The Media Industry

NBC Chuck Todd again
This time colluding with the DNC over Morning Joe stuff

Joe...I enjoy this DNC stuff as much as anyone and I do think an out of touch liberal mindset is actually material in what we're seeing. It disgusts me.

But, I'm pretty sure the communication folks at the RNC probably develop PR/media campaigns that are also discussed very candidly in private and may not come across well in wikileaks.

Though "package-eligible gun owners" just doesn't sound the same. Ha.
Yeah you're right, probably be best to keep slowly releasing emails til November.
I'm telling ya...Comey did the GOP a favor.

If Nate Silver is right in his warnings, we're going to get an inditment. We'll just have to wait until the Spring. Can Obama pardon someone even if they haven't been charged with anything?
But, I'm pretty sure the communication folks at the RNC probably develop PR/media campaigns that are also discussed very candidly in private and may not come across well in wikileaks.....

I would be curious to see-
(1) How the RNC must have freaked out when it finally dawned on them Trump was going to win; and
(2) Whether they spent more time trying to defeat Hillary or Trump.
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DNC Communications head Luis Miranda seems to think Cruz' father may have actually had something to do with the JFK assassination

The whole thing is troubling on multiple fronts
Wikileaks is a essentially a Russian operation now.
And so the Russians have stuck their big vodka swollen noses into the American political process, which is offensive.

Still, no one else would have the guts to obtain and then publish this material.
So, for now, I give it a healthy nostrovia.
Russians believe Hillary wants to start a war with Russia. I believe the same.
Mr December
Good point. So why was Nixon pardoned? Hadn't Congress brought charges against him?

I wonder if Wiki has emails on the RNC ?
Actually MrD
I need to look this up when I can but I remember this from the Bush years and threats of impeachment
I am pretty sure I remember Nixon was charged by the House
But it is also possible I am wrong so I will look it up when I can
Actually MrD
I need to look this up when I can but I remember this from the Bush years and threats of impeachment
I am pretty sure I remember Nixon was charged by the House
But it is also possible I am wrong so I will look it up when I can

Of course, the House Judiciary Committee did pass impeachment articles, and one of them was contempt of Congress, which is a crime. However, impeachment articles only bring charges for removal from office. They aren't criminal. The Justice Department would have to go through the normal indictment process to bring criminal charges.

Would Nixon have actually been charged? I don't think Jimmy Carter would have done it. He called for national healing, and as a state politician, he didn't have a huge axe to grind with Nixon. However, suppose Ted Kennedy had won the 1976 election. He was very critical of the pardon and may very well have pursued criminal charges. (Interestingly, in later years, Kennedy admitted that he was wrong and that Ford had done the right thing.)
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It is telling to see how little other news agencies reporting on this. I had to edit this now CNN is reporting Debbie Wasserman Schultz cannot speak at the convention because of the wiki leaks. This will get much bigger in the coming months..

Would there not be some legal implications from this? Could they lose their status as news media and therefore their confidentiality protections?
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