Dumb Political Correctness

Traditional conservatives and alt-right share many of the same viewpoints, especially when it comes to the economy and liberals.
I think you and the guy from the NW are saying the same thing and you don't realize it.

Oh, and LOL on the Pepe thing. If you know someone using Pepe in any way/shape/form...
Is the invisible man taking shots again? LOL
What a coward
But I must admit I do enjoy the stereotype confirming behavior

Here is the Wikileaks captured John Podesta version of same -- If you realize you have a losing argument, then ......

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Do Lankford's friends, who do not watch the NFL, call him Bubba?

I call him "James."

A UT Grad, James is fast approaching the point at which he needs to return to the real world before he becomes part of the institutional problem rather than the solution for which he was originally elected. He was part of the 70 some-odd House freshmen in 2010.

Given he's on this intel committee, perhaps rather than ridiculing this notion, credence should be given.
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I call him "James.".....

Bravo and good info.

But nonetheless I will never be able to swallow the idea that $100k worth of Facebook ads in support of BLM somehow threw the election to Trump. From my perspective, this is the thin ice of Alex Jones/Troofer conspiracy talk.
But nonetheless I will never be able to swallow the idea that $100k worth of Facebook ads in support of BLM somehow threw the election to Trump

Nor will I ... but it's not out of the realm of possibility for our enemies to engage in this disinformation campaign to manipulate the militantly-purposed ill-informed.

Propaganda isn't just a word for the 1950's Pravda.
I was searching for a thread here on Michael Bennet of the Seattle SeaHawks ...

I found references, but not wholly relevant to what's happened since the Vegas PD's presser.

Seems more BLM foolishness is involved here, though crouched in a more "gentle" verbiage in Bennet's filing against LVPD.

and given Senator Lankford's remarks about BLM and the Russians ... perhaps someone needs to investigate Bennett's bank account.

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Nor will I ... but it's not out of the realm of possibility for our enemies to engage in this disinformation campaign to manipulate the militantly-purposed ill-informed.
Propaganda isn't just a word for the 1950's Pravda.

I've been saying at the outset that what's going on is nothing new. They do it. We do it. Everyone does it. Sometimes the reaction of people to this reminds me of the mock-naïveté scene in Casablanca where Captain Renault says "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here." It's like you guys just discovered that other countries spy on us and try to mess with us. And THE ONLY reason you guys care about it now is because Hillary lost. Had she won, none of this would matter to any of you.

Further, none of this began in the 1950s. You missed it by several decades. Here is something I wrote on a different thread some time back when this was first coming up. I left out alot of older coups the US made happen (Iran, arguably Chile and so on). Not to mention how much the Soviets were in the US in the 1940-50s (McCarthy was right about alot of them). And then they made another huge push here in the 1960s by providing funding and organizational support to all the various movement -- anti-Vietnam War, civil rights, strikes, Black Panthers and so on. In this, Obama/Hillary took up all the air --

"This whole thing is a giant nothingburger. Both the US and Russia, along with just about everyone else in the world, engages in espionage. The Russians have been "interfering in elections" around the world ever since Lenin invented the Comintern (“Communist International”) back in 1919.

The US has been doing it for well over 100 years, especially in Central and South America and the Caribbean Basin. But we obviously did not stop there. For example, we had the entire Japanese Diet on a CIA payroll from 1950–70. In 1963, we backed the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, president of South Vietnam (bad call as it was). And so on. I am not crying moral equivalence. These are simply the facts. Morally, the Communists were the worst humans ever to walk the earth and had to be opposed.

But it did not end there. Let us look at what Obama himself did in more recent times. He spent US taxpayer funds to enter directly into an Israeli election over his own personal animus of Netanyahu. How does anyone justify this yet whine about DNC emails at the same time? If you do, you are a hypocrite.

And look at what he, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Victoria Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt and George Soros did to the Ukraine. They are the ones who fomented civil unrest in Ukraine in 2014 which led directly to the Russians taking Crimea and eastern Ukraine. What repercussions does any Ukrainian have against these people for their losses? Who can blame Ukrainians for lobbying US politicians in an attempt to save their country from Obama and Clinton?

And Obama did not stop there.
He and Clinton directly interfered with Libyan politics. Just look at their results.
He and Clinton directly interfered with Egyptian politics. What happened there as a result?
He and Clinton directly interfered with Syrian politics. Look at the results of that.
Obama directly interfered with Yemeni politics. His results? Even more human misery.

We also know Obama via the NSA was spying on every political leader in the world, even our allies. If 'hacking' is our standard now then Obama interfered with the politics of every other country in the world.

There is a price for this behavior. There always is. From the perspective of any rational person, Americans long ago forfeited their right to complain when over a century of this stuff "comes home to roost."

So, forgive me, but this manufactured outrage you guys have over whether Russia hacked John Podesta's email is retarded. It is misplaced and diversionary. Russian (or Chinese, or Iranian, or Israeli) hacking of servers is banal. It is mundane. It is every day. It is boring.

The story, to the extent there is one, is why the Obama administration didn’t do anything about it at the time. They knew about it. Why didnt they just go public with it? Why didnt they take countermeasures? If they had definitive proof, why didnt they impose sanctions?

The answer is simple enough -- Obama thought Clinton was going to win, and the purported Russian actions did not matter. Oops. So now ordinary, normal, everyday Russian actions are at the center of a media and political storm.

It is much ado about nothing.

The worst part of this in my opinion is that it would be in the US' best interests to engage Russia. It is the largest country in the world by size, almost as large as the next two largest (Canada + US) combined. Russia is one of two nuclear weapons superpowers. Russia is the world’s second-largest producer of oil and natty gas, ahead of the Saudis. It has the 12th-largest economy and 9th-largest population. It is too big and important to be ignored. And no matter what politicians/the media may say, it is not going away. In almost any geopolitical balance-of-power scenario you can dream up, the Russians would be a major player. But look where we are because of leftist excuse-making and the Democrats demand for scalps? It is near impossible now for Trump to engage them in any meaningful way.

Well done people."
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I'd say what's changed is the ability to manipulate the masses with social media. I don't believe voter fraud resulted in Trump's being elected ... on the contrary, in spite of voter fraud, #HisSilentinBengHazi lost anyway. IOW ... it was as close as it was only because of the misinformation campaign on her behalf, and the voter fraud issues ... on her behalf.

I took your comment about Lankford to be dismissive and I don't think that's reasonable. Perhaps I misunderstood you.
I'd say what's changed is the ability to manipulate the masses with social media. I don't believe voter fraud resulted in Trump's being elected ... on the contrary, in spite of voter fraud, #HisSilentinBengHazi lost anyway. IOW ... it was as close as it was only because of the misinformation campaign on her behalf, and the voter fraud issues ... on her behalf......

Here is a question for you (or anyone) --

How is Russian-bots buying Facebook ads today any worse than Soviets giving direct financial, logistical and organizational aid to the Anti-War protests and Black Panthers of the 1960s and 70s?

I ask because the folks who are so very upset about Russians interference today (the Left and their Media Partners) were not upset at all about those prior Russian interferences with internal US politics/social matters. How do you explain this beyond the obvious? (their side lost this time)

To me, Russians being able to hack our power grids or air control is a very big deal and must be dealt with quickly and with as harsh a treatment as is necessary.

However, political ads are, if anything, just a form of bias confirmation. I think most Americans self-teach themselves to tune out political ads -- whether on TV, radio, in print or on a computer screen. The tuning out might even be on the subconscious level, like people do who live next to a train track or under an airport flight path. In other words, I dont think they matter much. The voters who agree with the point of the ad already agreed. It is confirmation bias. There are plenty of studies to support this. Plus, I would argue that Trump himself just proved it since he spent so little on ads, while Hillary spent billions. Hillary's over-the-top ad spending spree may have even hurt her.

So, again, how is that what happened or may have happened in 2016 somehow worse than the Soviets helping the Weather Underground with their bomb-making in the early 1970s? I just dont see it.
Constantly my friend.

LOL! The same guy claiming the influence didn't matter was the one that was influenced and spreading the Russian propaganda. You see, it wasn't just the $100k but rather the alt-right magnified it by spreading it because it fit their stark view of the "opponent". Fact.
How is Russian-bots buying Facebook ads today any worse than Soviets giving direct financial, logistical and organizational aid to the Anti-War protests and Black Panthers of the 1960s and 70s?

My limited understanding is that the goal is very much the same ... the tactics and the changes in our populace's mental stability have proven to make those tactics more effective in achieving their goal of disrupting our society ... e.g. government.

So ... once again, we can see where we've become vulnerable with our society's accepting error as truth, favoring feelings over reason.

I could be wrong.
LOL! The same guy claiming the influence didn't matter was the one that was influenced and spreading the Russian propaganda. You see, it wasn't just the $100k but rather the alt-right magnified it by spreading it because it fit their stark view of the "opponent". Fact.

How long did that "influence" last? Not very long. It's long term effects are minimal even though I'm sure you could find exceptions.. Besides, how were people deceived in this case? Boston Antifa is for the most part putting out info that the real Antifa believes in (some of it was definitely silly though). Are you saying the Russians are guilty of making a domestic terrorist group look even worse? LOL! Who cares? Anyway, the Russians have been doing this crap for years and your side didn't really give a damn until you lost an election. Yeah, nobody likes the propaganda the Russia and China put out but it's minuscule compared to the propaganda that the left leaning media puts out. Because of the leftist media people actually believe there are more than two genders, that Russia is the reason that Hillary lost, and that supply side economics doesn't work despite the fact that Democrat and Republican presidents alike have experienced great success with it. That's the kind of propaganda that terrifies me, not the Russian stuff.
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Further, none of this began in the 1950s.

yeah, I know ... but for a pretty important 5 or 6 years, however, the Russians were an ally during WWII ... then the Cold War started ... then the Iron Curtain, Kruschev, etc ... that was the 50s when that originated, which gave birth to an entirely new volume of Defense Doctrine as well as weapons/tactics in the DOD, formerly Dpt of War.

Not to mention McCarthyism.

So ... the effort isn't new, regardless. As I mentioned before, however, we are more susceptible as a nation because as a people, we've stopped thinking at all, and feel MOST about ourselves to the Nth Degree. This can be seen in the relative percentage decrease in charitable giving, and I'm not referencing the 1040 entry. Our GDP has increased (however painfully slowly the last decade) since both of our time frames and our support of charitable organizations/efforts has not kept-pace.

it's all about ME. That didn't happen overnight, but it DID happen. Codifying in the law the responsibility to attend to everyones' welfare ... well. Here we are. 20+ trillion in debt and even "SlashMouth" Trump isn't stopping it.

The greatest generation understood threats to the nation. Today, we only look to use crisis to buttress our pet projects; which includes a banana-nut muffin for me for which YOU have paid.
....So ... once again, we can see where we've become vulnerable with our society's accepting error as truth, favoring feelings over reason. I could be wrong.

I think our society is better educated than ever before. At least a bigger portion of the population has undergrads degrees than at any other time in history. (immigration is constantly dragging these stats down but that is a different fight for a different day). I will agree with you that there is more stimuli than ever before. How much information stimuli could the average citizen get back in the day before electricity, phones, computers and mass production were invented?

Nonetheless, US elections have always been nasty. Thomas Jefferson vs. John Adams were extremely hostile affairs. When Andrew Jackson ran, they were unbelievably cruel to his wife, who was not running for anything. And so on and so forth. And, just as we have today, there was collusion between the Parties and the Press (although perhaps not as one-sided!) And the bias and nasty things they wrote back during Jefferson and Jackson could rival MSNBC, the NYT, CNN and the HuffPo of today. So, again, history does not justify the idea that unfair accusations and misinformation in political campaigns is any different today.

There is certainly more of it available. But I dont agree it necessarily makes us more vulnerable. To get to this conclusion with regard to the 2016 Election, you have to buy into the idea that Russian bots caused Hillary to lose the election. This was not the case. We know why she lost. Just like we know how the Twin Towers came down. But there is always going to be a certain percentage of the population vulnerable to conspiracy theories. This will never change.
Just like we know how the Twin Towers came down. But there is always going to be a certain percentage of the population vulnerable to conspiracy theories. This will never change.

Might wanna double check with Musburger before closing the book on the Twin Towers culprits. Might have a curveball ready. :smile1:
Quite a few things to cover here --

......This can be seen in the relative percentage decrease in charitable giving, and I'm not referencing the 1040 entry.

Dont the stats show us that Republicans and/or Conservatives give about the same percentage that they always have, as long as we include religious contributions/tithing?

......Our GDP has increased (however painfully slowly the last decade)....

GDP growth naturally slows as economies mature. But remember 3% growth of the US econ is still more in real terms than 8% of almost any other economy in the world. And if you meant Obama was bad for the economy, then we agree. I still think Trump is going to get us to 4%+ somewhere during his first term. We will see.

....... 20+ trillion in debt and even "SlashMouth" Trump isn't stopping it......

I think everyone knows the real issue here. Show me below which part you are going to cut that would make a significant difference. The one easy fix was already done (by Bill Clinton and the Gingrich Rs). And even that was controversial at the time.

Even if we had a President determined to get us back to fiscal sanity, whether he/she either did not care about re-election of was already in a 2nd term, then it still has to get by the Congress. And I have never seen any willingness by these people to do the hard work on entitlements/non-discretionary spending that must be done.

this 2015 pie chart shows ~ 60% non-discretionary. But I think its actually closer to 64%. Either way, that's the bulk of it.
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Might wanna double check with Musburger before closing the book on the Twin Towers culprits. Might have a curveball ready. :smile1:

I have a bright friend, UMich grad, good economist, whose life was somewhat disrupted by him buying into the Alex Jones/Troofer conspiracy. He eventually recovered, but it took some time. He is a great guy but sadly, he is now back on that slippery slope. It's hard to watch, like an addict slipping into darkness. You just feel so hopeless.

As to Musberger, I dont see the benefit to Russian hackers/bots pushing a 2001 conspiracy theory. What do they gain from that now?
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Texans and Titans all just stood for the flag
All Texans players have stood all season
The Texans had one player take a knee last season, but he is not playing now because he is holding out for more money. Go figure.
Last week with the Texans on the road at New England, the only players kneeling were a few Pats' players and their home fans booed the crap out of them. And these guys just won the Super Bowl for them

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Odd picture to accompany that, since the Cowboys were not kneeling during the National Anthem.

Why odd?
The tweet/article headline read "Ticket salesman: "We have seen a massive decrease in NFL ticket purchases this past week""
The pic seems related to the article it accompanied. Did you read it?
I think our society is better educated than ever before.

Perhaps you mean “has the most knowledge”

Educated cannot be measured only by quantity of college degrees. As we are seeing, the business of college means an award of a degree only means enough time and money was invested to be recognized as a degree holder from said institution.

But that doesn’t really address the direction I was going ... when our LAW is changed by actions of those who feel rather than think ...

When it’s a greater offense to wet a hook without a license than to illegally immigrate ...

The list is virtually endless and is growing. The increased number of degrees has not mitigated this March of idiocy. In fact, one could argue it’s made us that much more maniacal as we boast in our own level of perceived wisdom ... clearly shown by the sheepskins (do they still do that???) on the wall.

One of the lefts favs said it best, actually, in the challenge to touch the moon ... a challenge to the nation, not to a specific demographic which registers a certain quotient on the offender/victim matrix.

THIS is why the the efforts made by these foreign operatives have been more successful in disrupting our elections/government than black panther car bombs.

Another analogy ... because of OUR ineptness as a society ... we’ve become susceptible to the Jedi mind trick.

We are a herd of cattle whom the rancher has imposed his will by influencing us to think its OUR idea to run down the load chute or cut back out to pasture from the corral.

If cattle could think, there wouldn’t BE a cattle business.

See the parallel?

Dont the stats show us that Republicans and/or Conservatives give about the same percentage that they always have, as long as we include religious

Precisely what I said I was not referencing. The budgets of the real charities (not United’s way) the budgets of those which are sincere (+/- those who have the top 10 ratio of contributions to aid provided) ... have not kept pace with the GDP growth.

AFA what to cut from the Fed Budget ... real simple. What’s in the pre 1913 Constitution/CFR? Fund those responsibilities and reject the rest.

That means no more Govt sosh security, Medicare ... and ... curiously an approximate equivalent number of other expenditures to the number of insane laws as I referenced previously.

Perhaps you mean “has the most knowledge”
Educated cannot be measured only by quantity of college degrees. As we are seeing, the business of college means an award of a degree only means enough time and money was invested to be recognized as a degree holder from said institution.

OK, I'll agree
Two points
(1) More Americans have 4-year degrees than ever before. And this used to be one of the pillars of the American Dream. Just seems like the goalposts get moved whenever its convenient;
(2) What legitimate alternative do you propose to measure "education?" SAT results are related to what I gave but the increased number of test takers have skewed those results. And if you break this down by category, you will quickly get attacked. Same for IQ.
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What chance do you think there is of this ever happening?
(Divest sosh security)

None until enough of us wake up and understand the Govt has no responsibility to our personal welfare. None until we actually demonstrate a commensurate level of “education.”

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