Orlando Massacre

How can you make that connection? Where in Christian ideology as we know it today does it call for murdering innocent people. Which Christian leaders when OKC happened were calling for the slaughter ? When did McVeigh express that he was killing in the name of God?

OTOH How many Muslims including an Iman in Orlando not only call for murder of gays they daily brutally murder gays all over the world?

Like me, McViegh was a Catholic, raised in the Church, confirmed, and in fact received Last Rights the day before his execution. As for your first question, look no further than the Christian Soldiers of the KKK. Those were not lower case "t's" they were burning. You also might want to check out the Old Testament. Your wording of "as we know it today" is a little empty of substance to the post you are replying to.

*** Out. :usflag:
When did McVeigh proclaim he killed innocent people for God?
That is really a weak attempt.
I have read your posts for years and usually they are more to point.
I am not sure what point you are trying to make.
It seems since the OP was about a radical Islamist brutally murdering innocent people simply because they were gay and the fact of many Muslims including an Iman in Orlando calling for murder of gays while other Islamist are daily murdering gays the focus might be on how to stop Islamists from doing it again
Yell do you think it will not happen again?
So you have the OKC guy from 20 years ago and the KKK which... hasnt conducted a major terrorist attack since the 1970s or early 1980s? I mean, why not bring up the crusades and other irrelevant stuff in 2016? Maybe we should keep an eye on the germans because of the Kaiser 100 years ago?

How many islamic terrorists can you name over the past 5 years, 10 years and 15 years relative to christian terrorists.


Say what you will about Bill Maher, but he gets it.

You are right yellowdawg that 30 years ago there was a lot of Christain intolerence including some violence against gays. But it was not a Christain that killed 49 gay people at a club last weekend.

Live in the present.

(The left makes fun of W for fighting Al Qaeda by attacking Saddam, yet they complain about Christianity after every Islamic terrorist attack. It seems the left is as equally confused as W was. The moral is Americans of all stripes like to blame whatever it is they dont like, no matter how unrelated, after a terrorist attack.)
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How can you make that connection? Where in Christian ideology as we know it today does it call for murdering innocent people. Which Christian leaders when OKC happened were calling for the slaughter ? When did McVeigh express that he was killing in the name of God

Just be glad they havent brought up the Crusades yet
Wow that reminder does not exactly give us confidence in the FBI or DHS

Well BO has used the Crusades of 11th- 12th century as proof Christians are no more civilized than Muslims of 21st century
Well BO has used the Crusades of 11th- 12th century as proof Christians are no more civilized than Muslims of 21st century

Since the primary reason behind the crusades was to defeat and remove invading, murderous, and destructive Muslims, El Jefe's "crusades" reference was a poor choice.
Since the primary reason behind the crusades was to defeat and remove invading, murderous, and destructive Muslims, El Jefe's "crusades" reference was a poor choice.

Obama pretends the Crusades were a one way street. Is he ignorant of history, or is he assuming Americans are? Neither answer is a good look.
trying to draw similarities between islam and Christianity DOES illustrate gross misunderstanding ... or an overtly covert effort to reduce Christianity. That's not new, it's been happening for 2000 years, now. But one day, the Truth will be known.

AFA the OP, in the event you'll lurk the thread you started, I regret your experience sir ... and I hope you'll be able to find Peace, which passes understanding.

You have tried to slander certain personalities who are professed Christians ... you even note they're not perfect ... but hold fast to the effort of maligning the Message. That will not end well for anyone.

You have the freedom to live your life how you choose ... thanks to the bravery of those Founding Fathers ... and every serviceman ever since. You have the freedom to express your thoughts and feelings on this board. Seek the Truth and know the Peace.

I wonder if the "radical" homosexual community and supporters will acknowledge what Chik-Fil-A did on their normal day of business closure. I'm sure it was just a sleaze-ball effort to manipulate the PR from before, right?
And kids, I am done with this post. My point was to document my anger, horror, and rage. To give others something to think about. To hopefully lead myself, and others, to redemption. Regardless of what they call their God

So 20 years from now when Gays are being attacked over and over by radical Muslim terrorist, you'll still be reaching to the early 1990's that Christians are a bad religion because of a guy named Tim McVeigh? A guy that didn't practice any beliefs of the Christian religion? You are directing your anger, horror, and rage the wrong direction my friend.
The shooter was apparently gay and a registered democrat. Next thing someone will tell me is that Donald Trump is the republican candidate for president.
So BO can't be bothered to call the Gov of Fla where 50 innocent people who happened to be gay were killed?
WTF? So much for him caring about the LGBT community. Apparently Hillary hasn't called either
But Trump has and Bush 43

from link below:
"Scott recalled being on a call with the White House following last November's attacks in Paris, saying that he asked the administration to share vetting information for anyone who comes into "my state, and they said no," with respect to refugees.

"They said, 'Oh, those people have privacy rights,'" Scott said. "What about our security rights? The security of making sure if you live in my state, you're going to be safe. I'm responsible for the safety of the people of my state. I'm fed up >"

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/rick-scott-no-obama-call-224303#ixzz4BYniPvjL
All 3 were interviewed and/or screened by the feds and determined to be non-threats

Here is an Observer article attempting to reconcile some of this --

"..... The FBI’s double look at Mateen deserves close scrutiny. We know that the Bureau looked into him in 2013 after he talked threateningly at work about his alleged ties to international terrorism. The following year, Mateen popped up on the FBI’s radar again due to possible links to Moner Abu Salha, a 22-year-old Palestinian-American from Florida who died as a suicide bomber in Syria in 2014. In both cases, the FBI interviewed Mateen, found nothing requiring additional investigation, and moved on.

This was a significant missed opportunity, given what the security guard-turned-self-styled jihadist later did. It’s easy to find fault with the FBI here, but the reality is that the Bureau deals with hundreds of these cases every year, Americans who may be turning into jihadists, and most such investigations never go very far. The number of people in the United States who fit the Omar Mateen profile—an angry Muslim with extreme views and violent tendencies but no criminal record nor any detectable ties to international terrorism—runs into the thousands. FBI resources are limited, most such nutcases turn out to be delusional rather than bona fide terrorists, and not many of these scary individuals wind up on the Bureau’s radar for very long. Director James Comey’s comments today that the FBI did its job when it investigated Omar Mateen, and had no need to do anything differently, reflect reality as it exists in our government......"
"number of people in the United States who fit the Omar Mateen profile—an angry Muslim with extreme views and violent tendencies but no criminal record nor any detectable ties to international terrorism—runs into the thousands"

Well that right there is pretty scary. I got an idea:smokin:
let's create a government agency, fund it with taxpayer money, hire thousands of counselors and ask each of these disaffected domestic muslims what mean ol bad America did to make them angry and how much more we need to give them so they will not hate us so much.
"number of people in the United States who fit the Omar Mateen profile—an angry Muslim with extreme views and violent tendencies but no criminal record nor any detectable ties to international terrorism—runs into the thousands"

Well that right there is pretty scary. I got an idea:smokin:
let's create a government agency, fund it with taxpayer money, hire thousands of counselors and ask each of these disaffected domestic muslims what mean ol bad America did to make them angry and how much more we need to give them so they will not hate us so much.

We have every reason to go to great lengths to figure out why disaffected domestic Muslims get so angry that they resort to terrorism. This doesn't mean we should agree with them, or sympathize with them, or give in to them. But if we don't do our best to understand them, we are DOOOOOOMED*.

*Sorry, I thought I was in On The Field there for a second there.
So what reasons could these disaffected domestic muslims give us in your view that would help us prevent them from being disaffected?
I read a stat yesterday that over half the muslim related terror incidence in our country were committed by children of immigrants. And we know what is happening with the Somalis we allowed in.
So what could living here in this country that has and is giving do much to these people and their children cause anyone to be disaffected ?
The shooter was apparently gay and a registered democrat.

Isn't that ironic (sorry Alanis). Well, his Dad did say that this was all about his being upset because he saw two gay men kiss in Miami. Maybe one of them was his boyfriend?
Isn't that ironic (sorry Alanis). Well, his Dad did say that this was all about his being upset because he saw two gay men kiss in Miami. Maybe one of them was his boyfriend?

Or someone he had hoped would be up to the task...
If this guy was gay, is it possible he couldn't reconcile being gay with his faith? Other reports had detailed that this father also was outspoken against the LGBT community.
That was my thought as well.Between his father and the Iman in Orlando who called for killing of gays it could have gotten to him.
too bad he didn't just kill himself, that he felt he had to kill other innocent gay people.
That was my thought as well.Between his father and the Iman in Orlando who called for killing of gays it could have gotten to him.
too bad he didn't just kill himself, that he felt he had to kill other innocent gay people.

That might explain why in his 911 call he pledged support for ISIS and that Al-Nusra suicide bomber who fought against ISIS. Recognizing he was staring at his own demise, he was doing anything he could to get into his own version of "heaven". If his homosexual practices ramped up since his divorce all the while he radicalized himself with ISIS execution and propaganda videos he literally was learning to hate himself.

This doesn't remotely excuse the outcome but understanding what led up to it is essential to preventing similar acts in the future.

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