Dumb Political Correctness

Football is down nearly across the board. Look no further than youth football which is being decimated with parents pulling their kids from the sport. Football is losing it's fanbase from the ground up generationally.

Of course, traditional Nielsen ratings also aren't capturing the alternate means for watching football either. In Trump's drive to consistently point out "ratings", the cord cutters are having the primary impact on those ratings.

I'm sure the national anthem fracas is having a marginal effect on ratings but attributing the margin of ratings decline to that controversy is absurd.

Except that those numbers would seem to be consistent in other sports...so why would the NFL be the only one that was seeing such an impact if the issue was cord-cutting?

I know that I have lost a LOT of interest in watching the games precisely because of the overpaid politards screwing things up...it ceases to be entertainment when they quit playing. And now you get the dilweeds whining about the ESPN suspension of Hill, never mind that she was told to watch the politarding. She got canned for the same reason Schilling did...actually since she was only suspended, we cannot even say it was equal treatment. But at least ESPN seems to have paid attention that the lunacy from the left is impacting viewership.
What's the justification for lessening the penalty for knowingly transmitting the HIV virus?
Theory advanced by the idiots that proposed the change is that HIV is no longer a death sentence because of medical advances...never mind the damage done to the person who got infected because their partner did not disclose. Should be a felony with no opportunity for probation...someone intentionally spreading a disease has lost their ability to breathe fresh air.
That's not the point of the matter. We are talking about communities of color. You have people in our homelands who are experiencing devastation ... students that are undocumented ... how can you [inaudible] to prepare for this exam with all this going on?

I guess their excuse for not being ready to take a test is better than "the dog ate my homework", but not much better. If they don't have time to study, maybe they should just drop out, straighten out the world, and then go back to college.

The sad part is that their probably going to college on the taxpayer's dime. And the way that professor coddles them is sickening.
Except that those numbers would seem to be consistent in other sports...so why would the NFL be the only one that was seeing such an impact if the issue was cord-cutting?

They are. Compare those lists again. The difference is with the NFL the change in more pronounced because it had more room to fall with a much bigger audience.

I know that I have lost a LOT of interest in watching the games precisely because of the overpaid politards screwing things up...it ceases to be entertainment when they quit playing. And now you get the dilweeds whining about the ESPN suspension of Hill, never mind that she was told to watch the politarding. She got canned for the same reason Schilling did...actually since she was only suspended, we cannot even say it was equal treatment. But at least ESPN seems to have paid attention that the lunacy from the left is impacting viewership.

I'm not defending Hill as I think ESPN has the right to control the political statements of their on-air personalities. Her profile and followers are essentially owned by ESPN and part of the marketing of the network.
Goodell, seeing the Titanic listing to port, has decided to take action.

To: Chief Executives
Club Presidents
From: Commissioner Goodell
Date: October 10, 2017
Re: Fall Meeting/National Anthem

We live in a country that can feel very divided. Sports, and especially the NFL, brings people together and lets them set aside those divisions, at least for a few hours. The current dispute over the National Anthem is threatening to erode the unifying power of our game, and is now dividing us, and our players, from many fans across the country.

I’m very proud of our players and owners who have done the hard work over the past year to listen, understand and attempt to address the underlying issues within their communities. At our September committee meetings, we heard directly from several players about why these issues are so important to them and how we can support their work. And last week, we met with the leadership of the NFLPA and more players to advance the dialogue.

Like many of our fans, we believe that everyone should stand for the National Anthem. It is an important moment in our game. We want to honor our flag and our country, and our fans expect that of us. We also care deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues. The controversy over the Anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations and making real progress on the underlying issues. We need to move past this controversy, and we want to do that together with our players.

Building on many discussions with clubs and players, we have worked to develop a plan that we will review with you at next week’s League meeting. This would include such elements as an in-season platform to promote the work of our players on these core issues, and that will help to promote positive change in our country. We want to ensure that any work at the League level is consistent with the work that each club is doing in its own community, and that we dedicate a platform that can enable these initiatives to succeed. Additionally, we will continue the unprecedented dialogue with our players.

I expect and look forward to a full and open discussion of these issues when we meet next week in New York. Everyone involved in the game needs to come together on a path forward to continue to be a force for good within our communities, protect the game, and preserve our relationship with fans throughout the country. The NFL is at its best when we ourselves are unified. In that spirit, let’s resolve that next week we will meet this challenge in a unified and positive way.

So now we cannot have the UT Torchlight Parade just so the left can continue with their virtue signaling and the Texas Exes have knuckled under. Is there nothing the left can't ruin?


Officials of the Texas Exes, the alumni association at UT and the event’s sponsor, said Tuesday that, although the torchlight parade has nothing to do with race, they want to be sensitive to students and other members of the campus community.

If it has nothing to do with race, then why are you taking this action?

However, students, alumni and others will still walk to the Main Mall just south of the UT Tower...

Since they are still having the parade, what happens if I show up with a tiki torch and light it? What law am I breaking that they can stop me?

I would say no more financial donations to UT from me, but we already crossed that bridge when they took down the statues in the middle of the night. I guess I am out of bullets.
They are. Compare those lists again. The difference is with the NFL the change in more pronounced because it had more room to fall with a much bigger audience.

This a clear example on how dangerous the liberal media is. Polls, ratings and every fact known to man show that mb227 is 100% correct. However, some liberal outlet that you read gave this spin to you and you're going with it until your dying breath. Like I said it's not the Russians that I worry about, it's the mainstream media.
For some reason that reminded me of a line from 1776, when John Adams is trying to get the Declaration of Independence approved, and the conventioneers are nitpicking it to death, and he finally yells "This is a revolution - We're gonna have to offend SOMEONE!!"
This a clear example on how dangerous the liberal media is. Polls, ratings and every fact known to man show that mb227 is 100% correct. However, some liberal outlet that you read gave this spin to you and you're going with it until your dying breath. Like I said it's not the Russians that I worry about, it's the mainstream media.

I'll put you down for "I don't care to actually cite any data, preferring to speak in platitudes and rant crowd". Thank you.
It is always interesting to see how the media goes hard after some stories with no or little facts, yet avoids other stories like the plague

For example, when I was working in DC, many of us had heard rumors that Bill Clinton was schtupping a teen intern in the White House but the media flatly refused to look into it. Why?

Compare that to their behavior in the Duke Lacrosse matter in which they basically went insane putting forth a narrative which, in hindsight, had zero facts

Or look at how Jann Wenner sent Rolling Stone rape investigators to UVA's frat row and much too willingly believed the insane ramblings of an emotionally unstable woman, which caused them to lose a $1.65M defamation judgement

Yet they have ignored the Weinstein Hollywood frat house literally for decades. Why?

Is there another way to explain this other than to point out that Dems control the media and employ a double standard along political lines in deciding who and what they report on?

I'll put you down for "I don't care to actually cite any data, preferring to speak in platitudes and rant crowd". Thank you.

By the sound of your snarkiness it sounds like I hit the truth. There's plenty of info out there for you to look at. I don't need to handfeed you. I'll throw you a bone with this one. I know it's not from The Daily Beast or The Huffington Post so I'm sure you'll find something wrong with it . http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/s...liked-sport-core-fans-down-31/article/2636837
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By the sound of your snarkiness it sounds like I hit the truth. There's plenty of info out there for you to look at. I don't need to handfeed you. I'll throw you a bone with this one. I know it's not from The Daily Beast or The Huffington Post so I'm sure you'll find something wrong with it . http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/s...liked-sport-core-fans-down-31/article/2636837

I've never cited nor visited the Daily Beast and have graced the Huffington Post with a "hit" a handful of times. Sorry to burst that bubble.

Do you know what changed from August to September? The players were kneeling on both cases. Yes, most of the players that were passionate kneeled during preseason games. What changed was the Megaphone in Chief using his platform to recast the issue into something it wasn't.

Of course, the Winston Group is a Republican polling organization that didn't publish any of this data to anyone other than the author of "Washington's Secrets". No margin of error, sampling data other than "1000 respondents" or anything that can be corroborated or analyzed. Stick with the ratings argument...it at least has data that we can debate.
Of course, the Winston Group is a Republican polling organization that didn't publish any of this data to anyone other than the author of "Washington's Secrets". No margin of error, sampling data other than "1000 respondents" or anything that can be corroborated or analyzed. Stick with the ratings argument...it at least has data that we can debate.

From the guy that buys into every negative poll against Trump that over samples democrats by a large margin you sure are picky. How about this poll? I can't wait to hear your spin on this one. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/...-biggest-reason-nfl-viewers-stopped-watching/
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It is always interesting to see how the media goes hard after some stories with no or little facts, yet avoids other stories like the plague

They are agenda driven. They look for stories that advance the left-wing liberal agenda. Trump's conversation with Billy Bush makes him the worst person ever, while good old boys Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein's transgressions are ignored. They don't report the surging economic news because it makes Trump look good. But, any misstep by Trump or stupid joke and they're on it in a flash. When an illegal alien kills an American father and his two young children in a car crash while diving without a license or insurance (which just happened here in Texas), they don't care. ICE goes after illegals in a sanctuary city, they're all over it.

I'm glad Trump has gone after the msm in a big way. At least it's making some people more skeptical about what is reported.
.......Trump's conversation with Billy Bush makes him the worst person ever, while good old boys Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein's transgressions are ignored. They don't report the surging economic news because it makes Trump look good. But, any misstep by Trump or stupid joke and they're on it in a flash. When an illegal alien kills an American father and his two young children in a car crash while diving without a license or insurance (which just happened here in Texas), they don't care. ICE goes after illegals in a sanctuary city, they're all over it......

But this behavior is so dishonest. Do they not care that over half the country sees them as liars?
But this behavior is so dishonest. Do they not care that over half the country sees them as liars?

It goes so far beyond that. They don't care a 1/4 of the country detests another 1/4 with a burning passion...and vice versa.

All because the MSM brainwashes one side into believing the other are white supremacists (countless issues), support killing poor people (want reasonable healthcare coverage and costs), and desire to rip families apart (wish to enforce our border and immigration laws). And on and on.

IMHO, the mainstream media is enemy #1 of America. Far beyond terrorism and any other threat of violence. They are and will radicalize and provoke far more acts of violence against citizens in the coming future than those others.
It's a damn shame the term 'journalistic integrity' is now an oxymoron in our country

CNN would do better in the ratings if they dropped the SJW act
And aimed for accuracy
But they wont
Not as long as Jeff Zucker is in charge
Maybe the new shareholders will revolt?
There is no telling where all this will end

In his delayed response to Weinstein, Ben Affleck claimed he was 'saddened and angry' over 'sickening claims' of sexual assault. Affleck has had a close relationship with Weinstein ever since he backed Good Will Hunting

Batman was almost immediately called out as a liar by actress/musician? Rose McGowan. And now Hilarie Burton (on left) claims Affleck groped her breast in 2003 'when she was just a kid.'

Daily reminder, these people all call themselves 'progressives'


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