Your BEST o.u. memory.....

My favorite memory was Rod Wright scurrying for a TD like a bear stealing an acorn, after Bomar got bomared and landed on his head again.

That was such an emotional win, getting that 5 year monkey off our back, and making it every bit as brutal as any of the previous OU winds over us.
Very first Tx-OU was 1984, #1 vs #2, we tied, it rained like crazy, Teltschik with the big punt to change field position, was the last time I saw Texas play as the #1 team in the nation until Ohio State came to town in 2006.
That 1989 win was the best Texas-OU game I ever attended in person.

I woke up sick as a dog that morning. I had the flu or something. I told my wife I didn't want to go. She didn't want to let all the money I'd spent for tickets and plane fare to go to waste. So, I got on the plane, flew from SA to Dallas, and took a cab to the game. Luckily my seats were between the 20s, but even better, in the shade. It was a good game, capped off by Walker's leaping grab.

It was the first time we'd beat OU since 1983. Going down the ramp after the game, there was a drunk Texas fan who kept shouting "F*ck OU" at the top of his lungs all the way down. There was a bunch of Okies in front of me who were getting pretty pissed. I was certain that with my luck I was going to be in the middle of a brawl, but it didn't happen.
2000. I watched OU screw aroung with KU the week before well into the 3rd quarter. I drove in the rain from our friend's house in Bridgeport where we left the kids feeling like UT was going to beat that arse and we were going to have to sit in the rain and watch it all. The rain stopped as we pulled into the Cotton Bowl. I was wrong. 63-7. Awesome day... Sorry.
I remember it well, sitting in 107. Our kids played so well and so physical to have the game turn on that fumbled punt (sounds like January 2, 1984). I was crushed and sure we lost the game.



I went to HS with Ivey Suber, the guy that fumbled. IIRC he played RHB in DKRs bone, and I didn't recall any time he carried the ball at Wyatt in his left hand. I kept thinking that would bite us in the butt someday, he looked akward carrying the ball to the left. He was working pt time as a cameraman for kvue or one of the stations before Freddie took over (Ivey didn't play beyond 76). Not sure where he is now but I'm sure that fumble gives him nightmares

...does me
Been going since 1976, but on a personal level, standing in the tunnel for the 1994 game as the teams made their way down the ramp right before kickoff. Pretty spectacular.

ou SUX!

Hook 'Em!!
1989 game was my first TX/ou game as a sophomore, I was always a fan as kid because of Earl, but this experience made me love The University of Texas, and made it personal. San Antonio Holmes high school was in my District, and watching Wilbur Odom, Johnny Walker, and the Cash brothers, and then seeing these dudes (sans Odom who went to Meatchicken) suit up for the Horns and stand out in each of these games, was the greatest feeling ever sitting in student draw tickets in the endzone, in the last row, (no upper deck back then), in the cold, but when Johnny caught that pass, is was nothing but Jim Beam infused Joy and elation and I was hooked. Close second was 1990, when I had prior commitment that got resolved the week of the game, but my friends all got 50 yardline student draw tickets, and I went up for the ride, and walking across the parking lot with one finger in the air prior to walking into the Fair, a gentleman asked, "you a student?" Me: "yes sir!" And he just hands me a ticket to the game. God Bless you sir where ever you may be! That's the game where the Silver Spurs couldn't find Bevo and I suppose were in a time crunch, and just grabbed another longhorn for the game, and as we walked into the Cotton Bowl, we were all like "That ain't Bevo" so coming off the 1987 NFL players strike, we dubbed him Scab Bevo! Forever known to our group of friends as the Scab Bevo TX/ou game
2000. I watched OU screw aroung with KU the week before well into the 3rd quarter. I drove in the rain from our friend's house in Bridgeport where we left the kids feeling like UT was going to beat that arse and we were going to have to sit in the rain and watch it all. The rain stopped as we pulled into the Cotton Bowl. I was wrong. 63-7. Awesome day... Sorry.
Take it to West Mall Barry!:whiteflag:
1990- I actually managed to be in the tunnel with the team before they came out on the field.

They let Texas out of the locker room first but way up the ramp. Then further down the ramp OU came out of the locker room and staged in the ramp. OU was in front of us and they turned to us and were barking like dogs( which was a new thing) and doing horns down in the tunnel. Big Mistake-I was next to Anthony Curl in the tunnel and he looked like someone just called his mom a name...ala real pissed but focused. Texas just looked at them with a “there’s the field, and we are gonna kick your *** because we are Texas ” It was an eerie confidence.

Texas wins even though we were big underdogs.

I'm standing to the right of the goal posts in that end zone when he makes the catch. It was the first Tx-OU game I covered at the Texan, wrote the game story, I'm positive I felt the ground shake when he caught that pass. Remember walking back to the press box across the field, seeing Steve Ross walking across the field, looking around to see if anyone was watching and then hitting a double fist pump.

That game was before I knew there was an internet or I would have been banned from this board for life. After beating Stoops his first year, I told people at the Fair Grounds that next year won’t be fun. Leach has no WRs. He was using stone handed RBs as WR. I warned that when he got WRs, they were going to kick out butt.

It ain’t rocket science. Again welcome back.
The most odd feeling ive ever felt was when we tied in 1995. I believe we jumped out to a 14-0 lead. When the game ended tied every fan walked out of the stadium flat. The fair which usually has some spark was ho hum. It was the weirdest feeling I've ever had after a game. I felt deprived of expected emotion one way or another.
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I remember it well, sitting in 107. Our kids played so well and so physical to have the game turn on that fumbled punt (sounds like January 2, 1984). I was crushed and sure we lost the game.

IIRC, the OU DS was from Stratford HS. When we lined up for the extra point, Ernest Lee from Tyler John Tyler lined up over center and told the kid, "you're gonna snap the ball clean over his head". I think the snap landed about the 20 line.


Attended about 25 ou games over 50 years including 2018 victory. Gawd I hate ou as much as I did at 15 years old!

RE: Sabre - ' 76 ou game....

I was there with my HS sweetheart, a Soph. at ou (later transferred to TCU) but that is another story... :rolleyes1:

OMG! Horns were so beat up, Earl was out, but Horns rose to the challenge. Pres. Gerald Ford there. DKR and Barney in the press the week before. Incredible hype before that game. Hardest hitting college game I ever saw. Horns got a bitter 6-6 tie that day.

Thank gawd Uwe Von Schamann missed a PAT that day.

Game that started ou SUCKS! chant!!

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2008. We were up 38-35 with a few minutes left running the ball out, and Ogbonnaya breaks out a 60 yard run down to the 2 yard line. I was in the front of the upper deck right above that corner of the endzone he was running toward.
Play before that was huge. 3rd and like 3 and Colt scrambles and finds Obie on a short pass and a 1st down. Next play history.
The most odd feeling ive ever felt was when we tied in 1995. I believe we jumped out to a 14-0 lead. When the game ended tied every fan walked out of the stadium flat. The fair which usually has some spark was ho hum. It was the weirdest feeling I've ever had after a game. I felt deprived of expected emotion one way or another.

Some of the worst officiating in the history of the series. Just awful. If I were an OU fan I'd be so pissed at the pic that was called out. Course even from the stands I could see the punters knee down. Not sure how you miss either one of those calls.
This Saturday will be my 48th in-a-row....

Without a doubt: 1977, Randy McEachern comes off the bench as the third string QB and helps us beat o.u. for the first time in 6 date and I walked all the way back to downtown Dallas leading a throng of Longhorns doing the same....what an elation!!!

^^^THIS. I was there for this one. A close 2nd for me was the 1994 game. True Frosh James Brown got the start, but the best play was when Stonie Clark blasted James Allen at the one to preserve the win 17-10.
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Some of the worst officiating in the history of the series. Just awful. If I were an OU fan I'd be so pissed at the pic that was called out. Course even from the stands I could see the punters knee down. Not sure how you miss either one of those calls.

That was in the 1980s, I think he was talking about 1995. We were up 21-0 and it ended up a 24-24 tie.
2000. I watched OU screw aroung with KU the week before well into the 3rd quarter. I drove in the rain from our friend's house in Bridgeport where we left the kids feeling like UT was going to beat that arse and we were going to have to sit in the rain and watch it all. The rain stopped as we pulled into the Cotton Bowl. I was wrong. 63-7. Awesome day... Sorry.
That was the more chickensh- - display of a coaching staff that I have witnessed. As I recall they were throwing for the endzone at end of the game with the 63-7 lead.
O.K. Dionysus, 63-14. Still chapped my rear when they were trying to increase the blowout. One thing I never liked about Mack was that he would take his foot off the throat of teams that would not be so kind to him.
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I was right on the goal line three rows up when Stonie made his stop in '94, that has to be best moment I saw in person. Close second is my first game in attendance in 1990 with the fourth down pass to Keith Cash in '90 and then the missed fg on last play of game.
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My favorite memory was Rod Wright scurrying for a TD like a bear stealing an acorn, after Bomar got bomared and landed on his head again.

That was such an emotional win, getting that 5 year monkey off our back, and making it every bit as brutal as any of the previous OU winds over us.
THAT moment could not have been written into the script without someone saying..."no one would believe this happens...."

THE BEST is after the game while standing in line for my Fletcher's....ROD WRIGHT's MOM & DAD come up right behind me in line and we get to spend the next 20 minutes jumping up and down and talking about the play....they were great and as excited as all of us to BEAT THE HELL OUTTA o.u. !!!

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