Dumb Political Correctness

How do you know the jerkoff was from Mexico?

Dude, your righteousness and morality are noted.

But to answer your question, the guy had a police file. It said he was from Mexico. But yes, he also had the common characteristics that people from Mexico tend to have. He had dark hair, somewhat but not overly dark skin, an Hispanic name, spoke Spanish (and not English). Yes, I recognize that some in California who have those characteristics aren't from Mexico, but it's a not an unreasonable assumption.
So CNN is all outraged. IF there is a similar outrage and casting of Sanders as a racist for blasting Baltimore then I will be the first to post that CNN is a legit news outlet with no hatred of Trump.
President Trump tweeted that Rep. Elijah Cummings’ district is a “rodent infested mess” where “no human being would want to live.”

’s home district.
Three men die overnight in Baltimore; homicide count passes 180
“When he tweets about infestation, it's about black and brown people,” Blackwell says.

A an adjunct report
Three men die overnight in Baltimore; homicide count passes 180

3 men were shot and killed in one night last week sending the yearly murder total past 180.
But Orange man bad.:whiteflag:
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I'm no fan of Baltimore or Elijah Cummings, but I'm not sure why a pissing match over how much is a dump Baltimore is is a productive thing to be doing.
Mr D
The Dems/Haters will use any faux outrage they can.There will be no responsible reporting on actual conditions or interviews with the law abiding people living in Baltimore.
Dems/leftists think they can make it all about race. And media is aiding them.

Heck one of the squad is already bashing Trump for the deal he got out of Guatemala saying we are abdicating our duities to Guatemala.
Trump could say water is wet and CNN et al would accuse him of racism or xenophobia or homophobia .
This is why they react they way they do
Because what he said is true
And errrbody knows it

Maybe other people would have expressed it differently, if at all, but that is not the issue or at least what the issue should be here. The truth is most people would have not said anything about it in the first place. Why? Because they are afraid to point out, in public, something as obvious as Baltimore being a shytehole. And what they fear is the reaction. Just look at what happens to the handful of people who do have the courage to speak up. They get piled in ways we've never seen before.
And so this is why Trump is so different and one of the reasons why his core still clings to him. He is willing to point out those things that everyone else is afraid to and has been afraid to for a long time, even though they need to be pointed out. Baltimore is a cesspool and the politicians who run that state, at all levels, are corrupt.

I'm no fan of Baltimore or Elijah Cummings, but I'm not sure why a pissing match over how much is a dump Baltimore is is a productive thing to be doing.

That's what he does. But why does the Left get away with the white privilege campaign which is as racist as it gets because it attacks white people just for being white?
That's what he does. But why does the Left get away with the white privilege campaign which is as racist as it gets because it attacks white people just for being white?

Why is Trump the first President to be so publicly and brutally honestly about the unacceptable living conditions of largely black communities?
Maybe because he actually cares and he is SICK of watching it
It is a little stunning that Forbes thinks they are 6 other cities in the US more dangerous than Bmore

I have seen Baltimore with my own eyes. It's rough. East DC (PG county) up into Western Baltimore is a dangerous place. Cummings has been stealing from his constituents for years because he hasn't helped that area out at all. Silver Spring is nice. But go Southeast and then travel up I95. Rough.
Why is Trump the first President to be so publicly and brutally honestly about the unacceptable living conditions of largely black communities?
Maybe because he actually cares and he is SICK of watching it
Actually, I think he uses it to counter-punch folks like Cummings who attack him for whatever (racist, taxes. Etc.).
Mr D
The Dems/Haters will use any faux outrage they can.There will be no responsible reporting on actual conditions or interviews with the law abiding people living in Baltimore.
Dems/leftists think they can make it all about race. And media is aiding them.

Heck one of the squad is already bashing Trump for the deal he got out of Guatemala saying we are abdicating our duities to Guatemala.
Trump could say water is wet and CNN et al would accuse him of racism or xenophobia or homophobia .

I know they will. But this doesn't answer the question.
That's what he does. But why does the Left get away with the white privilege campaign which is as racist as it gets because it attacks white people just for being white?

I don't disagree, but this doesn't answer the question. Why is a pissing match over Baltimore being a ******** (though much of it is) productive?
Maybe there should have been outrage when Obama Sanders etc said it. Maybe then something would have been done to improve things there.
Trump probably got tired of Cummings calling him a racist etc so Trump called Cummings out about the horrid conditions in his district. Who could have predicted people who had said the same things about Baltimore but got no outrage then. would come out now and bash Trump for it?
Did they forget they said it?
For sure the outrage is exposing the overwhelming hypocrisy of Dem pols and media.
That is somewhat productive imo

Edit to add
Just saw a vid of Cummings being ugly and ranting to an ICE official telling the official He Cummings would not let children live like that at the border. Now I understand why Trump called him out on the conditions in his own district.
so yes it is productive.
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I don't disagree, but this doesn't answer the question. Why is a pissing match over Baltimore being a ******** (though much of it is) productive?

It's probably not productive. I think Trump is just pissed because Cummings uses his power to attack Trump as a racist and he's tired of it. He's human. But the President is not supposed to act that way. He should let it slide but I guess he has provoked everyone with his tweets. But I don't say Trump "started it." The hard Left HATES all Republicans. No matter what, all Republicans are to be destroyed and labeled as racists and if that doesn't work, then call them Nazi's. It's an old story.
I understand the point of a Potus being civil
But enough is enough
We conservatives have been demonized and threatened long enough.The vitriolic filth being spewed at conservatives and now Border agents and ICE officials with no merit while innocent citizens are being killed and live in fear for their lives or live in utter filth in cities like Baltimore and San Francisco needs to be called out for what it is.
I am glad Trump is willing to do it.. Who else can or will?
Pelosi has been so faux concerned about ilegals treatment where is ber concern for what is happening in her city.?
Glad Trump called her out for it today.
I understand the point of a Potus being civil
But enough is enough
We conservatives have been demonized and threatened long enough.The vitriolic filth being spewed at conservatives and now Border agents and ICE officials with no merit while innocent citizens are being killed and live in fear for their lives or live in utter filth in cities like Baltimore and San Francisco needs to be called out for what it is.
I am glad Trump is willing to do it.. Who else can or will?
Pelosi has been so faux concerned about ilegals treatment where is ber concern for what is happening in her city.?
Glad Trump called her out for it today.

I have always thought the President should rise above everything. Easier said than done. If Congressional representatives wish to fight as they do then it seems the President should have his own mouth-piece fighting the fight. Would that be the press secretary or someone else? But this climate is hopelessly toxic and I fear we will never reset ourselves to a more civil time. The hatred is locked in and ironically I say thank God for Nancy Pelosi because at least she has pushed back on her end a few times against the extremists. I don't know who the "rational" Republican is. Someone needs to be able to calmly discuss why we need to stand up to a despotic communist human rights violating China or why we need to engage North Korea or why Israel will always be our friend or why open borders are a recipe for disaster or why it's better to lower taxes and let the people have their money than to trust politicians to spend it wisely (they will never pay down the debt) or why a Conservative member of SCOTUS will at least be deliberate versus in their rulings etc.

I think all of these things have rational merit but it gets lost in the war of words.

At some point there has to be personal accountability. The government can shower communities with all kinds of social programs, ie public education, food stamps etc but the government can't make you a good parent and can't raise your kids for you or keep you from getting pregnant out of wedlock 3 times with 3 different fathers.

This doesn't mean racism doesnt exist, but shes not entirely wrong either. Theres not a magic welfare bullet to raise everyone out of poverty.
At some point there has to be personal accountability. The government can shower communities with all kinds of social programs, ie public education, food stamps etc but the government can't make you a good parent and can't raise your kids for you or keep you from getting pregnant out of wedlock 3 times with 3 different fathers.

This doesn't mean racism doesnt exist, but shes not entirely wrong either. Theres not a magic welfare bullet to raise everyone out of poverty.
Therein lies the real problem. I don't think the issues that plague the black community will ever be resolved because to do so would require the left to admit the real root cause, lack of personal responsibility and accountability, and that's not going to happen. You can't solve any problem until you get to the real root cause and start working on that.
I have always thought the President should rise above everything. Easier said than done. If Congressional representatives wish to fight as they do then it seems the President should have his own mouth-piece fighting the fight. Would that be the press secretary or someone else? But this climate is hopelessly toxic and I fear we will never reset ourselves to a more civil time. The hatred is locked in and ironically I say thank God for Nancy Pelosi because at least she has pushed back on her end a few times against the extremists. I don't know who the "rational" Republican is. Someone needs to be able to calmly discuss why we need to stand up to a despotic communist human rights violating China or why we need to engage North Korea or why Israel will always be our friend or why open borders are a recipe for disaster or why it's better to lower taxes and let the people have their money than to trust politicians to spend it wisely (they will never pay down the debt) or why a Conservative member of SCOTUS will at least be deliberate versus in their rulings etc.

I think all of these things have rational merit but it gets lost in the war of words.

I'm all for putting up a fight, but let's consider what we didn't fight in the last few days. Trump signed a horrible budget into law essentially without a fight. We took an already terrible fiscal situation and made it significantly worse. In addition, Social Security is now set to run a deficit in 2020. We have a major crisis coming on that front, and nobody gives a crap. Where is Trump? Where is Congress? They're fighting over whether Baltimore is a dump and whether Trump Tweets racist things. Call me crazy, but I'd like to see some fight over something that matters. Nobody is even making the case for fiscal responsibility, and that is scary.
I'm no fan of Baltimore or Elijah Cummings, but I'm not sure why a pissing match over how much is a dump Baltimore is is a productive thing to be doing.

Trump attacked Cummings because of Cummings unhinged rant at the acting Director of Ice in a committee hearing. It was one of the most disgusting, grandstanding displays I've ever seen.

Of course, the MSM gave Cummings a pass or even applauded him for it. Cummings deserves everything Trump said and more. There was absolutely nothing racist about what Trump tweeted. It's just that St. Elijah is black and you can't criticize anyone black these days unless you're also black. But luckily, the Dems race card is way over drawn and worthless these days.

Fox & Friends Segment That Inspired Trump Tweet Thread
I don't disagree, but this doesn't answer the question. Why is a pissing match over Baltimore being a ******** (though much of it is) productive?

If you can get a black person living in Baltimore to look at this deal and say, "hey, that Cummings fellow really *hasn't* done anything for us" then it is productive. Trump is trying to break up the stranglehold that the dems have had on the black vote since LBJ because that kind of loyalty is totally unfounded.

If this were a fair world where the media reported honestly, they would be saying Cummings is the one who stepped in it with his rant against ICE which gave Trump the opening he was looking for.
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