WORLD CUP 2010 (TV Schedules and brackets also)

Nobody wants to frickin score.
At this point, I've concluded that it's a shame someone has to win this match. Neither deserve it. Spain is a choke job incarnate and Holland has no class.
We may yet see a goal but if we dont I hate seeing PK's in this situation. I know TV would never allow it but PK's should never determine the world champ there should be a replay in 4 days.

I know, I know it will never happen but wouldnt it be more satisying?
Am I alone in my thought that Van Bommel should not even be on the pitch at this point and should have been sent off with a red already? This would be due to his antics. No, that last foul was not card worthy but his relentless aggression and dirty play has not been rewarded with its just deserts.

Once more Spain gives a clinic on how not to finish.
I know loop, thats our national sport down here.

BTW English announcers just accussed both teams of having terrible cases of stagefright.
The Dutch player just got nutmegged! Ha!

FW, I am going to learn how and be playing Cricket with some Indians and Pakistani's here in Austin. I look forward to it.
Somebody singled Navas out earlier and I agree. In fact, thus far I say he is the sub of the match. Fantastic performance off the bench for him.
Loop, enjoy learning I have been here three years and seen a ton of matches and still really dont understand a wicket from a bowler. The people here are nuts about it though and it is the lead in our sports page and takes over the tv stations for televised coverage whenever the West Indies play.
FW, I have a pretty good understanding from watching and having it explained (patiently). It looks like lots of fun. These guys are not pros by any measure so I won't be super far behind. At least if I ever visit India or a Cricket country somewhere I can play a pick up match or something. That may earn me some Masala Dosa.
Of course the free kick goes well over cross bar. Neither team wants to win this game they are both playing not to lose.
Long overdue, actually. Not necessarily on him but in general. The way the Dutch have played and with so many cards on them, it's overdue. Now it gets interesting.

As the tv dudes said, the Dutch really want it to go to PK's and the Spanish want to finish it now!!!
Another dive draws another yellow. This game needs to be put out of its misery. I take back what I said earlier a rematch of these two teams would be waste of time lets just award the trophy to neither and let it sit vacant for four years.
I came into this tournament a huge Robben fan. I considered him one of the top five players in the world. Maybe he is, but I am no longer a fan.

I genuinely do not recall him flopping so much in the Bundesliga.

LOS GOALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really like either of these teams anymore and was actually hoping for PK heartbreak, but I will say that if this result holds, it will be a deserved win for Spain.

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