
How odd is it that EU Ambassador Sondland had a direct line to Trump, completely bypassing Pompeo and the chain of command? The NYT reported (no link... I'm on cell) that Sondland called Trump directly during the 4.5 hours between the Taylor text questioning the quid pro quo and Sondlands lawyerly response denying Trumps intentions and asking to move any conversations out of text messaging.
How odd is it that EU Ambassador Sondland had a direct line to Trump, completely bypassing Pompeo and the chain of command? The NYT reported (no link... I'm on cell) that Sondland called Trump directly during the 4.5 hours between the Taylor text questioning the quid pro quo and Sondlands lawyerly response denying Trumps intentions and asking to move any conversations out of text messaging.
Is it not in America’s interest to know if the Biden’s are compromised by Ukraine, especially when Quid Pro Joe is leading in the polls? Seems like it is part of the president’s job.
Is it not in America’s interest to know if the Biden’s are compromised by Ukraine, especially when Quid Pro Joe is leading in the polls? Seems like it is part of the president’s job.

Always the good soldier.

If there is evidence of corruption there is a DOJ to investigate, not POTUS, Guiliani or any other tangentially related person. That alone points to the flimsy stance but that's never stopped you before.
Always the good soldier.

If there is evidence of corruption there is a DOJ to investigate, not POTUS, Guiliani or any other tangentially related person. That alone points to the flimsy stance but that's never stopped you before.
Huh, what work gets done between two large orgs without having the top people deciding it is a priority?
Huh, what work gets done between two large orgs without having the top people deciding it is a priority?

Yeah, the CEO/POTUS always decides specific initiatives (e.g. Biden investigation) rather than general priorities (e.g. corruption). I'm beginning to understand why so many in Trump's party practice cognitive dissonance, daily. It's the new meditation.
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Yeah, the CEO/POTUS always decides specific initiatives (e.g. Biden investigation) rather than general priorities (e.g. corruption). I'm beginning to understand why so many in Trump's party practice cognitive dissonance, daily. It's the new meditation.

Keep in mind, one of the POTUS' first acts was to remove the rules that prevented bribery in the Oil and Gas industry.

Corruption must remain at the forefront of Trump's mind but I don't think it's the angle his supporters wish it was.

Can't wait for Trey Gowdy to join the hypocrite parade. He had this to say in 2012 during the Benghazi hearings.

“The notion that you can withhold information and documents from Congress no matter whether you’re the party in power or not in power is wrong. Respect for the rule of law must mean something irrespective of the vicissitudes of political cycles.”

How much is it worth to demonstrate he is void of principles? I hope he's making a lot of $$$.
So the Trump-hating attorney representing the purported "Whistleblower" worked directly for James Clapper

Anyone surprised?

Anti-Trump Whistleblower Attorney Worked Directly For James Clapper

The Whistleblower should have chosen a Trump supporter as a lawyer. I'm sure that would have ensured fair treatment from the right. /s

Zaid is the cofounder of the non-profit legal organization "Whistleblower Aid" whose stated goal is to support Whistleblowers under the claim of government transparency.

In September 2017, Zaid and former U.S. State Department whistleblower John Tye co-founded Whistleblower Aid, a nonprofit law firm. Initially focused on employees and contractors of the U.S. federal government, Whistleblower Aid emphasizes it is not WikiLeaks. "No one should ever send classified information to Whistleblower Aid," the firm states. "Whistleblower Aid will never assist clients or prospective clients with leaking classified information." Instead, would-be whistleblowers with classified information will be directed to investigators with security clearances to help expose wrongdoing without breaking the law or incurring criminal liability.[4][19] "We are trying to hold the U.S. government accountable," Zaid explained, "and provide free legal services to whistleblowers so they don't ruin their careers in the process or be prosecuted."[20] Clients will not be charged. To cover expenses, the firm solicits donations from foundations and crowdsource funding.[4]
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I see no one wanted to comment on my question about how beneficial it is for citizens to learn about candidates regardless of the source and motive.

Sounds like the source and the motive are the real concern for most people here, mostly referring to Dems.

It is all a political football game and Team Blue must win. Rules or truth be damned.
I see no one wanted to comment on my question about how beneficial it is for citizens to learn about candidates regardless of the source and motive.

Sounds like the source and the motive are the real concern for most people here, mostly referring to Dems.

It is all a political football game and Team Blue must win. Rules or truth be damned.

Um...that's what media and opposing political campaigns are for. Government resources being leveraged to follow political motivations is tyranny, not transparency. Your bias against "blue" may be overwhelming your libertarian idealism.
If Biden weren't part of the many running for Pres would any one be against Biden's actions being investigated?

Let's be clear, Biden is not being formally investigated based on public information. The people calling for an investigation are Trump and Guiliani. It's plainly obvious why the two politicians are screaming for an investigation. 58% of America believes an impeachment inquiry is appropriate based on public info.
Keep in mind, one of the POTUS' first acts was to remove the rules that prevented bribery in the Oil and Gas industry.

Corruption must remain at the forefront of Trump's mind but I don't think it's the angle his supporters wish it was.
I recall it was related to protecting confidential commercial information that was negotiated between parties, but you do you (misdirecting to protect your confirmation bias). You didn’t seem to have a problem with the DNC going to the Ukraine government looking for dirt on Trump campaign (specifically Manafort, though he was on the campaign for only 2-3 months). Drain the Swamp was a campaign promise - it was more than setting the “tone” of the administration. Instead of biatching for 4 years, maybe your side should nominate someone who isn’t crooked and can win this time.
Can't wait for Trey Gowdy to join the hypocrite parade. He had this to say in 2012 during the Benghazi hearings.

How much is it worth to demonstrate he is void of principles? I hope he's making a lot of $$$.

I think the SCOTUS is on Trump’s side on this, but you do you (misdirect to avoid confronting your confirmation bias).
Let's be clear, Biden is not being formally investigated based on public information. The people calling for an investigation are Trump and Guiliani. It's plainly obvious why the two politicians are screaming for an investigation. 58% of America believes an impeachment inquiry is appropriate based on public info.
If Biden is innocent, he has nothing to fear.
I recall it was related to protecting confidential commercial information that was negotiated between parties,

I'm only responding to this point because the rest is simply partisan drivel.

You are correct that the Oil and Gas industry argued that the transparency they were forced to offer leftvthem at a competitive disadvantage to companies based in countries that weren't under similar rule.

Here is a good article on the topic. Publicly displaying $ spent in foreign countries was the method watchdogs could hold Oil & Gas accountable for following bribery laws. As the article states, the OECD lists the industry among the most corrupt, specifically their tactics in 3rd world countries.

You prefer to remove any impediments to competitiveness for this industry. By doing so corruption is much harder to identify. We both have our biases and perspectives.

None of this deflates my premise that Trump doesn't care about corruption. He cares about specific accusations that not so coincidentally always align with his own political interests.
There’s no whistleblower. It’s a leaker that’s leaking false information.

If I had Husker's record of inaccuracy I would be sure to make myself become more informed. His dedication to citing MSM garbage iwith no facts to back it up is mind-blowing.
There’s no whistleblower. It’s a leaker that’s leaking false information.

Not according to the law but then there is little respect for that in many conservative circles right now.

It takes only a couple fingers to count how many time you've proven anything I've posted to be inaccurate. You've asked me to justify your claims more often which demonstrates how vapid your claims actually are.
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You should know. When all of this backfires on you (your history shows it will) I'll be there to point it out.

You'll be here to claim some imaginary victory while never putting forth any evidence which is par for the course. For someone who spends an inordinate amount of time on a political message board you demonstrate daily how little you read actual news on the topics.
Most conservatives aren't stupid enough to be MSM bots. We see it for what it really it is which is a scam.

Thank you for your transparency that you don't actually care to inform yourself on topics before commenting. That's been my claim all along. Admitting the problem is the first step.
You'll be here to claim some imaginary victory while never putting forth any evidence which is par for the course. For someone who spends an inordinate amount of time on a political message board you demonstrate daily how little you read actual news on the topics.

I'll gladly compare my track record on being correct versus you any day of the week. Do you really think your track record is anything to be proud of? You fall for fake news like in the Covington boys situation constantly then claim fake news doesn't exist. The fact that you're wrong most of the time and you can't recognize it shows you're in need of a shrink.

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