Dumb Political Correctness

Actually in addition to the woman Michelle that JF posted above at least one more resident Baltimore has not only spoken out, She has posted several videos of conditions.Kimberly Klacik a black female Republican who has now been threatened for exposing real conditions
here is one
kimberly klacik - Bing video

but orange man bad.
Trump attacked Cummings because of Cummings unhinged rant at the acting Director of Ice in a committee hearing. It was one of the most disgusting, grandstanding displays I've ever seen.

Of course, the MSM gave Cummings a pass or even applauded him for it. Cummings deserves everything Trump said and more. There was absolutely nothing racist about what Trump tweeted. It's just that St. Elijah is black and you can't criticize anyone black these days unless you're also black. But luckily, the Dems race card is way over drawn and worthless these days.

Fox & Friends Segment That Inspired Trump Tweet Thread

If you can get a black person living in Baltimore to look at this deal and say, "hey, that Cummings fellow really *hasn't* done anything for us" then it is productive. Trump is trying to break up the stranglehold that the dems have had on the black vote since LBJ because that kind of loyalty is totally unfounded.

If this were a fair world where the media reported honestly, they would be saying Cummings is the one who stepped in it with his rant against ICE which gave Trump the opening he was looking for.

You're not answering the question. You're both attacking Cummings for what he said, and it's a fair attack. Cummings (and many Democrats) are saying outrageous things about ICE for which they can and should pay a political price. You're not saying why tangling with him is productive. In light of the fiscal nightmare we've been in the last several days, it feels more like a distraction than a good faith fight.
You're not answering the question.

It definitely isn't productive except for pointing out what a loud-mouthed hypocrite Cummings is and that the Dems don't care if their own constituents' kids are sitting around in dirty diapers, in rat-infested houses, just as long as illegals' kids aren't.

But mostly, I think it was just Trump having his man's back. Nobody else would come to his aid, so Trump did.
It definitely isn't productive except for pointing out what a loud-mouthed hypocrite Cummings is and that the Dems don't care if their own constituents' kids are sitting around in dirty diapers, in rat-infested houses, just as long as illegals' kids aren't.

But mostly, I think it was just Trump having his man's back. Nobody else would come to his aid, so Trump did.

And I get that. My issue isn't that the Democrats don't deserve this. They do. I also don't have a problem with the ICE people being defended. They do deserve that. It's just frustrating that there is a major fiscal issue that's exploding right in front of us, and nobody cares. We're bitching about the neighbor's noisy dog when there's a hydrogen bomb going off in the house next door.

There isn't a fiscally conservative party anymore. There's a fiscally liberal party and a fiscally insane party, and that's it. That's a dangerous place to be.
Trump hasn't been all that great financially. Tax and regulation cuts are good. But trade restrictions, horrible deficit spending, haranguing the Fed chairman, no work at all on entitlements are all very bad.

It is almost like this guy has been bankrupt before. Or lead to the financial demise of a large organization through poor leadership.
At some point there has to be personal accountability. The government can shower communities with all kinds of social programs, ie public education, food stamps etc but the government can't make you a good parent and can't raise your kids for you or keep you from getting pregnant out of wedlock 3 times with 3 different fathers.

This doesn't mean racism doesnt exist, but shes not entirely wrong either. Theres not a magic welfare bullet to raise everyone out of poverty.

Personal accountability for thee but not for me. - Wealthy individuals

The outcomes of the great recession is a perfect example of wealth having accountability privileges. Yes, there HAS TO BE MORE ACCOUNTABILITY by those in the inner city to pull themselves out of their situation but the system is stacked in favor of those that already have wealth. The 2008 collapse showed that the financial system lacks any personal accountability. I find it difficult to lecture an inner city person struggling to stay above the poverty line when the financial system is so slanted.
I'm all for putting up a fight, but let's consider what we didn't fight in the last few days. Trump signed a horrible budget into law essentially without a fight. We took an already terrible fiscal situation and made it significantly worse. In addition, Social Security is now set to run a deficit in 2020. We have a major crisis coming on that front, and nobody gives a crap. Where is Trump? Where is Congress? They're fighting over whether Baltimore is a dump and whether Trump Tweets racist things. Call me crazy, but I'd like to see some fight over something that matters. Nobody is even making the case for fiscal responsibility, and that is scary.

The difference between Sanders and Trump is the former recognized the dire situation to say "let's fix this" while the latter used Baltimore as a political foil to paint it as an "other", as if Baltimore doesn't also fall under Federal government influence.

bystander- Trump kicked off his 2016 campaign through divisive rhetoric ("they're sending rapists, murderers,...). Who was he responding too then? The narrative he's just responding is hogwash. It's an attempt to rationalize behavior that prior to Trump was completely unacceptable and would have resulted in ending the political career of the speaker. Alas, because he's fighting FOR your viewpoints it's ok. In turn, anyone who supports Trump yet claims to care about civility should not be surprised when their words are interpreted as hollow.
The moron was Obama getting taken by the Iranians in the horrible deal he nade without Congressional support , not to mention the moron gave Iran 1.7 billion even though Congress and US Courts had ruled some of that money should go to American victims of terrorism.
And do not forget the moron sent pallets of cash.

So now you know the moron and his negotiation Trump referenced . Glad to help you remember .
Personal accountability for thee but not for me. - Wealthy individuals

The outcomes of the great recession is a perfect example of wealth having accountability privileges. Yes, there HAS TO BE MORE ACCOUNTABILITY by those in the inner city to pull themselves out of their situation but the system is stacked in favor of those that already have wealth. The 2008 collapse showed that the financial system lacks any personal accountability. I find it difficult to lecture an inner city person struggling to stay above the poverty line when the financial system is so slanted.

Im not rich, my parents arent rich and I still have significant student loan debt, yet I don't have 3 kids, Ive never been arrested, I pay my bills and am generally a good citizen. Nothing was ever handed to me. We must stop polarizing this into a rich vs. poor argument.
Im not rich, my parents arent rich and I still have significant student loan debt, yet I don't have 3 kids, Ive never been arrested, I pay my bills and am generally a good citizen. Nothing was ever handed to me. We must stop polarizing this into a rich vs. poor argument.

Are you white? If so that's the next argument. Don't even try. When Bill Cosby can't even call this stuff out then it's not ever going to change.
Im not rich, my parents arent rich and I still have significant student loan debt, yet I don't have 3 kids, Ive never been arrested, I pay my bills and am generally a good citizen. Nothing was ever handed to me. We must stop polarizing this into a rich vs. poor argument.

I don't think he's pointing the finger at you or people like you. He's pointing out the unfairness that when the economy collapsed, the financial industry (which was wealthy) got to socialize its losses through a bailout. Nobody was held accountable. Ordinary citizens who were in financial trouble and facing foreclosure were allowed to lose their house. They were held accountable. That wasn't fair, and it diminished the country's credibility when it tells the poor to take responsibility for themselves. He is right. You can't stand by the fairness of the market selectively.

The problem is that Baltimore's problems are much deeper than the financial crisis. We could bailout the city of Baltimore with cash, and it wouldn't solve their problems. And frankly, people are giving Elijah Cummings flack over this, but he didn't create their problems and is actually one of their more sensible leaders, which admittedly isn't saying much.
Trump hasn't been all that great financially. Tax and regulation cuts are good. But trade restrictions, horrible deficit spending, haranguing the Fed chairman, no work at all on entitlements are all very bad.

It is almost like this guy has been bankrupt before. Or lead to the financial demise of a large organization through poor leadership.

There have been upsides to his victory. I will acknowledge that. The improvements to the Judiciary are very big. Cutting taxes and regulations is good. However, we're paying the price on fiscal responsibility. Our government is now on autopilot. It's just spending money without restraint, because there are no significant advocates for it.

To be clear, I'm not stupid enough to place the blame for deficits entirely or even mostly on the President. The appropriators are on Capitol Hill. They are first and foremost to blame. However, they are also politicians, and those who impact national and local politics influence what they are willing to do. The tendency of Democrats is to spend. Republicans will resist the urge but only if a Democrat is in the White House (because that sets up a politically convenient narrative) or if they are given leadership from their own President to rein spending in. Not only is Trump giving none of that, he's pushing in the opposite direction.
The problem is that Baltimore's problems are much deeper than the financial crisis. We could bailout the city of Baltimore with cash, and it wouldn't solve their problems.

That's what 53 years of Democratic governance will get you; ever expanding social programs and dependence on government handouts. Now they don't know any other way to live.
Baltimore City pumps $900 million a year into public schools or $15,000 per student. They have the worst SAT scores in the state.

"Charm City" also has the highest taxes in the state. The result, all the major companies have left the city and taken the jobs with them. Instead of incentives, they give businesses reasons to go else where.

What’s wrong with Baltimore?
That's what 53 years of Democratic governance will get you; ever expanding social programs and dependence on government handouts. Now they don't know any other way to live.
If you want a good example of the handout mentality, look no further than the AOC comments about the Equifax settlement fund...I did actually find it humorous that she referred to a potential $125 check as a 'nice chunk of change.'


Her tweets summed up the crappy political philosophy in a nutshell...someone has money, so go get your hand-out because its free. Never mind that encouraging people to make a claim that have no real impact from the breach harms the people who actually DID sustain a potential and verifiable harm...
And that report is from 2015.
Why should we give that city another penny?
No it isn't Cumming fault
But he could have demanded accountability for money spent in his district and he could have used his status to call for a clean up of the graft.
So Trump's Regional HUD Director reports WE gave Baltimore BILLION in grants in 2018 alone
‘We have given more money in homeless funds to Baltimore than the last administration’ as well as ‘community development grants,’ according to Patton.

She then took Cummings and the city leadership, including Mayor Bernard Young, to task, asking: ‘What are you actually doing with the money so that it benefits residents in the community for once instead of deep-pocket, crooked politicians?’
Donald Trump's aide Lynne Patton asks what Baltimore has done with its financial help | Daily Mail Online

Dems Leftists and Trump Haters do not like getting reality thrown at them.

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