Dumb Political Correctness

College rebellion is about getting angry and speaking out when surrounded by dozens of people who are shouting at the same person, so you never feel outnumbered, or that your opinion will make you less likable to people you care about - or in some cases that will ever actually come in contact with and are not related to you.
Now liberals see evil imagery in milk. Is there no end to their nuttiness?

"Milk is the new, creamy symbol of white racial purity in Donald Trump's America"
".... The whole milk-chugging, anti-vegan narrative is complicated by a number of factors, not least of which being that Adolf Hitler was possibly vegetarian for a short time, or that there are many places in Africa where milk is a dietary staple.

Then again, white racial purity is a fragile pseudo-science, so trying to find a sound explanation is a tall order anyway."

It has really bothered me that liberals have taken up this cry - there was something in the Washington Post this last week claiming "this is what the Bible really says" about immigration. Never mind the fact that the Post couldn't care less what the Bible says about anything unless it supports its agenda. Never mind the fact that they quote from the same Old Testament law that also says the government should inflict "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, fracture for fracture" and also tells the Israelites to wipe out all the natives in the land when they take it over, and not to allow their culture to influence them in their new home. Weird how they never quote that part. (Not to mention what it has to say about homosexuality - but hey, the issue is open borders.) Never mind that the part about "for you also were sojourners" is referring to a nation to which it actually applied, and isn't addressed to anyone else.

The Bible is written for individuals, to be applied by individuals to their lives. The Bible says nothing about how a nation should allow people of wildly different cultures and values to come in and establish their own communities separate and apart from national culture. What it does say is that if you as an individual see someone who is a "sojourner" or "foreigner", then you should treat him as a brother, you should seek his welfare and love him as yourself.

It's a lot easier if we can just get the government to do it for us, so we can go back to our Facebook rants and not have to actually do anything ourselves.
Don't forget the Pope and his views of birth control and abortion.
The hypocrisy is astonishing, and I keep thinking I can't be astonished any more.
Top this one.

Steph Gongora recently shared a video of herself on Instagram performing yoga in an all white outfit while menstruating. That wouldn't be any big deal, but she deliberately didn't use a tampon or anything else for "protection". She calls it "free bleeding". She wanted to make a point about "period shame".


Thanks Lena Dunham. Now women can unashamedly perform all their bodily functions in public.

I vote we bring back shame and maybe a little decorum.
IIRC "free bleeding" has been around for quite a while. Perhaps now it's getting more airplay due to social media. Charlie Strong was at least right about that.
Thanks Lena Dunham. Now women can unashamedly perform all their bodily functions in public.

I don't understand the logic that because something is a natural bodily function, there's no need to have a little discretion. Yes, menstruation is a natural function (same for breastfeeding). So is urinating, but there's a reason why we don't drop our pants and go wherever we are. It isn't shame. It's called modesty and cleanliness, but in the crackpot world of political correctness, those once-universally accepted values are now up for debate.
lol- "NAACP requires photo ID to attend anti voter ID protest march"

The assumption in that tweet is that the NAACP is checking the ID. Is that realistic for a march? I could understand a closed event rally but a march? Could they really be recommending the ID in case law enforcement is engaged?
So a white guy in Minn is running for local office against an incumbent Latina

Anyone want to guess what he is now?

He is now a racist -- just for running

".... You are choosing to put yourself forward against a Latina, an immigrant. You will be looking for ways to counter Councilmember Cano’s work, while at the same time attempt to shield your actions from anything that might obviously refer to your racial differences.”

“It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t do to try and get around this. As a white man choosing to run at this moment, you have agreed to participate in this moment of deep racial pain and divide....."

There is a 3rd candidate in the race. But he is black, so, oddly enough, no Facebook love letter for him.

So a white guy in Minn is running for local office against an incumbent Latina

Anyone want to guess what he is now?

He is now a racist -- just for running

".... You are choosing to put yourself forward against a Latina, an immigrant. You will be looking for ways to counter Councilmember Cano’s work, while at the same time attempt to shield your actions from anything that might obviously refer to your racial differences.”

“It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t do to try and get around this. As a white man choosing to run at this moment, you have agreed to participate in this moment of deep racial pain and divide....."

There is a 3rd candidate in the race. But he is black, so, oddly enough, no Facebook love letter for him.

And the irony of it, the dude is gay. I guess that doesn't trump being black or Hispanic in the grievance hierarchy.
Even language is now discriminatory.

The chief writing instructor at the University of Washington, Tacoma, is trying to dismantle the rules of grammar because he believes they are racist—and the college has given its endorsement to his campaign.

Posters that appeared this week in the college’s writing center are part of a new effort to teach students that the conventional rules on how to structure sentences and form ideas in written language are perpetuating inequality and “white supremacy.”

“Racism is the normal condition of things. Racism is pervasive. It is in the systems, structures, rules, languages, expectations and guidelines that make up our classes, school, and society,” the poster claims. It goes on to say that critiquing a student’s use of language, or implying that there is any one grammatical standard within the English language, is inherently discriminatory.

They think Clinton lost because she lost Dem voters to Third and Fourth parties because she was too conservative!!!

That's a pretty bizarre argument considering where she lost the election. is progressivism really the key to winning back the rust belt? Or maybe they thought that if she won NY by MORE votes, that would lap over into other electorates?
Meanwhile, the NY Times is advising the Dems to go further Left into Looneyville. They think Clinton lost because she lost Dem voters to Third and Fourth parties because she was too conservative!!!


The New York Times...or Steve Phillips? It's an Op-Ed column.

Steve Phillips is dead wrong on this. They need to be the moderate option to the alt-right. The Democrats had a crappy candidate in a year in which they face a "desire for change". No need to read more into it than that.

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