Dumb Political Correctness

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — Parents were warned Saturday that a music teacher with a nonprofit group may have handed out flutes to schoolchildren that were tainted with his own semen.

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"The performer distributes a flute-like musical instrument made of PVC pipe or bamboo to students during a music lesson, and the allegation is that he contaminated some of these instruments with semen," Joan Lucid, superintendent of the Saugus Union School District, notified parents on Saturday, the Orange County Register reported.
Mercy. Hope that guy gets waterboarded ... once for each “recorder?” he contaminated ... then fix him so he can’t do that again ... no lidocaine. Perhaps a rusty scalpel too.
All sorts of potential -ism problems here

(1) More Americans have 4-year degrees than ever before. And this used to be one of the pillars of the American Dream. Just seems like the goalposts get moved whenever its convenient;

Well - our society has moved the goalposts pretty drastically regarding the usefulness of a 4-year degree.
Well - our society has moved the goalposts pretty drastically regarding the usefulness of a 4-year degree.

Somewhat. In terms of enrollment, the biggest decline has been with older students (defined as 24+). But the overall dropoff is slight, especially when compared to the numbers in the 1950s and 1960s, when this goalpost was set

".....Students over age 24 account for almost the entire overall decline. When last counted, the population of “older” students was about 6.63 million, according to the Wall Street Journal, and was generally concentrated at community colleges and for-profit schools....."


Also, check out AAs enrollment

Somewhat. In terms of enrollment, the biggest decline has been with older students (defined as 24+). But the overall dropoff is slight, especially when compared to the numbers in the 1950s and 1960s, when this goalpost was set

".....Students over age 24 account for almost the entire overall decline. When last counted, the population of “older” students was about 6.63 million, according to the Wall Street Journal, and was generally concentrated at community colleges and for-profit schools....."


Also, check out AAs enrollment

Given the claim that they could identify as more than one race, my money on some of that is the increase in bi-racial checking the extra box in the hopes of more scholly money...
Given the claim that they could identify as more than one race, my money on some of that is the increase in bi-racial checking the extra box in the hopes of more scholly money...

Thats a good point. In the future, female enrollment will increase even more on the same basis. The Title IX industry is in for some interesting conflicts going forward.
Well - our society has moved the goalposts pretty drastically regarding the usefulness of a 4-year degree.

Has society moved the goalposts, or are there just a lot more 4-year degree holders now? In other words, do we just have a much higher apply of such degree holders without a comparable increase in demand? Have we made the 4-year degrees too easy to acquire?
I don't think we made them too easy, I think we made them too necessary.

That's definitely true, but I have to wonder. A good friend of mine flunked out of college by in the '90s as a political science major. He went back about 5 years ago as an accounting major (which should be a lot tougher) and graduated near the top of his class from a better school. I asked him if he studied more. He says he studied less. He said the coursework was just a lot less rigorous. Admittedly, this is one anecdote, but it does make me wonder if college is becoming a "disco with books" as Chris Rock called it.
Have we made the 4-year degrees too easy to acquire?

Dichotomy here.

Earning a 4 year degree certainly costs more than it should. AFA too easy to get; with the Fed’s promising all that money at uber cheap rate, well .... we just borrow it, then graduate with a sizable mortgage payment whether we have the revenue for it or not.

It does seem, however, most degree plans have become diluted (deluded?) in the coursework requirement which produce someone with a true critical thinking mind.
Just another data point, but I felt my two-year degree (completed in the 80's) was more rigorous than the work required of me in the mid-90's when I matriculated from a four-year program. The ONLY blue book exams I ever had were in that Associates program (criminal justice)...the junior and senior level work had far more multiple choice tests and instructors who literally taught to the test.

I definitely derived the benefit as, even working full time, I had a much better GPA for those three years spent on the last 64 or so hours on my Bachelors degree (3.0 vs. 3.7).

I cannot imagine that instruction has become more rigorous in the 20 years that have elapsed...so, yeah...cast my vote on too easy to obtain.
Has society moved the goalposts, or are there just a lot more 4-year degree holders now? In other words, do we just have a much higher apply of such degree holders without a comparable increase in demand? Have we made the 4-year degrees too easy to acquire?

The Bachelors degree has become what the HS Diploma used to be...a minimum for entering the workforce. The pendulum is starting to swing back a bit with technology companies focusing programs on 2-yr programs for low level tech jobs. IBM has a big pilot program with a school in Indiana or Illinois that's been getting a lot of publicity on this topic.

I suspect that education or lack thereof will always be a limiting factor in moving up the corporate food chain.
A lot depends on the school and teacher regarding whether a degree is easy or hard. We've all hear the anecdotes that it's much easier to graduate from Harvard than it is to get in. The data shows that nearly all (90%+) Harvard MBAs graduate with honors. That seems to imply that they may not be as hard as the existing students as those gaining entry.

I took some MBA course recently at UW. They were easier than I remember any business classes being. Of course, after 15 years of experience my knowledge and real-world experience with the content was ages better than as an undergrad. Some recent graduates in the class with me struggle mightily in applying the topics.

It used to be that our secondary educations were lacking and American students caught up in college. At least with my sons HS where they had 96% graduation rate and 88% went on to college that didn't seem to be the case. They've pushed AP classes so hard in his HS that he was 5 credits short of Sophomore stats at enrollment.

It's also a running joke that our local community college is easy in comparison to the HS, same topics. Running start students have a cakewalk compared to the students in the HS to the point that we've pushed our less studious sons that route rather than braving the traditional HS. If they can get an Associate's degree on the dime of the local school district, why not?
The "Vegas" thread magically disappeared after I posted this dumb politicallycorrect post :

the "vegas thread" remains. Must be a cache issue for ya.

and yes ... that's a dumb post. the author is completely void of any sort of analytical ability but FULL of emotional heart strings. thanks
the "vegas thread" remains. Must be a cache issue for ya.

and yes ... that's a dumb post. the author is completely void of any sort of analytical ability but FULL of emotional heart strings. thanks

If you think its dumb then it must actually be great, thanks!
There are more college degree holders today. Unfortunately, a lot of them are not educated.
I had the distinct displeasure of having to hire some of them.
They cant read, spell, write or calculate percentages.
I would get a competent applicant to interview at a rate of 1 out of every 30 applying. Sad, really.
If you think its dumb then it must actually be great, thanks!
that makes no sense ... so you're objecting to your own characterization?

I agreed with you man, for crying out loud.

The "Vegas" thread magically disappeared after I posted this dumb politicallycorrect post :

I don't think you stuttered ... and I know my ears didn't wobble. You said that the post you shared was "dumb." I agreed then ... and again, I agree.

Never mind the intent to aid in interwebs admin troubleshooting.
Marvel has sadly gone into full SJW mode. They have a new line of frumpy female super heroes. Sales have tanked. Go figure.

Could just cover her face and call her AntiFa Girl
The Monday Night Football Game was down 10%
The early London game was down 17%
The CBS late double-header was down 31%

Seems like a lot
That comic book dialogue disturbs me but in a way difficult to adequately describe. As to the NFL I am glad they have now given me the excuse to take back some precious free time. Spent the greater part of Sunday with Grandson, it was great.

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