Dumb Political Correctness

"A public university in Las Vegas provides eight specialized housing halls, specifically tailoring them to fit the needs of students with numerous backgrounds or lifestyles, including nutritious students, study-intensive students and LGBT students. One floor is intended for black students."
Public university provides exclusive housing for women, black, LGBT students | The College Fix

I wonder if there is a floor for hetero or whites? How funny and embarrassing to have a floor for those few students there to actually learn.
The willful resegregation of our country is really strange to me.

What is not surprising to me is that those pursuing resegregation are Democrats. They were originally against integration and now they get what they want.
So you've walked up to people and told them to go back to their own country?

We actually have quite a bit of banter in our office...nobody in our building is a libtard snowflake, including the Beto supporter that is Hispanic and practices family law. We routinely joke about the wall and have even put a wall of boxes in his doorway. He may hold a different political opinion than some in our building, but he has a sense of humor and is not looking to play the role of the perpetually offended victim.
So it's separate, but is it equal? We still follow the separate but equal principle, don't we? :rolleyes:

This is what I was thinking; I suppose the argument is that the quality of education was not equal. Is it equal now in this type of segregated environment? Are we saying they can't learn math or history if a heterosexual white male is in the room? Can only the specific sub-category also be the teacher? Is it even remotely possible that the segregation in and of itself will create a level of bias so pronounced that there is virtually no chance of true re-integration into society?

Isn't this over the top sick if that's what it's about?
Context is that he assumed these Congresswoman weren't native born citizens. To you it's political to think someone who has a different political view is from a different ccountry. I often listen or read people's political speeches and assume they are from a different country.

The context is that he attacked four very hostile members of Congress all of whom were of different ethnic groups. I think it's a combination of politics and stupidity/incompetence. That conclusion is consistent with what he said and with his past conduct on Twitter.

That's nonsensical and a rationalization. He's obviously seen video clips of these women speaking and made the leap. It was racist.

Here's the problem. Applying the label "racist" is effectively a political death sentence if the label sticks. That's why Democrats throw it around so much. Before I'll apply it, I require a degree of "due process" and specificity before I will apply that label, and I need something objective. You know as well as I do that he made no reference to their race. He didn't even imply anything about their race. The racism label is being applied based on what people are reading into it. It's all self-serving interpretation. That's not good enough for me.

You can judge me all you want, but I think I'm pretty fair. I called the Curiel comment racist, and I stand by that. But it was very different. He specifically brought up the judge's ethnicity as a basis for his alleged partiality. I'm far more willing to apply the label for something like that. There's objective evidence of ethnic animus.

Each of the conservatives on West Mall will ultimately vote for Trump in 2020. You'll convince yourself that "liberals" are evil and pushed you into voting for him because they claim "everything is racist". Just know tat you are voting for an actual racist. No he's not David Duke but may be worse in that he's a racist with actual influence.

I'm not that superficial. My decision in 2020 will be carefully considered like it was in 2016. At the present time, I'm not sure what I'll do. Cries of racism aren't going to determine anything, but how Democrats behave and what their agenda is obviously has to matter.
We actually have quite a bit of banter in our office...nobody in our building is a libtard snowflake, including the Beto supporter that is Hispanic and practices family law. We routinely joke about the wall and have even put a wall of boxes in his doorway. He may hold a different political opinion than some in our building, but he has a sense of humor and is not looking to play the role of the perpetually offended victim.

Trump said it as a joke? Seriously, walk up to that Hispanic person and tell the to "go back to your country" then walk away. For good measure remind them how horrible their country is. Tell us the response.
The context is that he attacked four very hostile members of Congress all of whom were of different ethnic groups. I think it's a combination of politics and stupidity/incompetence. That conclusion is consistent with what he said and with his past conduct on Twitter.

What about outside of Twitter? Doesn't his comments on Curiel, the Central Park 5, discrimination settlements and other reports that all are racially tinged matter? Doesn't it contribute to the context?

Here's the problem. Applying the label "racist" is effectively a political death sentence if the label sticks. That's why Democrats throw it around so much.

It is a death sentence which is why conservatives are performing their best mental gymnastics to avoid the rightly earned label. Keep in mind that I was resistant to call him racist until this moment. This comment combined with the aforementioned context is simply too much to ignore.

You know as well as I do that he made no reference to their race. He didn't even imply anything about their race.

Why is racism a synonym for xenophobia?

The racism label is being applied based on what people are reading into it. It's all self-serving interpretation.

Respectfully, your attempt to isolate this comment from all other evidence is also a self-serving interpretation. The fact that a typically "pretty fair" person can come to the conclusion you have speaks to how much more conservatives care about their ideology than the office of the POTUS and sadly the country.
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What about outside of Twitter? Doesn't his comments on Curiel, the Central Park 5, discrimination settlements and other reports that all are racially tinged matter? Doesn't it contribute to the context?

It is a death sentence which is why conservatives are performing their best mental gymnastics to avoid the rightly earned label. Keep in mind that I was resistant to call him racist until this moment. This comment combined with the aforementioned context is simply too much to ignore.

Why is racism a synonym for xenophobia?

Respectfully, your attempt to isolate this comment from all other evidence is also a self-serving interpretation. The fact that a typically "pretty fair" person can come to the conclusion you have speaks to how much more conservatives care about their ideology than the office of the POTUS and sadly the country.
Trump called Curiel a Mexican, which is not a race.
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What about outside of Twitter? Doesn't his comments on Curiel, the Central Park 5, discrimination settlements and other reports that all are racially tinged matter? Doesn't it contribute to the context?

No. I look at individual comments and incidents on their own. For example, Joe Biden's "clean and articulate" comment about Obama had racial overtones to it and frankly had a stronger case for being racist. Remember the quote. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Unlike Trump, he referred specifically to race and implied that previous black candidates were unintelligible, dumb, dirty, and ugly. Does that mean every comment he has made that his political opponents deemed racist were actually racist? No.

It is a death sentence which is why conservatives are performing their best mental gymnastics to avoid the rightly earned label. Keep in mind that I was resistant to call him racist until this moment. This comment combined with the aforementioned context is simply too much to ignore.

I find it ironic that a comment that made no reference to race or ethnicity and was directed at people who are Trump's biggest political enemies and most vitriolic critics is your "klan robe found in the closet" moment. He has said worse in the past, and of course, some of the people he attacked have said worse.

Why is racism a synonym for xenophobia?

Because we're rhetorically sloppy and because the word "racist" has more political impact, though it has less than it used to have because it's so wildly overused.

Respectfully, your attempt to isolate this comment from all other evidence is also a self-serving interpretation. The fact that a typically "pretty fair" person can come to the conclusion you have speaks to how much more conservatives care about their ideology than the office of the POTUS and sadly the country.

In what way am I served by not calling the comment racist? This is a guy I criticize regularly (last did so two days ago) and whose comments I have called racist before. It would be no skin off my nose to call it racist if I genuinely thought it so.

But I think you should step back a little and think about this one again. Don't you wonder why screaming "racism" every five minutes does very little to Trump's approval ratings even though that sort of thing has hurt other politicians in the past? You can write it off to Republican partisanship, but he does better among minorities than far more racially sensitive Republicans have. How do we explain that? Furthermore, polls suggest that white liberals are more racially liberal than racial minorities are. Think about that. The actual people who are the victims of all this alleged racism are less politically correct and less woke than you educated white guys in the cities are. Doesn't that make you wonder at least a little if maybe this kind of thing is going too far and is a bit exaggerated?
Trump said it as a joke? Seriously, walk up to that Hispanic person and tell the to "go back to your country" then walk away. For good measure remind them how horrible their country is. Tell us the response.
You seem to have a serious issue with the fact that not every person of a minority group is a snowflake seeking to be perpetually offended. Why is it that the left has such a problem with people who actually have a sense of humor and don't look for offense lurking under every shadow, crack or crevice?
First it was just "bake me a LGBTQ cake". Now it's up to "wax my old, hairy balls"!

Canadian Trans Woman Sues to Force Females to Wax His Scrotum | National Review
Sadly, he seems to have quite the reach with the Twitter execs since they suspend ANYONE who dares point out that he is a male who still uses the name Jonathan in some of his online presence.

I am now up to three months waiting for the decision on an appeal of the suspension for a reply to a tweet that had discussed the irony of the lack of due process in the removal of content. Text in question, omitting the two people to whom I had replied and redacting an f-bomb...
probably that nerd dude that was all upset because females wouldn't wax his balls...sadly, he get the providers to kowtow to his claims of digital copyright infringement without any modicum of due process given to the content writers. Just...POOF...and gone. F*** #Yaniv

Sadly, he is PRECISELY the product created when people believed the trannies were just harmless males. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, people are realizing that too many of them are pedophiles and perverts who seek to actively harm females and female spaces.

I miss the old days when the true transsexuals were rarely heard from...they simply sought to get on with their lives and did not play the role of an attention *****...
You seem to have a serious issue with the fact that not every person of a minority group is a snowflake seeking to be perpetually offended. Why is it that the left has such a problem with people who actually have a sense of humor and don't look for offense lurking under every shadow, crack or crevice?

I think we should examine reality a bit. Is reality only true if you're willing to get beaten up over saying it? And what about the irony of being respectful of the homeland of millions of people who risk their children's lives to leave a country by asking for asylum which indicates a huge problem at home (i.e. a **** hole). And then what if these people bring the exact culture and way of thinking that has been proven NOT TO WORK FOR AMERICA? Why should we put up with it?
My father has been a lifelong Democrat and we have often argued about politics. I always claimed that Dems were just good at hiding their true intentions. He now agrees with me and actually is tempted to vote for Trump in the next election.

Same with my dad. We wouldn’t speak politics because it was unhealthy for our relationship. He voted Obama 2008 and was so pissed at him he didn’t vote in 2012. We spoke politics the first time in years when he told me he was voting for President Trump in 2016. That’s when I knew the Dems were in trouble.
A work challenge...

That's really not evidence of "racist" as plenty of things that are not racist can get one fired.

Regardless, any criticism of a “colored” person automatically gets you labeled a racist.

But that doesn't mean that the label is therefore always wrong no matter what.
He voted Obama 2008 and was so pissed at him he didn’t vote in 2012.

Anyone who voted for Obama has no reason to be upset with anyone other than themselves. He gave us his entire agenda leading up to the first election during the debates and Town Halls. It was the liberals who were challenged that denied his real agenda. For example on wealth redistribution the usual response was something like "he didn't mean that". He meant every word he said which in the end proved to be true.
That's really not evidence of "racist" as plenty of things that are not racist can get one fired.

But that doesn't mean that the label is therefore always wrong no matter what.
Actually, the label could be wrong every time. That is the problem with such jargon; there is no authentication. That is also why any meaningfulness supporting the description has been destroyed. When someone is called a racist for using the word "metropolitan" or wearing a t-shirt with a Gadsden flag imprinted, it seems clear that one party is simplistically trying to impose a personal preference on others regardless of the truth.
Actually, the label could be wrong every time. That is the problem with such jargon; there is no authentication. That is also why any meaningfulness supporting the description has been destroyed. When someone is called a racist for using the word "metropolitan" or wearing a t-shirt with a Gadsden flag imprinted, it seems clear that one party is simplistically trying to impose a personal preference on others regardless of the truth.

The label is sometimes though very seldom right. The problem is that the self-anointed authorities on what is and isn't racist have been wrong so many times and have refused to call out politically inconvenient situations in which the racist label clearly would be appropriate that they don't have any credibility anymore.

And those who do have the credibility are too busy with having a life, a job, family, etc. to care.
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Judicial Watch has filed a House Ethics complaint against Rep. Omar alleging Immigration, Marriage, Income Tax and Student Loan Fraud
Perhaps if they are successful on the immigration fraud allegation, then she might be, you know, ......
Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch

Interesting thread on her
Some people were saying she was one of a couple of products of a Hamas effort to gain greater influence in US politics. I think I posted some of that maybe two years ago? Anyway, quite a bit here if you want to take the time to read it.

I read all his tweets and if this Iman is real and has the facts to back this up we better pay attention.
Only a fool would think AOC is not backed by powerful haters.
Anyone who voted for Obama has no reason to be upset with anyone other than themselves. He gave us his entire agenda leading up to the first election during the debates and Town Halls. It was the liberals who were challenged that denied his real agenda. For example on wealth redistribution the usual response was something like "he didn't mean that". He meant every word he said which in the end proved to be true.

I agree. Obama said he wanted to “fundamentally change America”, Really? Why would he want to do that when we already have the best country in the world. Why change everything? Maybe tweak things here and there. Because he painted America not all that good and we need big changes and the sheep bought it. Just like one of his biggest campaign talking point was “I’m going to shut down Guantánamo Bay” and those same sheep cheered it on with Obama’s enthusiasm. It just sounded like a good idea without even wondering why is it such a good idea.

If Obama said it, it must be a great idea. Of course history and a new direction shows the fraud he was. Live and Learn.
I found that chilling at the time. The difference between people who did not agree with Obama's plans did not go out and scream or tweet disparaging posts on the man.versus the Trump Haters actions and words.
We came together and worked to try to change things.
The vile disgusting things being put out by Dem Pols, MSM and Hollywood about Trump and his supporters should make any civil Dem appalled.
Sounds like maybe comedians will be the one to push back on political correctness. Waking up from woke-ness, maybe.

Anti-Woke Comedians: Aziz Ansar, Louis C.K & the Counter-Counterculture | National Review

They have been for awhile. They have just have to be careful about it. I've heard Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock both lament it and basically suggest that it's ruining comedy. It's amazing. I sometimes listen to old recordings of George Carlin, Eddie Murphy, Sam Kinison, and others, and what those guys used to say is incredible. They'd get shot if they said that stuff now.

It's just weird seeing Aziz Ansari speaking out against it. He used to be a pretty staunch liberal, but I think his experience with the phony sexual assault allegation was a wake-up call for him.
Yeah. And like the author says, I can't wait until Louis C.K. comes back. If he has any courage he will come back with a huge vengeance. He played cute with the Progressives and they ate him up. If he still kisses up to them, then I'll write him off. But someone will fill the gap.
Yeah. And like the author says, I can't wait until Louis C.K. comes back. If he has any courage he will come back with a huge vengeance. He played cute with the Progressives and they ate him up. If he still kisses up to them, then I'll write him off. But someone will fill the gap.

I've got less sympathy for Louis CK. I think he's a better comedian than Ansari, but didn't he make women watch him engage in "self-pleasure?" Call me a prude, but I think that's pretty messed up. Maybe I'm biased because a Mexican dude did that to my mom and my sister on a train in San Francisco (of course) back in the '80s and kept following them on the train. But don't others think it's messed up?

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