Your silence is golden...

CP, except children are born every day prematurely and survive, so even "fetuses" can be removed from the mother and survive. I know there is a limit to that but it's not an absolute thing like some people are trying in vain to make it seem like.

Trying hard to understand how a human isn't a human though. The mentality is takes to say something like that is mind boggling.
I thought there were criminal penalties associated with disturbing the Legislature while it was in session?

If there are, why were no arrests made?

I still don't get what Choice there is about this barbaric practice of medicine to rip a baby out of your womb? How about the choice to use a condom or protection, when you can start making wise choices you will be allowed to make choices on a babies life. If you can't afford a baby then take the necessary choices to not get pregnant.

Then the other issue, you have the guy in Philadelphia's backroom abortion clinic and we want to make sure that does not happen in Texas, what is wrong with that?

Your choice began long before you were pregnant and if you are considering abortion, your choices have all been we are taking the choice of going to a backroom abortion doctor away from you to protect you from yourself, as you have proven that you can't make reasonable choices.

You must have this abortion in a certain type of profesional facility, not someone that offers abortions out of a strip mall.
I wasn't even trying to draw anybody offsides lol. guess that what i get for mentioning the latest news items in a thread I thought was talking about how quitet it has been.
I base my opinion on the fact that that have a brain, lungs, arms, legs and other body parts. I also base it on the fact that, as mentioned above, they can survive outside of the womb prematurely. Now, upon what do you base your opinion that they are not human?
What a crazy, and sometimes childish, thread.

I don't think we even know for sure that the op was about the abortion bill. I thought it was about DOMA and Prop 8. However, looking back, I am now guessing it was both.

I responded b/c I think the SCOTUS did well today. But let us go to abortion....and since I was called out....I will respond.

I am liberal. I am a democrat. I guarantee you that I am not an idiot. That said, I have great sympathy for the pro life crowd. Just like the SC said yesterday in the VRA decision, things have changed. Medical technology has changed and the rules regarding abortion need to change with them. Yes, that is just common sense. So, Texas wants to change the rule to 20 weeks...fine....I am ok with that. However, you still have a problem....20 weeks and no days is OK, but 20 weeks and one day is murder. I hate having a hard line like that, but I guess we have no choice.

However, I am actually happy that the new law didn't go through. I don't like such an important and divisive issue like this coming to vote on the last day of a special session called for a different issue. And, I really don't like the other provision, in the name of safety, which would create only five legal abortion clinics in Texas. That is crazy. Even if you are pro life, you have to realize the the SC says abortion is legal. Change the number of weeks and that is OK by me. Make it so that many young woman in Texas have no opportunity to get an abortion and I call ********.
Again, don't ask me. Ask your lawmakers, your churches, said attorneys. I'm not in a position nor possess the authority, or knowledge to answer your dilemmatic question.
I must have missed the part of the law that stated they had no "opportunity". They still have them, they just have to work a little harder to get them. How will they establish the 20 week deadline? When a doctor pronounces the pregnancy and decides a start date? The legislators in charge of the calendar blew this one. Pointy Boots will call another session over it.
There are more than 5 Ambulatory facilities in the state of Texas. Just a quick look up at the DHS for the state of Texas there are over 17 pages with over 20 such facilities on each page, so well over 340 such facilities.

Get the clinics out of the strip malls an or out of the low income neighborhood houses that have been converted into Abortion Clinics, there is one of those less than 3 miles from the state capitol on 7th street.

The number of weeks, you have to find a compromise there, 20 weeks is 5 months so you are more than halfway through carrying to term, I think that is reprehensible but I can compromise today with that number.

Again, these women getting abortions are consistently making bad choices, let's not let them make another bad choice and go to a strip mall or a specialist of abortion and making money off of abortion. Let's get them to legitimate healthcare facilities that will educate them on what it does to their bodies and the unborn child.

Abortion is a barbaric practice that must come to end except in the most extreme circumstances.
Having spent time in and around the NICU I must say that with today's medical technology things are very different than they were 20/30 years ago. Go visit a friend or family member who has a baby born at 24 weeks and I promise while your final opinion might not change it will definitely make you rethink your opinion on late term abortions. And as Eater said some of these things such as the defining line of when you can can't have an abortion should definitely be looked at again. As for the other parts of the bill, I'd like to see some numbers on how many women who go in for an abortion end up needing additional medical attention. I wouldn't of thought many until reading about the doctor in Pennsylvania who apparently was a butcher of women and the babies.
I really don't have a dog in the fight on the issue of gay marriage. I do have a dog in the fight when the SC decides to ignore the Constitution and practice federalism. They should have thrown this case back to the states as in no ruling. The SC had no business ruling on marriage one way or the other.

Are you sure you want to further degrade state's rights? Someday, it will be an issue that you don't agree with, then your panties will be in a wad.
Major- "Your choice began long before you were pregnant, and if you are considering abortion, your choices have all been bad...."

I could not have said that better. Why is abortion the only choice?? Birth control is close to 100% effective. I had a college roommate who had abortions rather than using the pill because the pill might make you gain weight. Disgusting.

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