiss it no matter what because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

You have a long history of being dishonest and very rare you accept others arguments as fact even though they provide it. You just do the typical liberal spin and you aren’t even good at that. I do like calling you out on your dishonesty though. That takes little effort. How’s that Russian collusion going for ya?
I intentionally stopped wasting my time with you the moment you didn’t take Joe Biden’s video as fact. So why would I present facts to you knowing you are only going to dismiss it no matter what because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

You have a long history of being dishonest and very rare you accept others arguments as fact even though they provide it. You just do the typical liberal spin and you aren’t even good at that. I do like calling you out on your dishonesty though. That takes little effort. How’s that Russian collusion going for ya?

You just keep on going. Opinion opinion evidence or facts...opinion opinion ad nauseam.

The only thing I can surmise from any of your posts is that you disagree with my perspective thus disregard all supporting evidence I post. You can't prove my argument wrong so you move to impute my integrity. You do you but know that with each succeeding post you validate my claims. You'll never acknowledge it but the personal messages I receive from progressive and conservative members on this board reinforce my stance.
You just keep on going. Opinion opinion evidence or facts...opinion opinion ad nauseam.

The only thing I can surmise from any of your posts is that you disagree with my perspective thus disregard all supporting evidence I post. You can't prove my argument wrong so you move to impute my integrity. You do you but know that with each succeeding post you validate my claims. You'll never acknowledge it but the personal messages I receive from progressive and conservative members on this board reinforce my stance.

You just proved my point again. You just ignore stuff I say when you know you can’t defend it. I specifically gave you an example of the Joe Biden Video and you spew nothing back but claims I’m doing what you just did.......again. You can’t make this stuff up. You are unbelievable.

You can’t even be honest about about being dishonest.
“Please know that I would not have recommended that Mr. Giuliani or any private citizen be involved in these foreign policy matters. However, given the President’s explicit direction, as well as the importance we attached to arranging a White House meeting between Presidents Trump and Zelensky, we agreed to do as President Trump directed,” Sondland wrote.
I specifically gave you an example of the Joe Biden Video

Link? Am I supposed to magically know what video you are referencing?

This may be a surprise you but I don't follow every single thread on the board and often lose interest in regurgitating the same arguments. If you don't post a link OR sometimes if the link is to a known extremist site, or simply a site I don't want to financially support with a click (e.g. Tucker Carlson) I won't click through.

Post a link and I'll comment if warranted. I've never been fearful of offering my opinion here. If you need help understanding how to search the board or post a link I'll happily help you in a priveate conversation

Now, I'm not sure what any of this has to do with impeachment. Can we return to more important topics?
“Please know that I would not have recommended that Mr. Giuliani or any private citizen be involved in these foreign policy matters. However, given the President’s explicit direction, as well as the importance we attached to arranging a White House meeting between Presidents Trump and Zelensky, we agreed to do as President Trump directed,” Sondland wrote.

Sondland is clearly trying to salvage his own reputation. Maybe he's worried about legal challenges given Guiliani and his associates. That may be more worrisome than the incoming wrath of Trump.
Link? Am I supposed to magically know what video you are referencing?

This may be a surprise you but I don't follow every single thread on the board and often lose interest in regurgitating the same arguments. If you don't post a link OR sometimes if the link is to a known extremist site, or simply a site I don't want to financially support with a click (e.g. Tucker Carlson) I won't click through.

Post a link and I'll comment if warranted. I've never been fearful of offering my opinion here. If you need help understanding how to search the board or post a link I'll happily help you in a priveate conversation

Now, I'm not sure what any of this has to do with impeachment. Can we return to more important topics?

it was only a week to a week and a half ago on this very thread. How many Joe Biden Videos have been addressed to you lately? I’m guessing this is one of your tactics that you do when you don’t want to respond. Specially since you ignored the response before and had to call you out on not addressing it and claiming I post no facts. This is what I deal with when you respond. You intentionally make it as difficult as possible to have a normal conversation with you when your losing. Again you are just very dishonest and if you don’t like what I say then don’t respond. You definitely don’t like facts. I might have to block you as well like half the member here have done. You waste everybody’s time here.
You are correct," I’m guessing this is one of your tactics that you do when you don’t want to respond. " A longtime tactic.
Long time tactic.
IIRC it was Sangre who offered best advice. Just ignore.
it was only a week to a week and a half ago on this very thread. How many Joe Biden Videos have been addressed to you lately? I’m guessing this is one of your tactics that you do when you don’t want to respond. Specially since you ignored the response before and had to call you out on not addressing it and claiming I post no facts. This is what I deal with when you respond. You intentionally make it as difficult as possible to have a normal conversation with you when your losing. Again you are just very dishonest and if you don’t like what I say then don’t respond. You definitely don’t like facts. I might have to block you as well like half the member here have done. You waste everybody’s time here.

Link? It's REALLY easy. Even Horn6721 knows how to do it.
Back to Impeachment.

Today Mick Mulvaney admitted there was a quid pro quo. The Ukraine aid package was contingent on them aiding the 2016 election interference but NOT Joe Biden according to Mulvaney. Of course, we have the transcript of Trump directly asking Zelensky for the favor to also investigate Biden.

This is the first time I've said this but I'm now for Impeachment. The inquiry needs to continue to build the case but with the public information we have and the administration's own admissions I now think this corrupt POTUS needs to be impeached.

Admitting corruption in plain view doesn't mean there wasn't corruption. It's eerily reminiscent to Nixon's argument that the POTUS can't be imperiled because they are POTUS.

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