Dumb Political Correctness


Besides being Liberal hacks they have something else in common.
Where did their jaw lines go?
This is good, worth the read, on the media cover up for Harvey for so long

"The Human Stain: Why the Harvey Weinstein Story Is Worse Than You Think"
It goes much deeper than one big creep.

"..... Or, to put it another way: More than 20 people in one magazine office alone all had the story about Harvey Weinstein’s “mistreatment” of women.

So why didn’t anyone write it? Not to take anything away from Jodi Kantor’s excellent New York Times piece, but the reality is that everyone had the story.

The reason no one wrote it is not because the press wanted to get Weinstein, but couldn’t prove the story. No, it’s because the press was protecting Weinstein.

Why wouldn’t they? He made terrific movies and he was a big mover in Democratic party politics, raising millions for local and national campaigns, including the Clintons. (Hillary, some readers will recall, was on the cover of Talk’s first issue.)

* * * *

A thought experiment: Would the Weinstein story have been published if Hillary Clinton had won the presidency? No, and not because he is a big Democratic fundraiser. It’s because if the story was published during the course of a Hillary Clinton presidency, it wouldn’t have really been about Harvey Weinstein. Harvey would have been seen as a proxy for the president’s husband and it would have embarrassed the president, the first female president.

Bill Clinton offered get-out-of-jail-free cards to a whole army of sleazeballs, from Jeffrey Epstein to Harvey Weinstein to the foreign donors to the Clinton Global Initiative. The deal was simple: Pay up, genuflect, and get on with your existence. It was like a papacy selling indulgences, at the same time that everyone knew that the cardinals were up to no good. The 2016 election demolished Clinton world once and for all, to be replaced by the cult of Obama, an austere sect designated by their tailored hair shirts with Nehru collars. “That is not who we are as Americans,” they chant, as Harvey Weinstein’s ashes are scattered in the wind."
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Weinstein is just the latest in a long line of sexual predators to run Hollywood movie studios.

The Hollywood casting couch is an old-time tradition. Most of those "blonde bombshells" of the 30s, 40s, and 50s were pressured, with quite a few considering it to be just part of the job.

Those old moguls controlled every aspect of their stars ' lives. When Harry Cohn heard Kim Novak had fallen for Sammy Davis, Jr., He called up Davis and told him he'd have a mob hit put on him if he didn't back off. Davis found another girlfriend fast. Many actress were forced to have abortions because the studio wanted to keep them working. Often, the moguls would not allow their stars to marry or, in the case of a gay star, like Rock Hudson, they'd arrange a marriage to hide their homosexuality.

Talk about draining the cesspool. I think draining the Hollywood cesspool would be even harder than Washington.
Talk about draining the cesspool. I think draining the Hollywood cesspool would be even harder than Washington.
Vote with your wallet. I might go see one movie a year. I watch very little in the way of mainstream entertainment on TV. I don't spend my money to support that cesspool.
Vote with your wallet. I might go see one movie a year. I watch very little in the way of mainstream entertainment on TV. I don't spend my money to support that cesspool.
Agreed, same here. But, you know, people who tout being conservative or leaning that way will go anyway or watch the Oscars, etc.

I watch Fox News but as much as they act like celebrities are morons and shouldn't talk about politics because no one should care what they think, they will bring in the "Entertainment" reporter on Fox & Friends to tout the latest and greatest movies and TV shows. All smoke and mirrors.

But I'm with you, I haven't been to a movie in years.
When Harry Cohn heard Kim Novak had fallen for Sammy Davis, Jr., He called up Davis and told him he'd have a mob hit put on him if he didn't back off. Davis found another girlfriend fast.

You mean some progressive Hollywood producer had a problem with a blonde chick getting with a black dude? I thought only southern, conservative white men had a problem with that.
Weinstein is just the latest in a long line of sexual predators to run Hollywood movie studios.
The Hollywood casting couch is an old-time tradition. Most of those "blonde bombshells" of the 30s, 40s, and 50s were pressured, with quite a few considering it to be just part of the job......

There is also supposed to be a 'gay jewish mafia' doing the same with young men/boys for decades. See Jeffrey Epstein.
You mean some progressive Hollywood producer had a problem with a blonde chick getting with a black dude? I thought only southern, conservative white men had a problem with that.

Cohn was just protecting his investment in Novak. It's funny that Davis, who was good friends with Sinatra, backed off. You'd think he could use Sinatra's mob connections to put a horse head in Cohn's bed some night.
The trend in NFL ratings is sell-evident - 3 of the 4 Sunday NFL windows saw viewership declines versus last year. It does look like the Thursday was up over last year but overall consumption was down in week 5 and is down through 5 weeks. And 5 weeks is enough to call it a trend

2017 on top, same period 2016 below


Gotta love their priorities. Throw the book at those who use the "incorrect" pronouns, but go light on people who intentionally spread HIV/AIDS.

There has to be more to this argument than what is being relayed by the right-wing ecochamber because it doesn't make sense. When that happens more often than not it's because the messenger is leaving out key information.
The trend in NFL ratings is sell-evident - 3 of the 4 Sunday NFL windows saw viewership declines versus last year. It does look like the Thursday was up over last year but overall consumption was down in week 5 and is down through 5 weeks. And 5 weeks is enough to call it a trend

2017 on top, same period 2016 below

Football is down nearly across the board. Look no further than youth football which is being decimated with parents pulling their kids from the sport. Football is losing it's fanbase from the ground up generationally.

Of course, traditional Nielsen ratings also aren't capturing the alternate means for watching football either. In Trump's drive to consistently point out "ratings", the cord cutters are having the primary impact on those ratings.

I'm sure the national anthem fracas is having a marginal effect on ratings but attributing the margin of ratings decline to that controversy is absurd.
There has to be more to this argument than what is being relayed by the right-wing ecochamber because it doesn't make sense. When that happens more often than not it's because the messenger is leaving out key information.

I'm not sure that there has to be more. I didn't get the HIV story from a right wing source, and it's pretty nutty. California is going full-wingnut.

Nevertheless, I decided to take a look at the "pronoun bill." The characterization by some on the Right is exaggerated to a point. Innocently using the "wrong" pronoun isn't going to get you thrown in the slammer. What it criminalizes is, "Willfully and repeatedly fail[ing] to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns." Essentially you have to be doing it on purpose. However, if you don't go along with the gender identity issue and don't use the preferred pronoun, you could be charged with a crime and could face jail time. Whether it's right or wrong, it does criminalize speech, and that should always raise red flags.
I'm not sure that there has to be more. I didn't get the HIV story from a right wing source, and it's pretty nutty. California is going full-wingnut.

Nevertheless, I decided to take a look at the "pronoun bill." The characterization by some on the Right is exaggerated to a point. Innocently using the "wrong" pronoun isn't going to get you thrown in the slammer. What it criminalizes is, "Willfully and repeatedly fail[ing] to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns." Essentially you have to be doing it on purpose. However, if you don't go along with the gender identity issue and don't use the preferred pronoun, you could be charged with a crime and could face jail time. Whether it's right or wrong, it does criminalize speech, and that should always raise red flags.

What's the justification for lessening the penalty for knowingly transmitting the HIV virus?
What's the justification for lessening the penalty for knowingly transmitting the HIV virus?

The stated justification is that it discourages people from being tested because if the test comes out positive, it creates a duty to warn potential sex partners. (And let's be honest, if you tell someone you're trying to lay that you're HIV positive, that's probably going to ruin your chances.)

First, I just don't think that's true. I'd need to see some very compelling evidence from an unbiased source to take that claim seriously. Second, even if it is true, the interest in protecting innocent people from getting HIV from people who know they have the virus is far too great to downgrade the offense.
Are they going to fine all of the patriots who wear their flag shirts? I bet there's a decent correlation between the snowflakes who've not watched a NFL game in years who are "boycotting" and those who have a flag shirt, tie, etc. for certain days. ....

Are you still holding the position that NFL ratings are not declining or that it, if they are delcining, it has nothing to do with the disrespect shown the US flag/anthem?

"The owners of the NFL are reportedly considering a rule change that would make it mandatory for players to stand during the national anthem.

A league spokesman said that the owners would discuss the potential change during a meeting next week, Dow Jones reported....."


Every day I become more and more convinced that someone from The Onion has invaded my brain and implanted subconscious messaging that is causing me to live in a waking satyrical nightmare.

"The content of this class and the way it is being taught is not satisfactory. And even if it is ... we feel that we haven't had the opportunity to interact with the text and information. We demand that you make and [hold space] to [study] the voices of students of color," one protester stated.

After nearly four minutes of non-stop speaking, one student asked if this was "a filibuster." A female protester was outraged by his sarcasm:

You listen! You have to listen, okay? Listen to us, okay? You talk so much already, okay?... Are you trying to silence us right now? Is that what you're trying to do?

The student responded: "I'm trying to take my test." Another protester snapped back: "We're trying to live our lives ... white boy with privilege."


A female protester wearing a striped dress countered:

That's not the point of the matter. We are talking about communities of color. You have people in our homelands who are experiencing devastation ... students that are undocumented ... how can you [inaudible] to prepare for this exam with all this going on?


Shaiken’s words fell on deaf ears, as one protester smugly stated: "Understand your privilege."
The failure to speak up on this Wienstein issue by Dems and their celebrity/media backers has resulted in the personal destruction of many human beings. It was wrong and should not have happened, should not have been allowed to happen.

Something similar to this is happening now with their silence on the violence and intimidation brought on by the AntiFa. And the Dems are sitting on their hands with their lips sealed once again.

This two matters are very revealing about the true character of Democrats
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